• interpretercourse.cs

      using System;

      // Interpreter Pattern - Example    Judith Bishop October 2007
      // Sets up an object structure and interprets it with given data
      static class ElementExtensions {
        public static string gap;
        public static void Print(this Element element) {
          Console.WriteLine(gap+element + " " + element.Weight);
          if (element.Part!=null) {
            gap+="  ";
            gap = gap.Substring(2);
          if (element.Next!=null) Print(element.Next);
        public static int Lab {get; set;}
        public static int Test {get; set;}
        public static void Summarize(this Element element) {
          if (element is Lab) Lab += element.Weight;
          else if (element is Test)
            Test += element.Weight;
          else if ((element is Midterm || element is Exam) && element.Part==null)
            Test += element.Weight;
          if (element.Part!=null) Summarize(element.Part.Next);
          if (element.Next!=null) Summarize(element.Next);
        public static int [] values;
        public static int  n;
        public static Context context;
        public static void SetUp (this Element element, Context c, int[] v) {
          context = c;
          values = v;
          n = 0;
        public static void Interpreter(this Element element) {
          if (element is Lab || element is Test) {
            context.Output += values[n]*element.Weight;
          if ((element is Midterm || element is Exam) && element.Part==null) {
            context.Output += values[n]*element.Weight;
          if (element.Part!=null) Interpreter(element.Part.Next);
          if (element.Next!=null) Interpreter(element.Next);
      public class Element {
        public int Weight {get; set;}
        public Element Next {get; set;}
        public Element Part {get; set;}

        public virtual string Display() {
          return Weight+"%";
        int GetNumber (Context context) {
          int atSpace = context.Input.IndexOf(' ');
          int number = Int32.Parse(context.Input.Substring(1,atSpace));
          context.Input = context.Input.Substring(atSpace+1);
          return number;
        public void Parse (Context context) {
          string starters = "LTME";
          if (context.Input.Length>0 && starters.IndexOf(context.Input[0])>=0) {
            switch(context.Input[0]) {
              case 'L':             
                Next=new Lab();
              case 'T':
                Next=new Test();
              case 'M':
                Next=new Midterm();
              case 'E':
                Next = new Exam();
            Next.Weight = GetNumber(context);
            if (context.Input.Length>0 && context.Input[0]=='(') {
              context.Input = context.Input.Substring(1);
              Next.Part = new Element();
              Element e = Next.Part;
              while (e!=null) {
                e.Weight = e.Weight * Next.Weight / 100;
                e = e.Next;
              context.Input = context.Input.Substring(2);
      class Course : Element {
        public string Name {get; set;}
        public Course (Context context) {
          Name = context.Input.Substring(0,6);
          context.Input = context.Input.Substring(7);
        public override string Display() {
          return Name;
      class Lab : Element {
      class Test : Element {
      class Midterm : Element {
      class Exam : Element {
      public class Context {
        public string Input {get; set;}
         public double Output {get; set;}
        public Context(string c) {
          Input = c;
          Output = 0;

      static class IntArrayExtension {
        public static string Display (this int[] a) {
           string s = "[";
           foreach (int i in a)
                s+=i+", ";
              return s.Substring(0,s.Length-2)+"]";
      class InterpreterPattern {
        static void Main() {
          string rules = "COS333 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 M25 (L40 T60 ) L10 E55 (L28 T73 ) ";
          int [][] values = new [] { new [] {80,0,100,100,85,51,52,50,57,56},
                           new [] {87,95,100,100,77,70,99,100,75,94},
                           new [] {0,55,100,65,55,75,73,74,71,72}};
          Context context;
          Console.WriteLine (rules+"\n");
          context = new Context (rules);
          Element course = new Course(context);
          Console.WriteLine("Visitor 1 - Course structure\n");
          Console.WriteLine ("\n\nVisitor 2 - Summing the weights\nLabs "
                      +ElementExtensions.Lab + "% and Tests "
                      +ElementExtensions.Test + "%");
          Console.WriteLine("\n\nVisitor 3 (Interpreter) ");
          foreach (int [] student in values) {
            course.SetUp(context, student);
            Console.WriteLine(" = "+context.Output/100);
    /* Output
    COS333 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 M25 (L40 T60 ) L10 E55 (L28 T73 )

    Visitor 1 - Course structure

    Course 0
    Lab 2
    Lab 2
    Lab 2
    Lab 2
    Lab 2
    Midterm 25
      Lab 10
      Test 15
    Lab 10
    Exam 55
      Lab 15
      Test 40

    Visitor 2 - Summing the weights
    Labs 45% and Tests 55%

    Visitor 3 (Interpreter)
    [80, 0, 100, 100, 85, 51, 52, 50, 57, 56] = 56.15
    [87, 95, 100, 100, 77, 70, 99, 100, 75, 94] = 89.88
    [0, 55, 100, 65, 55, 75, 73, 74, 71, 72] = 70.8
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shihao/p/2490354.html
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