• liferay7 Freemarker Variable Reference Guide



    <#assign userLocalService = serviceLocator.findService('com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.UserLocalService') />
    <#assign author_id = .vars['reserved-article-author-id'].data?number>
    <#assign author_user = userLocalService.getUserById(author_id)/>
    <#assign author_image = author_user.getPortraitURL(themeDisplay)/>

    Freemarker Variable Reference Guide

    By default, FreeMarker templates have access to several variables defined in init.ftl that you can use in your themes to access several theme objects, settings, and resources. Several of these variables are listed below for reference:

    Common Variables

    theme_display Returns the themeDisplay Java Object and all its methods
    portlet_display Returns the portletDisplay Java Object and all its methods
    layoutSet Returns the page set
    theme_timestamp Prints the date in the current locale with the given format
    theme_settings Retrieves theme settings. See configurable theme settings for more information.
    root_css_class Returns the root CSS class which indicates the direction of the page (ltr (left-to-right) by default)
    css_class Returns a string of the current classes applied to the body of the page
    page_group Retrieves the page group
    css_folder Returns the path to the theme’s css folder
    images_folder Returns the path to the theme’s images folder
    javascript_folder Returns the path to the theme’s javascript folder
    templates_folder Returns the path to the theme’s templates folder
    full_css_path Returns the full path, which includes the servlet context, to the theme’s css
    full_templates_path returns the full path, which includes the servlet context, to the theme’s templates
    css_main_file Returns the path to main.css
    js_main_file Returns the path to main.js
    company_id Returns the company ID
    company_name Returns the company name
    company_logo Returns the company logo’s URL
    company_logo_height Returns the company logo’s height
    company_logo_width Returns the company logo’s width
    company_url Returns the URL of the home page for the company
    time_zone Returns the time zone for the current user
    is_login_redirect_required Returns whether a login redirect is required for the user
    is_signed_in Returns whether the user is signed in
    group_id Returns the group ID for the current user
    time_zone Returns the time zone for the current user
    is_default_user Returns if the user has a default role
    is_female Returns if the current user is Female
    is_male Returns if the current user is Male
    is_setup_complete Returns whether the user has configured their profile
    language Returns the native language for the current user
    language_id Returns the ID of the current locale
    user_birthday Returns the current user’s birthday
    user_comments Returns comments from the user’s profile
    user_email_address Returns the user’s email address
    user_first_name Returns the user’s first name
    user_greeting Returns the user’s greeting
    user_id Returns the ID of the current user
    user_last_login_ip Returns the IP address that the user last logged in from
    user_last_name Returns the last name of the current user
    user_login_ip Returns the current user’s current IP address
    user_middle_name Returns the user’s middle name
    user_name Returns the current user’s username
    w3c_language_id Returns the W3C language code of the current language


    show_control_panel Returns whether the current user has permission to view the Control Panel
    control_panel_text Returns the “control-panel” language key in the current user’s locale, if they have permission to view the Control Panel
    control_panel_url Returns the URL to the Control Panel, if the current user has permission to view the Control Panel
    show_home Returns whether the current user is on a page
    home_text Returns the “home” language key in the current user’s locale
    home_url Returns the URL to the home page
    show_my_account Returns whether the current user’s account icon is visible
    my_account_text Returns the “my-account” language key in the current user’s locale, if the user’s account icon is visible
    my_account_url Returns the URL to the user’s Account Settings page if the user’s account icon is visible
    show_sign_in Returns whether the sign in link is visible
    sign_in_text Returns the “sign-in” language key in the current user’s locale, if they are signed out
    sign_in_url Returns the sign in URL, if the current user is signed out
    show_sign_out Returns whether the sign out link is visible
    sign_out_text Returns the “sign-out” language key in the current user’s locale, if they are signed in
    sign_out_url Returns the sign out URL, if the current user is signed in


    the_title Returns the current page’s title
    selectable Returns whether the current page is selectable
    is_maximized Returns whether the page is maximized
    page Returns the current page (layout)
    is_first_child Returns whether the current page is the first child page in the navigation
    is_first_parent Returns whether the current page is the first parent page in the navigation
    is_portlet_page Returns whether the current page is a widget page (portlet)
    site_name Returns the site’s name
    is_guest_group Returns whether the current page group is for guests
    site_type Returns the type of the current site: site, company site, organization site, or user site
    site_default_url Returns the default URL for the site
    layout_friendly_url Returns the friendly URL of the current page
    portlet_id Returns the portlet ID for the specified portlet


    logo_css_class Returns a string of the current classes applied to the logo.
    use_company_logo Returns whether the logo is displayed
    site_logo_height Returns the logo’s height
    site_logo_width Returns the logo’s width
    show_site_name_supported Returns whether the logo is configured to show the site name. The value is true if show_site_name_default is true.
    show_site_name_default Returns whether the Show Site Name Default theme setting is enabled
    show_site_name Returns whether the showSiteName property for the current pageset is enabled
    logo_description Returns the Site’s name or nothing if show_site_name is enabled. It is used for alternate text for the logo by default.


    has_navigation Returns whether navigation exists (i.e. at least one page exists)
    nav_items Returns the current pages as list
    nav_css_class Returns a string of the current classes applied to the page’s navigation

    My Sites

    show_my_sites Returns whether the current user has a My Sites page
    show_my_places Returns whether the current user has a My Sites page
    my_sites_text Returns the “my-sites” language key in the current user’s locale
    my_places_text Returns whether the current user has a My Sites page


    dir_include Returns “/html”
    body_bottom_include Returns “$/common/themes/body_bottom.jsp”
    body_top_include Returns “$/common/themes/body_top.jsp”
    bottom_include Returns “$/common/themes/bottom.jsp”
    top_head_include Returns “$/common/themes/top_head.jsp”
    top_messages_include Returns “$/common/themes/top_messages.jsp”


    date Gives access to the dateUtil Java Object and all its methods
    current_time Returns the current time
    the_year Returns the current year
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/show58/p/14385395.html
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