• 随机滚动名字和试题 单击暂停----给媳妇儿写的爱心小应用

      1 package basicCompoment;  
      2 import javax.swing.*;
      4 import java.awt.*;
      5 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
      6 import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
      7 import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
      8 import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
     10 import javax.swing.Timer;
     12 import java.io.*;
     13 public class Aha{
     14     static Boolean flag=true;
     15     static Boolean flag2=true;
     16     String filename;
     17     String filename2;
     18     int num=0;
     19     int num2=0;
     20     String[] datalist=new String[100];
     21     String[] datalist2=new String[100];
     22     public static void main(String[] args) {
     23         Aha h=new Aha();
     24         h.setUIFont();
     25         h.go();
     26     }
     27     public void setup(){
     29     }
     30     public void go(){
     31         JFrame frame=new JFrame("QQ673484761定制");
     32         Container a=frame.getContentPane();
     33         JPanel pane=new JPanel();
     34         a.add(pane);
     35         pane.setLayout(null);
     36         //获取文件路径
     38         JButton open=new JButton("导入txt名单");  
     39         open.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 5, 280, 30));//参数分别是坐标x,y,宽,高
     40         pane.add(open);
     42         JButton open2=new JButton("导入txt试题");  
     43         open2.setBounds(new Rectangle(305, 5, 280, 30));
     44         pane.add(open2);
     46         open.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
     47             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
     48                 JFileChooser jfc=new JFileChooser();  
     49                 jfc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY  );  
     50                 jfc.showDialog(new JLabel(), "选择");  
     51                 File file=jfc.getSelectedFile();  
     52                 System.out.println("文件:"+file.getAbsolutePath());  
     53                 System.out.println(jfc.getSelectedFile().getName()); 
     54                 filename=file.getAbsolutePath();
     55               //读取文件
     56                 if(filename != null){
     57                     File file1 = new File(filename);
     58                     StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer();//StringBuffer类 字符串变量
     59                     BufferedReader reader = null;//BufferedReader字符流  BufferedInputStream字节流  
     61                     try {
     62                         reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file1));
     63                         String text = null;
     65                         //repeat until all lines is read
     66                         while ((text = reader.readLine()) != null) {
     67                             contents.append(text);
     68                             contents.append(System.getProperty("line.separator"));//读完一行增加一个换行符
     69                             num++;
     70                         }
     71                     } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
     72                         e1.printStackTrace();
     73                     } catch (IOException e1) {
     74                         e1.printStackTrace();
     75                     } finally {
     76                         try {
     77                             if (reader != null) {
     78                                 reader.close();
     79                             }
     80                         }catch (IOException e1) {
     81                             e1.printStackTrace();
     82                         }
     83                     }
     84                     //show file contents here
     85                     System.out.println("文件内容为:");
     86                     System.out.println(contents.toString());
     87                     String temp=contents.toString();
     88                     datalist=temp.split("
     89                 }
     90             }
     91         });
     92         open2.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
     93             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
     94                 JFileChooser jfc=new JFileChooser();  
     95                 jfc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY  );  
     96                 jfc.showDialog(new JLabel(), "选择");  
     97                 File file=jfc.getSelectedFile();  
     98                 System.out.println("文件:"+file.getAbsolutePath());  
     99                 System.out.println(jfc.getSelectedFile().getName()); 
    100                 filename2=file.getAbsolutePath();
    101               //读取文件
    102                 if(filename2 != null){
    103                     File file1 = new File(filename2);
    104                     StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer();//StringBuffer类 字符串变量
    105                     BufferedReader reader = null;//BufferedReader字符流  BufferedInputStream字节流  
    107                     try {
    108                         reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file1));
    109                         String text = null;
    111                         //repeat until all lines is read
    112                         while ((text = reader.readLine()) != null) {
    113                             contents.append(text);
    114                             contents.append(System.getProperty("line.separator"));//读完一行增加一个换行符
    115                             num2++;
    116                         }
    117                     } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
    118                         e1.printStackTrace();
    119                     } catch (IOException e1) {
    120                         e1.printStackTrace();
    121                     } finally {
    122                         try {
    123                             if (reader != null) {
    124                                 reader.close();
    125                             }
    126                         }catch (IOException e1) {
    127                             e1.printStackTrace();
    128                         }
    129                     }
    130                     //show file contents here
    131                     System.out.println("文件内容为:");
    132                     System.out.println(contents.toString());
    133                     String temp=contents.toString();
    134                     datalist2=temp.split("
    135                 }
    136             }
    137         });
    139         //添加主体
    140         final JButton button=new JButton("请先选择文本文件");
    141         button.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 40, 280, 210));
    142         pane.add(button);
    144         ActionListener listener=new ActionListener(){
    145             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg){
    146                 button.setText(datalist[(int)(Math.random()*num)]);
    147             }
    148         };
    149         final Timer timer = new Timer(200,listener);// 实例化Timer类
    151         button.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
    152             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    153                 if(flag){
    154                     timer.start();
    155                     flag=false;
    156                 }else{
    157                     timer.stop();
    158                     flag=true;
    159                 }
    160             }
    161         });
    162         //添加主体2
    163               final JButton buttont1=new JButton("请先选择文本文件");
    164               buttont1.setBounds(new Rectangle(305, 40, 280, 210));
    165             pane.add(buttont1);
    166               ActionListener listener1=new ActionListener(){
    167                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg){
    168                       buttont1.setText(datalist2[(int)(Math.random()*num2)]);
    169                   }
    170               };
    171               final Timer timer1 = new Timer(200,listener1);// 实例化Timer类
    173               buttont1.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
    174                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    175                       if(flag2){
    176                           timer1.start();
    177                           flag2=false;
    178                       }else{
    179                           timer1.stop();
    180                           flag2=true;
    181                       }
    182                   }
    183               });
    184         frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
    185             public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
    186                 System.exit(0);
    187             }
    188         });
    189         pane.setBounds(0, 0, 600, 300);  
    190         pane.setVisible(true);  
    191         frame.setVisible(true);
    192         frame.setSize(600, 300);
    193     } 
    194     public void setUIFont()
    195     {
    196         Font f = new Font("宋体",Font.PLAIN,20);
    197         String   names[]={ "Label", "Button",  "TextArea"}; 
    198         for (String item : names) {
    199              UIManager.put(item+ ".font",f); 
    200         }
    201     }
    202 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shortail/p/5047096.html
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