• Django ORM操作补充


    only 只取某些去除其他 

    defer 去除某些取其他

    # 需求: 只取某n列
    queryset=[ {},{}]
    models.User.objects.all().values( 'id','name')
    queryset=[ (),()]
    models.User.objects.all().values_list( 'id','name')
    queryset=[ obj,obj]
    result = models.User.objects.all().only('id','name','age')
    # result = models.User.objects.all().defer('id','name','age')
    for item in reuslt:

    selected_related 主动连表查询 一般这个就够用了

    prefetch_related 进阶版连表查询 最优方案

    # 需求: 打印所有用户姓名以及部门名称
        class depart:
            title = ....
        class User:
            name = ...
            dp = FK(depart)
        # select * from user
        # result = models.User.objects.all()
        # for item in result:    # 性能低,会跨表 相当于你查10个人就跨表查了10次+本来1次
        # 但是如果连表太多。那性能也会变差,因为表太多了
        #     print(item.name,item.dp.title)
    # select * from user left join depart on user.dp_id = depart.id # result = models.User.objects.all().selected_related('dp') # 主动创建了关联关系。一次查表就可以拿出来 # for item in result: # 就不会在发请求查询了,性能更好了 # print(item.name,item.dp.title )
    # select * from user # 通过python 代码获取 dp_id= [1,2] # select * from depart where id in dp_id result = models.User.objects.all().prefetch_related('dp') for item in result: # 相当于查了两次。但是不会因为连表太多影响性能了 print(item.name,item.dp.title )


    # - extra
    Entry.objects.extra(select={'new_id': "select col from sometable where othercol > %s"}, select_params=(1,))
    Entry.objects.extra(where=['headline=%s'], params=['Lennon'])
    Entry.objects.extra(where=["foo='a' OR bar = 'a'", "baz = 'a'"])
    Entry.objects.extra(select={'new_id': "select id from tb where id > %s"}, select_params=(1,), order_by=['-nid'])
    """----------------------------------- """
    # - raw
        # 执行原生SQL
    models.UserInfo.objects.raw('select * from userinfo')
        # 如果SQL是其他表时,必须将名字设置为当前UserInfo对象的主键列名
    models.UserInfo.objects.raw('select id as nid from 其他表')
        # 为原生SQL设置参数
    models.UserInfo.objects.raw('select id as nid from userinfo where nid>%s', params=[12,])
        # 指定捆绑条件后跨表查询
    name_map = {'first': 'first_name', 'last': 'last_name', 'bd': 'birth_date', 'pk': 'id'}
    Person.objects.raw('SELECT * FROM some_other_table', translations=name_map)
    """----------------------------------- """
    # - 完全执行原生SQL
    from django.db import connection, connections
    cursor = connection.cursor()  # cursor = connections['default'].cursor()
    cursor.execute("""SELECT * from auth_user where id = %s""", [1])
    row = cursor.fetchone() # fetchall()/fetchmany(..)
        # PS: 选择数据库 using('default') 默认是  default
    queryset = models.Course.objects.using('default').all()


    model_name = obj.queryset.model._meta.model_name


    app_label = obj.queryset.model._meta.app_label


    title_obj = field_obj._meta.get_field("title")
    title_max_length = title.max_length      # 32     # 可以拿出来字段的属性对应的值
    title.rel.to.objects.all()     # 根据字段对象可取出来映射关联表的所有内容

    values 的本质

    循环每个字段,生成字典 字段为键,查询的为值,(字典一个键只能有一个值) 因此会有重复数据
    用 .distinctu() 去重

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shijieli/p/10349549.html
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