• Sort List

    Sort a linked list in O(n log n) time using constant space complexity.

    题目要求用 O(n log n)的时间复杂度和常数的空间复杂度来进行链表排序。


    Merge Two Sorted Lists。所以还是使用归并来得简单一些。进行链表排序和数组排序的不同点在于需要维护一个前序结点,维持链表的连续性。另外这里不能使用index来直接获得左右子链表,需要做一次遍历来割取左右子链表。一个办法是使用slow和fast两个指针,fast每次走两步,slow每次走一步,fast到达尾部时,slow就到达了链表中部。这样实现的代码如下:

    class Solution(object):
        def sortList(self, head):
            :type head: ListNode
            :rtype: ListNode
            if not head or not head.next :
                return head
            dummy = ListNode(-1)
            dummy.next = head   #防止头结点需要换位,先建立一个辅助的先序结点
            slow = fast = dummy #一慢一快两个指针
    while fast and fast.next: slow = slow.next fast = fast.next.next tmp = slow.next #注意为了合并左右子链表,需要将第一个子链表尾结点的next置为None。 slow.next = None slow = tmp left = self.sortList(head) #递归排序左子链表 right = self.sortList(slow) #递归排序右子链表 cur = dummy
    while left and right: if left.val < right.val: cur.next = left left = left.next else: cur.next = right right = right.next cur = cur.next cur.next = left if left else right return dummy.next



    Round #1 block_size = 1

    (a1, a2), (a3, a4), (a5, a6), (a7, a8)

    Compare a1 with a2, a3 with a4 ...

    Round #2 block_size = 2

    (a1, a2, a3, a4), (a5, a6, a7, a8)

    merge two sorted arrays (a1, a2) and (a3, a4), then merge tow sorted arrays(a5, a6) and (a7, a8)

    Round #3 block_size = 4

    (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8)


    class Solution(object):
        def sortList(self, head):
            :type head: ListNode
            :rtype: ListNode
            if not head or not head.next:
                return head
            dummy = ListNode(-1)
            dummy.next = head
            length = 0
            cur = head
            while(cur):  #get the length
                length += 1
                cur = cur.next
            step = 1
            while step < length: #the main part of sorting, from short length to long length 
                cur = dummy.next
                tail = dummy
                while cur:
                    l = cur
                    r = self.split(l, step)
                    cur = self.split(r, step)
                    tail = self.merge(l, r, tail)
                step <<= 1
            return dummy.next
        def split(self,start, step):
            if not start:
                return None
            for i in xrange(step-1):
                if start:
                   start = start.next
                   return None
            if not start:
                return None
            end = start.next
            start.next = None
            return end
        def merge(self,l, r, head):
            if not r:
                head.next = l
            cur = head
            while l and r:
                if l.val < r.val:
                    cur.next = l
                    l = l.next
                    cur.next = r
                    r = r.next
                cur = cur.next
            cur.next = l if l else r
            while cur.next: #找寻尾结点
                cur = cur.next
            return cur

    上述思路不难,但是和所有的链表题一样,需要考虑找这个结点,还是前序还是后序,如何建立连接,如何防止越界。考虑的corner case比较多。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sherylwang/p/5542685.html
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