• 基于C++的ByteBuf封装


    nettyByteBuf 中的 readerIndexwriterIndex 的设置十分巧妙,它内部对读取和写入位置进行控制,避免自己处理index的时候的各种麻烦,大大减少业务处理时的代码量

    用 C++ 重构一下,删减了 nettyByteBuf 中的一些不常用的接口

    代码中其中只用到了 STLstringunique_ptr,除此以外,再无其他依赖,轻量,易用,至少需要C++11以上的支持




    #ifndef SH_BYTE_BUF_H
    #define SH_BYTE_BUF_H
    #include <string>
    #include <memory>
    class ByteBufData;
    namespace sh
    enum Case
        Lower = 0,  //小写
        Upper,      //大写
     * ByteBuf封装,内置readerIndex和writerIndex基数,用于记录当前读取和写入的位置
     * +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
     * | discardable bytes |  readable bytes  |  writable bytes  |
     * |                   |     (CONTENT)    |                  |
     * +-------------------+------------------+------------------+
     * |                   |                  |                  |
     * 0      <=      readerIndex   <=   writerIndex    <=    capacity
     * @author: sherlock_lht
    class ByteBuf
        static char toHexLower(uint32_t value) noexcept;
        static char toHexUpper(uint32_t value) noexcept;
        static int32_t fromHex(uint32_t c) noexcept;
        static ByteBuf fromHex(const std::string &hexEncoded) noexcept;
        explicit ByteBuf();
        explicit ByteBuf(const char *data, int32_t size = -1);
        explicit ByteBuf(const std::string &data);
        explicit ByteBuf(int32_t size, char ch);
        ByteBuf(const ByteBuf &other);
        virtual ~ByteBuf();
        ByteBuf &operator=(const ByteBuf &other);
         * 转换成16进制字符串
        std::string toHexString(Case type = Case::Lower, const std::string &fill_str = "") const;
         * 返回现有的字节数组
        const char *data() const noexcept;
         * 从readerIndex开始(包括readerIndex),到writerIndex结束(不包括writerIndex),找到buff内第一次出现的value的位置
         * 该方法不会改变readerIndex和writerIndex
         * @return value出现的位置到readerIndex之间的字节数,如果没找到则返回-1
        int32_t bytesBefore(char value);
         * 从readerIndex开始(包括readerIndex),到writerIndex结束(不包括writerIndex),找到buff内第一次出现连续长度为length的value的位置
         * 该方法不会改变readerIndex和writerIndex
         * @return value出现的位置到readerIndex之间的字节数,如果没找到则返回-1
        int32_t bytesBefore(int32_t length, char value);
         * 从index开始(包括index),到writerIndex结束(不包括writerIndex),找到buff内第一次出现连续长度为length的value的位置
         * 该方法不会改变readerIndex和writerIndex
         * @return value出现的位置到readerIndex之间的字节数,如果没找到则返回-1
        int32_t bytesBefore(int32_t index, int32_t length, char value);
         * 返回为对象分配的存储空间大小
        int32_t capacity() const;
         * 重新分配对象的存储空间大小,如果new_capacity不够存储现有的数据,则capacity保持不变
        ByteBuf &capacity(int32_t new_capacity);
         * readerIndex和writerIndex全部归零,等同于setIndex(0, 0)
        ByteBuf &clear();
         * 比较缓存区的数据内容,同strcmp
        int32_t compareTo(const ByteBuf &buffer) const;
         * 返回对象的可读字节数据的副本,即从readerIndex开始到writerIndex结束的数据
         * 等同于 buf.copy(buf.readerIndex(), buf.readableBytes())
         * 不影响原始对象的readerIndex和writerIndex,且两个对象互不影响
        ByteBuf copy() const;
         * 返回对象数据从index开始,长度的length的数据的副本
         * 不影响原始对象的readerIndex和writerIndex,且两个对象互不影响
        ByteBuf copy(int32_t index, int32_t length) const;
         * 丢弃从0th到readerIndex之间的所有数据
         * 即移动readerIndex到writerIndex之间的数据到0th,并且设置readerIndex和writerIndex为0
        ByteBuf &discardReadBytes();
         * 从buffer中定位第一次出现的value字符,搜索从fromIndex(包括fromIndex)到toIndex(不包括toIndex)
         * 该方法不会改变readerIndex和writerIndex
         * @return value第一次出现的下表,没找到返回-1
        int32_t indexOf(int32_t fromIndex, int32_t toIndex, char value) const;
         * 设置readerIndex和writerIndex,如果buffer内无数据,则无效;
         * 如果readerIndex超出了buffer内数据的长度,则readerIndex = buffer.length() - 1;
         * 如果writerIndex超出了buffer内数据的长度,则writerIndex = buffer.length()
        ByteBuf setIndex(int32_t readerIndex, int32_t writerIndex);
         * 只有当this.writerIndex - this.readerIndex大于0时,返回true
        bool isReadable() const;
         * 只有当this.writerIndex - this.readerIndex大于size时,返回true
        bool isReadable(int32_t size);
         * 标记当前的readerIndex,后面可以使用resetReaderIndex()撤回readerIndex到标记位置,初始标记位置为0
        ByteBuf &markReaderIndex();
         * 标记当前的writerIndex,后面可以使用resetWriterIndex()撤回resetWriterIndex到标记位置,初始标记位置为0
        ByteBuf &markWriterIndex();
         * 返回readerIndex
        int32_t readerIndex() const;
         * 设置readerIndex
        ByteBuf &readerIndex(int32_t reader_index);
         * 重新定位readerIndex到标记的readerIndex位置
        ByteBuf &resetReaderIndex();
         * 返回writerIndex
        int32_t writerIndex() const;
         * 设置writerIndex
        ByteBuf &writerIndex(int32_t writer_index);
         * 重新定位writerIndex到标记的writerIndex位置
        ByteBuf &resetWriterIndex();
         * 返回当前buffer中的可读的字节数,等同于(this.writerIndex - this.readerIndex)
        int32_t readableBytes() const;
         * 获取指定下标的字符
         * 该方法不会修改readerIndex和writerIndex
         * @return 如果index超出buffer数据长度,返回0
        char getByte(int32_t index) const;
         * 从指定的index位置,获取符合条件的字符,该方法不会修改readerIndex和writerIndex
         *  @return 返回实际获取的字符数目
        int32_t getBytes(int32_t index, char *dst) const;
        int32_t getBytes(int32_t index, char *dst, int32_t length) const;
         * 从指定的index位置,获取符合条件的字符,该方法不会修改readerIndex和writerIndex
        ByteBuf getBytes(int32_t index) const;
        ByteBuf getBytes(int32_t index, int32_t length) const;
        ByteBuf getBytes(int32_t index, int32_t dstIndex, int32_t length) const;
         * 以下方法分别从index位置读取8/16/32/64位的数据,不会修改readerIndex和writerIndex
        int8_t getChar(int32_t index) const;
        uint8_t getUnsignedChar(int32_t index) const;
        int16_t getShort(int32_t index) const;
        int16_t getShortLE(int32_t index) const;
        uint16_t getUnsignedShort(int32_t index) const;
        uint16_t getUnsignedShortLE(int32_t index) const;
        int32_t getInt(int32_t index) const;
        int32_t getIntLE(int32_t index) const;
        uint32_t getUnsignedInt(int32_t index) const;
        uint32_t getUnsignedIntLE(int32_t index) const;
        int64_t getLong(int32_t index) const;
        int64_t getLongLE(int32_t index) const;
        uint64_t getUnsignedLong(int32_t index) const;
        uint64_t getUnsignedLongLE(int32_t index) const;
        float getFloat(int32_t index) const;
        float getFloatLE(int32_t index) const;
        double getDouble(int32_t index) const;
        double getDoubleLE(int32_t index) const;
         * 以下方法分别从readerIndex位置读取8/16/32/64位的数据,readerIndex根据实际读出的位数增加
        int8_t readChar();
        uint8_t readUnsignedChar();
        int16_t readShort();
        int16_t readShortLE();
        uint16_t readUnsignedShort();
        uint16_t readUnsignedShortLE();
        int32_t readInt();
        int32_t readIntLE();
        uint32_t readUnsignedInt();
        uint32_t readUnsignedIntLE();
        int64_t readLong();
        int64_t readLongLE();
        uint64_t readUnsignedLong();
        uint64_t readUnsignedLongLE();
        ByteBuf readBytes(int32_t length);
        double readDouble();
        double readDoubleLE();
         * readerIndex增加指定长度
        ByteBuf &skipBytes(int32_t length);
         * 以下方法在index位置写入8/16/32/64位的数据,如果index超出现有数据范围,则追加,否则插入,不会修改readerIndex和writerIndex
        ByteBuf &setChar(int32_t index, int8_t value);
        ByteBuf &setUnsignedChar(int32_t index, uint8_t value);
        ByteBuf &setShort(int32_t index, int16_t value);
        ByteBuf &setShortLE(int32_t index, int16_t value);
        ByteBuf &setUnsignedShort(int32_t index, uint16_t value);
        ByteBuf &setUnsignedShortLE(int32_t index, uint16_t value);
        ByteBuf &setInt(int32_t index, int32_t value);
        ByteBuf &setIntLE(int32_t index, int32_t value);
        ByteBuf &setUnsignedInt(int32_t index, uint32_t value);
        ByteBuf &setUnsignedIntLE(int32_t index, uint32_t value);
        ByteBuf &setLong(int32_t index, int64_t value);
        ByteBuf &setLongLE(int32_t index, int64_t value);
        ByteBuf &setUnsignedLong(int32_t index, uint64_t value);
        ByteBuf &setUnsignedLongLE(int32_t index, uint64_t value);
        ByteBuf &setBytes(int32_t index, const ByteBuf &buf);
        ByteBuf &setBytes(int32_t index, const char *data, int32_t size);
         * 从index位置填充指定长度的0,index超出现有数据,则追加,否则,插入,readerIndex和writerIndex不会改变
        ByteBuf &setZero(int32_t index, int32_t length);
         * 以下方法会在writerIndex位置写入8/16/32/64位数据,若writerIndex超出现有数据范围,则追加并调整,否则插入,writerIndex根据实际写入的情况调整位置
        ByteBuf &writeChar(int8_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeUnsignedChar(uint8_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeShort(int16_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeShortLE(int16_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeUnsignedShort(uint16_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeUnsignedShortLE(uint16_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeInt(int32_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeIntLE(int32_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeUnsignedInt(uint32_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeUnsignedIntLE(uint32_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeLong(int64_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeLongLE(int64_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeUnsignedLong(uint64_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeUnsignedLongLE(uint64_t value);
        ByteBuf &writeBytes(const ByteBuf &buf);
        ByteBuf &writeBytes(const char *data, int32_t size);
         * 从writerIndex位置填充指定长度的0,writerIndex超出现有数据,则追加并调整,否则插入,writerIndex根据实际写入的情况调整位置
        ByteBuf &writeZero(int32_t length);
        std::unique_ptr<ByteBufData> d;


    #include "ByteBuf.h"
    #define INT8_BIT sizeof(int8_t)
    #define INT16_BIT sizeof(int16_t)
    #define INT32_BIT sizeof(int32_t)
    #define INT64_BIT sizeof(int64_t)
    #define FLOAT_BIT sizeof(float)
    #define DOUBLE_BIT sizeof(double)
    class ByteBufData
            : readerIndex(0), writerIndex(0), markedReaderIndex(0), markedWriterIndex(0)
        friend class sh::ByteBuf;
        std::string originData;
        int32_t readerIndex;
        int32_t writerIndex;
        int32_t markedReaderIndex;
        int32_t markedWriterIndex;
        template<class T>
        T getT(int32_t index, uint8_t max_bit) const
            if (originData.length() - index < max_bit)
                return 0;
            T value = 0;
            for (uint8_t delta = 0; delta < max_bit; delta++)
                value += (originData.at(delta + index) & 0xff) << (8 * (max_bit - delta - 1));
            return value;
        template<class T>
        T getTLE(int32_t index, uint8_t max_bit) const
            if (originData.length() - index < max_bit)
                return 0;
            T value = 0;
            for (uint8_t delta = 0; delta < max_bit; delta++)
                value += (originData.at(delta + index) & 0xff) << (8 * delta);
            return value;
        template<class T>
        T readT(uint8_t max_bit)
            if (originData.length() - readerIndex < max_bit)
                return 0;
            T value = 0;
            for (uint8_t delta = 0; delta < max_bit; delta++)
                value += (originData.at(delta + readerIndex) & 0xff) << (8 * (max_bit - delta - 1));
            readerIndex += max_bit;
            return value;
        template<class T>
        T readTLE(uint8_t max_bit)
            if (originData.length() - readerIndex < max_bit)
                return 0;
            T value = 0;
            for (uint8_t delta = 0; delta < max_bit; delta++)
                value += (originData.at(delta + readerIndex) & 0xff) << (8 * delta);
            readerIndex += max_bit;
            return value;
        template<class T>
        void setT(int32_t index, T value)
            setData(index, toBinary(value));
        template<class T>
        void setTLE(int32_t index, T value)
            setData(index, toBinaryLE(value));
        void setData(int32_t index, const std::string &data)
            if (index > originData.length())
                originData.insert(index, data);
        template<class T>
        void writeT(T value)
        template<class T>
        void writeTLE(T value)
        void writeData(const std::string &data)
            if (writerIndex > originData.length())
                writerIndex = (int32_t) originData.length();
                originData.insert(writerIndex, data);
                writerIndex += (int32_t) data.length();
        template<class T>
        std::string toBinary(T value)
            std::string result;
            int8_t max_bit = sizeof(T);
            for (uint8_t index = 0; index < max_bit; index++)
                result.push_back(value >> (8 * (max_bit - index - 1)) & 0xff);
            return result;
        template<class T>
        std::string toBinaryLE(T value)
            std::string result;
            int8_t max_bit = sizeof(T);
            for (uint8_t index = 0; index < max_bit; index++)
                result.push_back(value >> (8 * index) & 0xff);
            return result;
        d = std::unique_ptr<::ByteBufData>(new ByteBufData());
    sh::ByteBuf::ByteBuf(const char *data, int32_t size)
        d = std::unique_ptr<::ByteBufData>(new ByteBufData());
        d->originData.append(data, size);
        d->writerIndex += size;
    sh::ByteBuf::ByteBuf(const std::string &data)
        d = std::unique_ptr<::ByteBufData>(new ByteBufData());
        d->writerIndex += data.length();
    sh::ByteBuf::ByteBuf(int32_t size, char ch)
        d = std::unique_ptr<::ByteBufData>(new ByteBufData());
        d->originData.append(size, ch);
        d->writerIndex += size;
    sh::ByteBuf::ByteBuf(const sh::ByteBuf &other)
        d = std::unique_ptr<::ByteBufData>(new ByteBufData());
        d->readerIndex = other.d->readerIndex;
        d->writerIndex = other.d->writerIndex;
        d->markedReaderIndex = other.d->markedReaderIndex;
        d->markedWriterIndex = other.d->markedWriterIndex;
    sh::ByteBuf::~ByteBuf() = default;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::operator=(const sh::ByteBuf &other)
        if (&other != this)
            d->readerIndex = other.d->readerIndex;
            d->writerIndex = other.d->writerIndex;
            d->markedReaderIndex = other.d->markedReaderIndex;
            d->markedWriterIndex = other.d->markedWriterIndex;
        return *this;
    std::string sh::ByteBuf::toHexString(Case type, const std::string &fill_str) const
        std::string result;
        for (char ch: d->originData)
            if (Case::Lower == type)
                result.push_back(toHexLower(ch >> 4));
                result.push_back(toHexLower(ch & 0xF));
                result.push_back(toHexUpper(ch >> 4));
                result.push_back(toHexUpper(ch & 0xF));
        return result;
    const char *sh::ByteBuf::data() const noexcept
        return d->originData.data();
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::bytesBefore(char value)
        for (int32_t index = d->readerIndex; index < d->writerIndex; index++)
            if (d->originData.at(index) == value)
                return index - d->readerIndex;
        return -1;
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::bytesBefore(int32_t length, char value)
        return bytesBefore(d->readerIndex, length, value);
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::bytesBefore(int32_t index, int32_t length, char value)
        bool last_ok;
        int32_t second_index;
        for (; index < d->writerIndex - length; index++)
            //找到第一个符合 && 剩余的长度足够
            if (d->originData.at(index) == value && (index + length) < d->writerIndex)
                last_ok = true;
                for (second_index = index + 1; second_index < (index + length); second_index++)
                    if (d->originData.at(second_index) != value)
                        last_ok = false;
                if (last_ok)
                    return index - d->readerIndex;
        return -1;
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::capacity() const
        return (int32_t) d->originData.capacity();
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::capacity(int32_t new_capacity)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::clear()
        d->readerIndex = 0;
        d->writerIndex = 0;
        return *this;
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::compareTo(const sh::ByteBuf &buffer) const
        return d->originData.compare(buffer.d->originData);
    sh::ByteBuf sh::ByteBuf::copy() const
        return sh::ByteBuf(d->originData);
    sh::ByteBuf sh::ByteBuf::copy(int32_t index, int32_t length) const
        return sh::ByteBuf(d->originData.substr(index, length));
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::discardReadBytes()
        d->originData = d->originData.substr(d->readerIndex + 1);
        d->readerIndex = 0;
        d->writerIndex = 0;
        return *this;
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::indexOf(int32_t fromIndex, int32_t toIndex, char value) const
        for (int32_t index = fromIndex; index < d->originData.length() && index < toIndex; index++)
            if (d->originData.at(index) == value)
                return index;
        return -1;
    sh::ByteBuf sh::ByteBuf::setIndex(int32_t readerIndex, int32_t writerIndex)
        if (d->originData.empty())
            return *this;
        d->readerIndex = readerIndex;
        d->writerIndex = writerIndex;
        if (d->readerIndex >= d->originData.length())
            d->readerIndex = (int32_t) d->originData.length() - 1;
        if (d->writerIndex > d->originData.length())
            d->writerIndex = (int32_t) d->originData.length();
        return *this;
    bool sh::ByteBuf::isReadable() const
        return (d->writerIndex - d->readerIndex) > 0;
    bool sh::ByteBuf::isReadable(int32_t size)
        return (d->writerIndex - d->readerIndex) >= size;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::markReaderIndex()
        d->markedReaderIndex = d->readerIndex;
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::markWriterIndex()
        d->markedWriterIndex = d->writerIndex;
        return *this;
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::readerIndex() const
        return d->readerIndex;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::readerIndex(int32_t reader_index)
        if (reader_index <= d->writerIndex)
            d->readerIndex = reader_index;
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::resetReaderIndex()
        d->readerIndex = d->markedReaderIndex;
        return *this;
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::writerIndex() const
        return d->writerIndex;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writerIndex(int32_t writer_index)
        if (writer_index < d->originData.length())
            d->writerIndex = writer_index;
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::resetWriterIndex()
        d->writerIndex = d->markedWriterIndex;
        return *this;
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::readableBytes() const
        return d->writerIndex - d->readerIndex;
    char sh::ByteBuf::getByte(int32_t index) const
        if (index >= d->originData.length())
            return 0;
        return d->originData.at(index);
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::getBytes(int32_t index, char *dst) const
        if (index >= d->originData.length())
            return 0;
        std::string res = d->originData.substr(index);
        *dst = *res.data();
        return (int32_t) res.length();
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::getBytes(int32_t index, char *dst, int32_t length) const
        if (index >= d->originData.length())
            return 0;
        std::string res = d->originData.substr(index, length);
        *dst = *res.data();
        return (int32_t) res.length();
    sh::ByteBuf sh::ByteBuf::getBytes(int32_t index) const
        if (index >= d->originData.length())
            return sh::ByteBuf();
        std::string res = d->originData.substr(index);
        return sh::ByteBuf(res);
    sh::ByteBuf sh::ByteBuf::getBytes(int32_t index, int32_t length) const
        if (index >= d->originData.length())
            return sh::ByteBuf();
        std::string res = d->originData.substr(index, length);
        return sh::ByteBuf(res);
    sh::ByteBuf sh::ByteBuf::getBytes(int32_t index, int32_t dstIndex, int32_t length) const
        if (index >= d->originData.length())
            return sh::ByteBuf();
        sh::ByteBuf data(dstIndex, 0);
        std::string res = d->originData.substr(index, length);
        data.writeBytes(res.data(), (int32_t) res.length());
        return data;
    int8_t sh::ByteBuf::getChar(int32_t index) const
        if (index >= d->originData.length())
            return 0;
        return d->originData.at(index);
    uint8_t sh::ByteBuf::getUnsignedChar(int32_t index) const
        return getChar(index);
    int16_t sh::ByteBuf::getShort(int32_t index) const
        return d->getT<int16_t>(index, INT16_BIT);
    int16_t sh::ByteBuf::getShortLE(int32_t index) const
        return d->getTLE<int16_t>(index, INT16_BIT);
    uint16_t sh::ByteBuf::getUnsignedShort(int32_t index) const
        return d->getT<int16_t>(index, INT16_BIT);
    uint16_t sh::ByteBuf::getUnsignedShortLE(int32_t index) const
        return d->getTLE<int16_t>(index, INT16_BIT);
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::getInt(int32_t index) const
        return d->getT<int32_t>(index, INT32_BIT);
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::getIntLE(int32_t index) const
        return d->getTLE<int32_t>(index, INT32_BIT);
    uint32_t sh::ByteBuf::getUnsignedInt(int32_t index) const
        return d->getT<int32_t>(index, INT32_BIT);
    uint32_t sh::ByteBuf::getUnsignedIntLE(int32_t index) const
        return d->getTLE<int32_t>(index, INT32_BIT);
    int64_t sh::ByteBuf::getLong(int32_t index) const
        return d->getT<int64_t>(index, INT64_BIT);
    int64_t sh::ByteBuf::getLongLE(int32_t index) const
        return d->getTLE<int64_t>(index, INT64_BIT);
    uint64_t sh::ByteBuf::getUnsignedLong(int32_t index) const
        return d->getT<int64_t>(index, INT64_BIT);
    uint64_t sh::ByteBuf::getUnsignedLongLE(int32_t index) const
        return d->getTLE<int64_t>(index, INT64_BIT);
    float sh::ByteBuf::getFloat(int32_t index) const
        float result = 0.00;
        if (d->originData.length() - index < FLOAT_BIT)
            return 0.00;
        char *p = (char *) &result;
        for (; index < index + FLOAT_BIT; index++)
            *(p + index) = d->originData.at(index);
        return result;
    float sh::ByteBuf::getFloatLE(int32_t index) const
        float result = 0.00;
        if (d->originData.length() - index < FLOAT_BIT)
            return 0.00;
        char *p = (char *) &result;
        for (; index < index + FLOAT_BIT; index++)
            *(p + index) = d->originData.at(FLOAT_BIT - index - 1);
        return result;
    double sh::ByteBuf::getDouble(int32_t index) const
        double result = 0.00;
        if (d->originData.length() - index < DOUBLE_BIT)
            return 0.00;
        char *p = (char *) &result;
        for (; index < index + DOUBLE_BIT; index++)
            *(p + index) = d->originData.at(index);
        return result;
    double sh::ByteBuf::getDoubleLE(int32_t index) const
        double result = 0.00;
        if (d->originData.length() - index < DOUBLE_BIT)
            return 0.00;
        char *p = (char *) &result;
        for (; index < index + DOUBLE_BIT; index++)
            *(p + index) = d->originData.at(DOUBLE_BIT - index - 1);
        return result;
    int8_t sh::ByteBuf::readChar()
        if (d->originData.length() - d->readerIndex < INT8_BIT)
            return 0;
        return d->originData.at(d->readerIndex++);
    uint8_t sh::ByteBuf::readUnsignedChar()
        return readChar();
    int16_t sh::ByteBuf::readShort()
        return d->readT<int16_t>(INT16_BIT);
    int16_t sh::ByteBuf::readShortLE()
        return d->readTLE<int16_t>(INT16_BIT);
    uint16_t sh::ByteBuf::readUnsignedShort()
        return d->readT<int16_t>(INT16_BIT);
    uint16_t sh::ByteBuf::readUnsignedShortLE()
        return d->readTLE<int16_t>(INT16_BIT);
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::readInt()
        return d->readT<int32_t>(INT32_BIT);
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::readIntLE()
        return d->readTLE<int32_t>(INT32_BIT);
    uint32_t sh::ByteBuf::readUnsignedInt()
        return d->readT<int32_t>(INT32_BIT);
    uint32_t sh::ByteBuf::readUnsignedIntLE()
        return d->readTLE<int32_t>(INT32_BIT);
    int64_t sh::ByteBuf::readLong()
        return d->readT<int64_t>(INT64_BIT);
    int64_t sh::ByteBuf::readLongLE()
        return d->readTLE<int64_t>(INT64_BIT);
    uint64_t sh::ByteBuf::readUnsignedLong()
        return d->readT<int64_t>(INT64_BIT);
    uint64_t sh::ByteBuf::readUnsignedLongLE()
        return d->readTLE<int64_t>(INT64_BIT);
    sh::ByteBuf sh::ByteBuf::readBytes(int32_t length)
        std::string data = d->originData.substr(d->readerIndex, length);
        d->readerIndex += (int32_t) data.length();
        return sh::ByteBuf(data);
    double sh::ByteBuf::readDouble()
        double result = 0.00;
        if (d->originData.length() - d->readerIndex < DOUBLE_BIT)
            return 0.00;
        char *p = (char *) &result;
        for (; d->readerIndex < d->readerIndex + DOUBLE_BIT; d->readerIndex++)
            *(p + d->readerIndex) = d->originData.at(d->readerIndex);
        return result;
    double sh::ByteBuf::readDoubleLE()
        double result = 0.00;
        if (d->originData.length() - d->readerIndex < DOUBLE_BIT)
            return 0.00;
        char *p = (char *) &result;
        for (; d->readerIndex < d->readerIndex + DOUBLE_BIT; d->readerIndex++)
            *(p + d->readerIndex) = d->originData.at(DOUBLE_BIT - d->readerIndex - 1);
        return result;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::skipBytes(int32_t length)
        d->readerIndex += length;
        if (d->readerIndex > d->originData.length())
            d->readerIndex = (int32_t) d->originData.length();
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setChar(int32_t index, int8_t value)
        d->setT(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setUnsignedChar(int32_t index, uint8_t value)
        d->setT(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setShort(int32_t index, int16_t value)
        d->setT(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setShortLE(int32_t index, int16_t value)
        d->setTLE(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setUnsignedShort(int32_t index, uint16_t value)
        d->setT(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setUnsignedShortLE(int32_t index, uint16_t value)
        d->setTLE(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setInt(int32_t index, int32_t value)
        d->setT(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setIntLE(int32_t index, int32_t value)
        d->setTLE(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setUnsignedInt(int32_t index, uint32_t value)
        d->setT(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setUnsignedIntLE(int32_t index, uint32_t value)
        d->setTLE(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setLong(int32_t index, int64_t value)
        d->setT(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setLongLE(int32_t index, int64_t value)
        d->setTLE(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setUnsignedLong(int32_t index, uint64_t value)
        d->setT(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setUnsignedLongLE(int32_t index, uint64_t value)
        d->setTLE(index, value);
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setBytes(int32_t index, const ByteBuf &buf)
        d->setData(index, buf.data());
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setBytes(int32_t index, const char *data, int32_t size)
        d->setData(index, std::string(data, size));
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::setZero(int32_t index, int32_t length)
        d->setData(index, std::string(length, 0));
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeChar(int8_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeUnsignedChar(uint8_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeShort(int16_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeShortLE(int16_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeUnsignedShort(uint16_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeUnsignedShortLE(uint16_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeInt(int32_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeIntLE(int32_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeUnsignedInt(uint32_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeUnsignedIntLE(uint32_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeLong(int64_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeLongLE(int64_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeUnsignedLong(uint64_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeUnsignedLongLE(uint64_t value)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeBytes(const ByteBuf &buf)
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeBytes(const char *data, int32_t size)
        d->writeData(std::string(data, size));
        return *this;
    sh::ByteBuf &sh::ByteBuf::writeZero(int32_t length)
        d->writeData(std::string(length, 0));
        return *this;
    char sh::ByteBuf::toHexLower(uint32_t value) noexcept
        return "0123456789abcdef"[value & 0xF];
    char sh::ByteBuf::toHexUpper(uint32_t value) noexcept
        return "0123456789ABCDEF"[value & 0xF];
    int32_t sh::ByteBuf::fromHex(uint32_t c) noexcept
        return ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) ? int32_t(c - '0') :
               ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) ? int32_t(c - 'A' + 10) :
               ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) ? int32_t(c - 'a' + 10) :
               /* otherwise */              -1;
    sh::ByteBuf sh::ByteBuf::fromHex(const std::string &hexEncoded) noexcept
        sh::ByteBuf data;
        char ch = 0x00;
        for (int32_t index = 0; index < hexEncoded.length() - 1; index++)
            ch |= (char) fromHex(hexEncoded.at(index++)) << 4;
            ch |= (char) fromHex(hexEncoded.at(index));
            ch = 0x00;
        return data;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sherlock-lin/p/15365164.html
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