• 程序员的英语面试热身资料

    Q Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it. (你能在两分钟內自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!)
    A: With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。)

    QGive me a summary of your current job description. (对你目前的工作,能否做个概括的说明。)
    A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support. (我干了五年的电脑程序员。具体地说,我做系统分析,解决问题以及软件供应方面的支持。)

    QWhy did you leave your last job?(你为什么离职呢?)
    A: Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住。)
    A:I feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / I feel there is no opportunity for advancement. (我觉得目前的工作,已经达到顶峰,即沒有升迁机会。)

    Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional?(你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢?)
    A: With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent. (凭借我良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。)
    A:With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students very well. (依我的教学经验,我相信能与学生相处的很好。)

    Q What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?(你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?)
    A: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position. (我已经完成三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在这份工作上。)

    Q:What do you think you are worth to us?(你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?)
    A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future. (我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。)

    Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position? (你如何知道你能胜任这份工作?)
    A:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful. (我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。)

    Q:Are you a multi-tasked individual?(你是一位可以同时承担数项工作的人吗?) or
    Do you work well under stress or pressure?(你能承受工作上的压力吗?)
    A:Yes, I think so.
    A:The trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I can handle it well. (这种特点就是我目前(先前)工作所需要的,我知道我能应付自如。)

    What kind of experience do you have for this job?
    Looking for someone who can contribute quickly to the current project, problem solver.
    “My high-speed machining background and familiarity with your equipment will allow me to contribute quickly. I understand deadlines, delivery schedules, and the importance of getting the product shipped. Finally, my awareness of economy and profit has always kept reject to a bare minimum. “
    What have you learned from jobs you have held?
    Tie your answer to your business and professional profile.
    “More than anything, I have learned that what is good for the company is good for me. So I listen very carefully to directions and always keep my boss informed of my actions.”

    Have you done the best work you are capable of doing?
    “I’m proud of my professional achievements to date, especially[give an example]. But I believe the best is yet to come. I am always motivated to give my best efforts, and in this job there are always opportunities to contribute when you stay alert.”

    How long would you stay with the company?
    Might be offering a job. Must encourage him to sell you on the job.
    “I would really like to settle down with this company. I take direction well and love to learn. As long as I am growing professionally, there is no reason for me to make a move. How long do you think I would be challenged here?”

    What would you like to be doing five years from now?
    Desire to be regarded as a true professional and team player.
    “From my research and what you have told me about the growth here, it seems that operations is where the heavy emphasis is going to be. It seems that’s where you need the effort and where I could contribute toward the company’s goals. ”
    Although I feel my biggest achievements are still ahead of me, I am proud of my involvement with…I made my contribution as part of that team and learned a lot in the process. We
    What are your biggest accomplishments?
    “did it with hard work, concentration, and an eye for the bottom line.”

    How do you organize and plan for major project?
    Effective planning requires both forward thing(“Who and what am I going to need to get this job done?”) and backward thinking(“If this job must be completed by the 20th, what step must be made, and at what time, to achieve it?”)

    Can you work under pressure?
    “Yes, I usually find it stimulating. However, I believe in planning and proper management of my time to reduce panic deadlines within my area of responsibility.”

    What is your greatest strength?
    “I believe in planning and proper management of my time. And yet I can still work under pressure.”
    What interests you most about this job?
    “Before answering, could I ask you to tell me a little more about the role this job plays in the departmental goals?”
    The additional information you gather with those questions provides the appropriate slant to your answer.
    “I’m looking for a challenge and an opportunity to make a contribution, so if you feel the biggest challenge in the department is…, I’m the one for the job.”

    Why should I hire you?
    Short and to the point, highlight area.
    “I have the qualifications you need[itemize them], I’m a team player, I take direction, and I have the desire to make a thorough success.”

    What can you do for us that someone else cannot do?
    Recap the interviewer’s job description.
    “I can bring to this job a determination to see project through to a proper conclusion. I listen and take direction well. I am analytical and don’t jump to conclusions. And finally, I understand we are in business to make a profit, so I keep an eye on cost and return. What else are you looking for?”

    Describe a difficult problem you’ve had to deal with.
    It’s the approach you take to solving problems in general. It is designed to probe your professional profile; specifically, your analytical skills.
    “Well, I always follow a five-step format with a difficult problem. One, I stand back and examine the problem. Two, I recognize the problem as the symptom of other, perhaps hidden, factors. Three, I makes a list of possible solution to the problem. Four, I weight both the consequences and cost of each solution, and determine the best solution. And five, I go to my boss, outline the problem, make my recommendation, and ask for my superior’s advice and approval.”
    Then give an example of a problem and your solution.
    Mindray was founded in 1991 in Shenzhen, China, with a mission to deliver high-quality, competitively priced medical devices to make healthcare more accessible and affordable around the world. Over the last 15 years, we have become a leading developer, manufacturer and marketer of medical devices in China with a rapidly growing international presence. According to Frost & Sullivan, in 2006 we attained leading market share in China both by units sold and revenue for the sale of patient monitoring devices. In addition to patient monitoring devices, we also believe that we hold leading market share in China in both the diagnostic laboratory instrument and grayscale ultrasound imaging system segments.

    Our success has been deeply rooted in our commitment to invest approximately 10% of our revenues into R&D every year. With more than 800 engineers on staff, we have built a world-class platform that capitalizes on low-cost China based R&D operations and a culture that is driven by ingenuity, and both individual and team performance. We currently offer more than 40 products across three product segments including patient monitoring devices, diagnostic laboratory instruments and ultrasound imaging systems. In 2006, along with our newly released BeneView T8, WATO-50, and DC-6, we released the BC-5500, the first five-part hematology analyzer developed by a Chinese company. We expect to continue to introduce six to seven new products each year to broaden our market reach. We are confident that our growing comprehensive portfolio of high-quality, affordable products will allow us to continue gaining market share both domestically and internationally.

    In China, we have distributed products to approximately 27,000 hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities; and at the end of 2006 we had sold over 200,000 devices in over 140 countries worldwide. We began exporting our products for the first time in 2000; and in the second half of 2006, revenues generated from international markets exceeded domestic revenues for the first time in our operating history.

    At the end of 2006, we had a total of approximately 2,700 employees worldwide, and we are expanding our distribution network, sales and sales support staff to bring our products closer to end users. We currently have 29 local sales and service offices in China, as well as sales and service offices in Boston, Istanbul, London, Mumbai, Seattle and Vancouver.

    Our Company's American Depositary Shares (ADSs) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol MR.



    Andrew Scott,
    251, 45 Street,
    Edmonds, Washington 36954,
    (215)-215 2587.


    Experienced and highly skilled IT professional seeking for a challenging role of developer.


    • OS: Windows and DOS
    • Languages: C#, Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic.NET, SOAP, HTML, DHTML, XML
    • Software: Visual Studio .NET 2005, Dreamweaver
    • Database: MySQL 4.0/5, MS SQL 2000/2005, MS Access
    • Networking: TCP/IP, LAN, FTP, DNS, DHCP, IIS, Active Directory
    • Very energetic and ready to take new challenges.
    • Excellent communication and presentation skills.
    • In-depth knowledge of web technologies, customer services and sales management.


    Sr. Programmer
    Global Systems
    Edmonds, Washington

    • Responsible for the development of applications by utilizing C#.
    • Design ERP for the systems and develop windows service for data files.
    • Designed many different modules like data parsing which was develop by using C#.
    • Worked on the integration of the external services within the websites as the development in the application.
    • Responsible for handling the customer requests, problems and troubleshoot them.
    • Responsible for training and guiding the less experienced developers.

    C# Developer
    Genext Web Solutions
    Essex, Vermont

    • Responsible for sales tracking and trending functionality for the host through point of sales.
    • Worked in the team of 5 member developers to create point of sales applications.
    • Responsible for developing and maintaining model code and data access for web based solutions.
    • Designed and implemented all internal and client solutions by using reporting packages like crystal report, SQL server 2005.


    Available upon request.

    Sample ASP.NET Programmer Resume

    This sample asp.net programmer resume will give you a quickstart on building an effective and optimized resume for your job application. Visitors can feel free to customize and edit our sample asp.net programmer resume as per their requirement for job application. We hope that our sample asp.net programmer resume will go a long way in portraying your abilities and skillsets efficiently.

    Andy Symond,
    215, West 45 Street,
    Clinton, NY 3255,
    (123)-201 3268.


    • Operating System: Windows, DOS, Unix, Linux
    • Languages: C, C++, Java, Oracle, MS SQL server 2000/2005
    • Web Technologies: Web services, HTML, XML, JavaScript, CSS, ASP.NET, VB.NET, ASP classic
    • Tools: AJAX control tool kit, MS Visio, my generation, visual studio, re-sharper, crystal report, MS reporting Service


    Lawrence College of Science, Arts and Commerce, Georgia
    Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

    University of Georgia
    of Science in Web technologies and asp.net


    Senior ASP.NET Programmer
    New-Tech Software Inc.
    Clinton, NY

    • Responsible for the analyses of the requirements of the business, designing database tables.
    • Developed and maintained the applications by utilizing ASP.NET.
    • Developed Web site administration and user management system.
    • Responsible for the creation of the user defined applications, database classes, procedures and user controls.
    • Responsible for the testing, fixing the bugs and troubleshooting the technical problems.
    • Modified applications according to the users requirements.
    • Responsible for the development of the template request modules and integrate them with the current applications.
    • Train and helped other developers to resolve the technical problems.

    ASP.NET Programmer
    RDS Software Inc.
    Glynn, Georgia

    • Responsible for the developing the database with the team of 6 personnel and make codes for the website administration.
    • Responsible for the reports with the help of crystal report and presentations.
    • Fixed the bugs and troubleshoot the technical problems.
    • Developed the window services and configure loading.


    Available upon request.

    Sample Application Programmer Resume

    This sample application programmer resume will give you a quickstart on building an effective and optimized resume for your job application. Visitors can feel free to customize and edit our sample application programmer resume as per their requirement for job application. We hope that our sample application programmer resume will go a long way in portraying your abilities and skillsets efficiently.

    Steve Manson,
    342, East 32 Street,
    Hilton, NY 01890,
    (323)-238 7540.


    Programmer with the in-depth knowledge and experience looking for challenging position in the field of application programming.


    • Innovative ideas with the proficiency in designing.
    • Maintenance and repair of database, current version of software and utilities of troubleshooting.
    • Exceptionally good communication and demonstration skills.
    • OS: Windows, Unix, Solaris
    • Languages: C, C++, Java, Pascal, Turbo Pascal, COBOL
    • Hardware: IBM PC, IBM 3083, IBM 3090, IBM Mainframe


    Application Programmer
    Higher Life Insurance
    Hilton, NY

    • Responsible for the designing a file transfer program in which file transfer to and from PC to mainframe using Network Data Mover.
    • Train, guide and supervise junior programmer on different Computer Illustration System Projects.
    • Wrote files of DOS batch for IS (Illustration Software) installation routine.
    • Repair and maintain COBOL mainframe batch system and on-line.
    • Develop and implement system for the Higher Sales Illustration Software in Presentation Manager.
    • Execution Information System was developed by using COBOL on mainframe.

    Computer Programmer
    Techsoft Associates
    Arlington, Virginia

    • Expand and maintain client base programs.
    • Design program for the availability of the product and for branch sites inventory.
    • Program displays the new products, new release and also daily precede information.
    • Develop product sales tracking program for company.


    Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from Florida University, Florida

    Master of Engineering in Computer Science from New York University, New York


    Available upon request.

    This sample software programmer resume will give you a quickstart on building an effective and optimized resume for your job application. Visitors can feel free to customize and edit our samplesoftware programmer resume as per their requirement for job application. We hope that our samplesoftware programmer resume will go a long way in portraying your abilities and skillsets efficiently.

    Robert Patrik,
    280, 84 west Street,
    Paramus, NY 03849
    (123)-948 7450.


    Seeking for a challenging role of software programmer.


    Software Programmer
    SR Tech Inc.
    Paramus, NJ

    • Execute and analyze projects using hard drive.
    • Deals with the customer and analyze their demand and then design, draw, and create and develop various out outlays.
    • Develop around 20 projects assigned by the clients from Germany, France and New York.
    • Responsible for the designing and compiling all the software on pages.
    • Completes the design and web projects on time and transmit to the clients.
    • Analyze, develop and implement predetermined projects.

    Jr. Software Programmer
    Hot and Fresh foods Co.
    Stowe, Vermont

    • Created the software for the product information, new product release, stock of product, demand etc.
    • Responsible for the conversion of analysis into the hard disk.
    • Check and ensures the product's production under guidelines of ISO
    • Meets the objective of software projects in time


    • Experience of more than 7 years in the software technology.
    • Worked on around 20 projects for 3 different companies and every project is successful.
    • In-depth knowledge of software and current technologies.
    • Different technologies known are: C, C++, Java, COBOL, Turbo Pascal, Python, C#, VB6.


    University of Vermont, Vermont
    Bachelor degree in Information Technology

    University of Vermont, Vermont
    Master Degree in Computer Software


    Available upon request.

    Steve Manson,
    342, East 32 Street,
    Hilton, NY 01890,
    (323)-238 7540.


    Programmer with the in-depth knowledge and experience looking for challenging position in the field of application programming.


    • Innovative ideas with the proficiency in designing.
    • Maintenance and repair of database, current version of software and utilities of troubleshooting.
    • Exceptionally good communication and demonstration skills.
    • OS: Windows, Unix, Solaris
    • Languages: C, C++, Java, Pascal, Turbo Pascal, COBOL
    • Hardware: IBM PC, IBM 3083, IBM 3090, IBM Mainframe


    Application Programmer
    Higher Life Insurance
    Hilton, NY

    • Responsible for the designing a file transfer program in which file transfer to and from PC to mainframe using Network Data Mover.
    • Train, guide and supervise junior programmer on different Computer Illustration System Projects.
    • Wrote files of DOS batch for IS (Illustration Software) installation routine.
    • Repair and maintain COBOL mainframe batch system and on-line.
    • Develop and implement system for the Higher Sales Illustration Software in Presentation Manager.
    • Execution Information System was developed by using COBOL on mainframe.

    Computer Programmer
    Techsoft Associates
    Arlington, Virginia

    • Expand and maintain client base programs.
    • Design program for the availability of the product and for branch sites inventory.
    • Program displays the new products, new release and also daily precede information.
    • Develop product sales tracking program for company.


    Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from Florida University, Florida

    Master of Engineering in Computer Science from New York University, New York


    Available upon request.

    Sample System Programmer Resume

    This sample system programmer resume will give you a quickstart on building an effective and optimized resume for your job application. Visitors can feel free to customize and edit our sample system programmer resume as per their requirement for job application. We hope that our sample system programmer resume will go a long way in portraying your abilities and skillsets efficiently.

    Richard Anderson,
    1234, West 67 Street,
    Carlisle, MA 01741,
    (123)-456 7890.


    Programmer with the experience of 8 years seeking for an opportunity in the field of system programmer where my skills can be enhanced and experience can be used.


    • Operating System: Linux, UNIX, DOS, Windows, Vista.
    • Languages: C, C++, Java, Python, Pascal, turbo Pascal, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Xml.
    • Office Package: MS word, MS excel, MS access, MS outlook express, MS power point.
    • HTML Editing Tool: MS FrontPage, Adobe GoLive, Macromedia Dream weaver.


    Boston University, Boston
    Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

    New York University, New York
    Master of Science in information Technology


    System Programmer
    ABC Information Technology
    Kingston, New York

    • Responsible for the development of the 85 assembler components and maintenance of more than 250 assemblers.
    • Development of the program to monitor the security blocks using languages and assemblers.
    • Responsible for the customization and installation of IBM mainframes.
    • Responsible for the use of languages for checking the input and output and also start and execute programs with the assemblers application.

    Technical Manager
    Connectivity Tech
    Olean, New York

    • Responsible for the implementation of the operational processes and initial activities.
    • Worked with the team to create registration system on IBM AT using C++.
    • Responsible for starting a catalog for the library records by using Pascal.


    Available upon request

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shineqiujuan/p/1677893.html
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