• mysql练习




    班级表:class       学生表:student      
    cid caption grade_id   sid sname gender class_id
    1 一年一班 1   1 乔丹 1
    2 二年一班 2   2 艾弗森 1
    3 三年二班 3   3 科比 2
    老师表:teacher       课程表:course      
    tid tname     cid cname teacher_id  
    1 张三     1 生物 1  
    2 李四     2 体育 1  
    3 王五     3 物理 2  
    成绩表:score         年级表:class_grade    
    sid student_id course_id score   gid gname  
    1 1 1 60   1 一年级  
    2 1 2 59   2 二年级  
    3 2 2 99   3 三年级  
    tcid tid cid          
    1 1 1          
    2 1 2          
    3 2 1          
    4 3 2      


    class_grade  一对多  >> class

    class            一对多  >>  student

    teacher        一对多  >>   course

    student        一对多 >>  score

    course         一对多 >> score

    teacher         多对多 >> class  


    可参考: http://www.cnblogs.com/wupeiqi/articles/5748496.html 

    C:UsersAdministrator>mysql -uroot -p
    Enter password:
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 1
    Server version: 5.6.39 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement.
    mysql> create database db charset utf8;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
    mysql> use db;
    Database changed
    mysql> create table class_grade(
        -> gid int primary key auto_increment,
        -> gname varchar(16) not null unique);
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.14 sec)
    mysql> create table class(
        -> cid int primary key auto_increment,
        -> caption varchar(16) not null,
        -> grade_id int not null,
        -> foreign key(grade_id) references class_grade(gid)); #class_grade表与class表是一对多的关系;在多的表中建立关联关系;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.95 sec)
    mysql> create table student(
        -> sid int primary key auto_increment,
        -> sname varchar(16) not null,
        -> sex enum('',''),
        -> class_id int not null,
        -> foreign key(class_id) references class(cid)); #class和student表也是一对多的关系,在多的表中建立关联字段;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.64 sec)
    mysql> create table teacher(
        -> tid int primary key auto_increment,
        -> tname varchar(16) not null);
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.59 sec)
    mysql> create table course(
        -> cid int primary key auto_increment,
        -> cname varchar(16) not null,
        -> teacher_id int not null,
        -> foreign key(teacher_id) references teacher(tid)); #teacher和course是一对多关系,在多的表中建立关联字段;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.53 sec)
    mysql> create table score(
        -> sid int not null unique auto_increment,
        -> student_id int not null,
        -> course_id int not null,
        -> score int not null,
        -> primary key(student_id,course_id),
        -> foreign key(student_id) references student(sid)  #student和score是一对多的关系;
        -> on delete cascade 
        -> on update cascade,
        -> foreign key(course_id) references course(cid)   #course和score也是一对多的关系;
        -> on delete cascade
        -> on update cascade
        -> );
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.11 sec)
    mysql> create table teach2cls(
        -> tcid int not null unique auto_increment,
        -> tid int not null,
        -> cid int not null,
        -> primary key(tid,cid),
        -> foreign key(tid) references teacher(tid) #teacher和class是多对多关系,两个互相一对多;
        -> on delete cascade
        -> on update cascade,
        -> foreign key(cid) references class(cid)
        -> on delete cascade
        -> on update cascade
        -> );
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.87 sec)
    mysql> desc teach2cls;
    | Field | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
    | tcid  | int(11) | NO   | UNI | NULL    | auto_increment |
    | tid   | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |                |
    | cid   | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |                |
    3 rows in set (0.10 sec)
    mysql> desc score;
    | Field      | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
    | sid        | int(11) | NO   | UNI | NULL    | auto_increment |
    | student_id | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |                |
    | course_id  | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |                |
    | score      | int(11) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
    4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
    mysql> desc course;
    | Field      | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
    | cid        | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
    | cname      | varchar(16) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
    | teacher_id | int(11)     | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
    3 rows in set (0.02 sec)
    mysql> desc teacher;
    | Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
    | tid   | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
    | tname | varchar(16) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
    2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
    mysql> desc student;
    | Field    | Type              | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
    | sid      | int(11)           | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
    | sname    | varchar(16)       | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
    | sex      | enum('','')   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
    | class_id | int(11)           | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
    4 rows in set (0.08 sec)
    mysql> desc class;
    | Field    | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
    | cid      | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
    | caption  | varchar(16) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
    | grade_id | int(11)     | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
    3 rows in set (0.01 sec)
    mysql> desc class_grade;
    | Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
    | gid   | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
    | gname | varchar(16) | NO   | UNI | NULL    |                |
    2 rows in set (0.01 sec)



    mysql> select * from class;
    | cid | caption         | grade_id |
    |   1 | 一年级一班      |        1 |
    |   2 | 一年级二班      |        1 |
    |   3 | 一年级三班      |        1 |
    |   4 | 二年级一班      |        2 |
    |   5 | 二年级二班      |        2 |
    |   6 | 二年级三班      |        2 |
    |   7 | 三年级一班      |        3 |
    |   8 | 三年级二班      |        3 |
    |   9 | 三年级三班      |        3 |
    9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from class_grade;
    | gid | gname     |
    |   1 | 一年级    |
    |   3 | 三年级    |
    |   2 | 二年级    |
    |   4 | 四年级    |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from course;
    | cid | cname  | teacher_id |
    |   1 | 生物   |          1 |
    |   2 | 体育   |          1 |
    |   3 | 物理   |          2 |
    |   4 | 化学   |          3 |
    |   5 | 英语   |          3 |
    |   6 | python |          4 |
    |   7 | linux  |          5 |
    7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from student;
    | sid | sname     | sex  | class_id |
    |   1 | 乔丹      | 女   |        1 |
    |   2 | 艾弗森    | 女   |        1 |
    |   3 | 科比      | 男   |        2 |
    |   4 | alex      | 女   |        2 |
    |   5 | egon      | 男   |        3 |
    |   6 | egon2     | 女   |        3 |
    |   7 | kris      | 男   |        4 |
    |   8 | wxx       | 女   |        5 |
    |   9 | 杜拉拉    | 女   |        6 |
    |  10 | 姗姗      | 女   |        7 |
    |  11 | 丹丹      | 男   |        8 |
    |  12 | simith    | 男   |        9 |
    12 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from teacher;
    | tid | tname     |
    |   1 | 张三      |
    |   2 | 李四      |
    |   3 | 王五      |
    |   4 | 老男孩    |
    |   5 | 小女孩    |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from score;
    | sid | student_id | course_id | score |
    |   1 |          1 |         1 |    60 |
    |   2 |          1 |         2 |    59 |
    |   3 |          2 |         2 |    99 |
    |   4 |          3 |         3 |    88 |
    |   5 |          3 |         4 |    76 |
    |   6 |          4 |         5 |    34 |
    |   7 |          5 |         6 |    68 |
    |   8 |          6 |         6 |    93 |
    |   9 |          7 |         7 |    77 |
    |  10 |          8 |         6 |    86 |
    |  11 |          9 |         3 |    90 |
    |  12 |         10 |         4 |   100 |
    |  13 |         11 |         5 |    52 |
    |  14 |         12 |         7 |    27 |
    14 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from teach2cls;
    | tcid | tid | cid |
    |    1 |   1 |   1 |
    |    2 |   1 |   2 |
    |    3 |   2 |   1 |
    |    4 |   3 |   2 |
    |    5 |   4 |   3 |
    |    6 |   4 |   4 |
    |    7 |   5 |   6 |
    |    8 |   5 |   5 |
    |    9 |   3 |   7 |
    |   10 |   2 |   8 |
    |   11 |   4 |   9 |
    11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

     class(cid  caption  grade_id);        class_grade(gid  gname)

    student(sid  sname  sex  class_id);teacher(tid  tname)

    course(cid  cname  teacher_id);    score(sid  student_id  course_id   score)

    teach2cls(tcid  tid  cid)




    mysql> select count(sid) as count_student from student;
    | count_student |
    |            12 |
    1 row in set (0.08 sec)


    查询 student的sid和sname 

    两个条件:从course表中查出“生物”和“物理”课程;从score表中查出score > 60的

    mysql> select sid,sname from student
        -> where sid in(                                                                          #带in关键字的子查询
        -> SELECT score.student_id from score inner join course on score.course_id = course.cid 
        -> where course.cname in ('生物', '物理') and score.score > 60
        -> );
    | sid | sname     |
    |   1 | 乔丹      |
    |   3 | 科比      |
    |   9 | 杜拉拉    |




    mysql> select grade_id,count(grade_id) from class;
    | grade_id | count(grade_id) |
    |        1 |               9 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select grade_id,count(cid) as count_cid from class
        -> group by grade_id;
    | grade_id | count_cid |
    |        1 |         3 |
    |        2 |         3 |
    |        3 |         3 |
    3 rows in set (0.08 sec)
    mysql> select grade_id,count(cid) as count_cid from class
        -> group by grade_id
        -> order by count_cid desc
        -> limit 3;
    | grade_id | count_cid |
    |        1 |         3 |
    |        2 |         3 |
    |        3 |         3 |
    3 rows in set (0.07 sec)
    mysql> select class_grade.gname from class_grade inner join (
        -> select grade_id,count(cid) as count_cid from class
        -> group by grade_id
        -> order by count_cid desc
        -> limit 3)
        -> as t1 
        -> on class_grade.gid = t1.grade_id;
    | gname     |
    | 一年级    |
    | 三年级    |
    | 二年级    |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)



    mysql> select student.sid,student.sname,t1.avg_score from student
        -> inner join(select student_id,avg(score) as avg_score from score
        -> group by student_id
        -> having avg(score) in ((
        -> select avg(score) as max_avg_score from score
        -> group by student_id
        -> order by avg(score) desc
        -> limit 1),(
        -> select avg(score) as min_avg_score from score
        -> group by student_id
        -> order by avg(score) asc
        -> limit 1)
        -> )) as t1
        -> on student.sid = t1.student_id;
    | sid | sname  | avg_score |
    |  10 | 姗姗   |  100.0000 |
    |  12 | simith |   27.0000 |
    2 rows in set (0.05 sec)



    mysql> select student.sid, class.grade_id from student,class
        -> where student.class_id = class.cid;
    | sid | grade_id |
    |   1 |        1 |
    |   2 |        1 |
    |   3 |        1 |
    |   4 |        1 |
    |   5 |        1 |
    |   6 |        1 |
    |   7 |        2 |
    |   8 |        2 |
    |   9 |        2 |
    |  10 |        3 |
    |  11 |        3 |
    |  12 |        3 |
    12 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select t1.grade_id, count(t1.sid) as student_count from
        -> (select student.sid, class.grade_id from student,class
        -> where student.class_id = class.cid)as t1
        -> group by t1.grade_id;
    | grade_id | student_count |
    |        1 |             6 |
    |        2 |             3 |
    |        3 |             3 |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select student_id, count(course_id) as count_course,
        -> avg(score) as avg_score from score
        -> group by student_id;
    | student_id | count_course | avg_score |
    |          1 |            3 |   65.0000 |
    |          2 |            1 |   99.0000 |
    |          3 |            1 |   88.0000 |
    |          4 |            1 |   34.0000 |
    |          5 |            1 |   68.0000 |
    |          6 |            1 |   93.0000 |
    |          7 |            1 |   77.0000 |
    |          8 |            1 |   86.0000 |
    |          9 |            1 |   90.0000 |
    |         10 |            1 |  100.0000 |
    |         11 |            1 |   52.0000 |
    |         12 |            1 |   27.0000 |
    12 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select student.sid, student.sname,t1.count_course, t1.avg_score from student left join(
        -> select student_id, count(course_id) as count_course,
        -> avg(score) as avg_score from score
        -> group by student_id)
        -> as t1
        -> on student.sid = t1.student_id;
    | sid | sname     | count_course | avg_score |
    |   1 | 乔丹      |            3 |   65.0000 |
    |   2 | 艾弗森    |            1 |   99.0000 |
    |   3 | 科比      |            1 |   88.0000 |
    |   4 | alex      |            1 |   34.0000 |
    |   5 | egon      |            1 |   68.0000 |
    |   6 | egon2     |            1 |   93.0000 |
    |   7 | kris      |            1 |   77.0000 |
    |   8 | wxx       |            1 |   86.0000 |
    |   9 | 杜拉拉    |            1 |   90.0000 |
    |  10 | 姗姗      |            1 |  100.0000 |
    |  11 | 丹丹      |            1 |   52.0000 |
    |  12 | simith    |            1 |   27.0000 |
    12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select student_id, course_id, score from score
        -> where student_id = 2 and score in ((
        -> select max(score) from score where student_id = 2),(
        -> select min(score) from score where student_id = 2));
    | student_id | course_id | score |
    |          2 |         2 |    99 |
    1 row in set (0.03 sec)
    mysql> select student.sname,course.cname,t1.score from(
        -> select student_id, course_id, score from score
        -> where student_id = 2 and score in ((
        -> select max(score) from score where student_id = 2),(
        -> select min(score) from score where student_id = 2))
        -> )as t1 inner join student on t1.student_id = student.sid
        -> inner join course on t1.course_id = course.cid;
    | sname     | cname  | score |
    | 艾弗森    | 体育   |    99 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select tid, count(cid) as count_cid from teach2cls
        -> where tid in (
        -> select tid from teacher
        -> where tname like '李%')
        -> group by tid;
    | tid | count_cid |
    |   2 |         2 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select teacher.tid, teacher.tname,t1.count_cid from teacher left join(
        -> select tid, count(cid) as count_cid from teach2cls
        -> where tid in (
        -> select tid from teacher
        -> where tname like '李%')
        -> group by tid)as t1
        -> on teacher.tid = t1.tid
        -> where teacher.tname like '李%';
    | tid | tname  | count_cid |
    |   2 | 李四   |         2 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select gid, gname from class_grade
        -> where gid in(
        -> select grade_id from class
        -> group by grade_id
        -> having count(class.grade_id) < 5
        -> );
    | gid | gname     |
    |   1 | 一年级    |
    |   3 | 三年级    |
    |   2 | 二年级    |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    1 一年一班 一年级
    mysql> select class.cid, class.caption, class_grade.gname,case
        -> when class_grade.gid between 1 and 2 then ''
        -> when class_grade.gid between 3 and 4 then ''
        -> when class_grade.gid between 5 and 6 then ''
        -> else 0
        -> end as '年级级别' from class, class_grade
        -> where class.grade_id = class_grade.gid;
    | cid | caption         | gname     | 年级级别     |
    |   1 | 一年级一班      | 一年级    | 低           |
    |   2 | 一年级二班      | 一年级    | 低           |
    |   3 | 一年级三班      | 一年级    | 低           |
    |   7 | 三年级一班      | 三年级    | 中           |
    |   8 | 三年级二班      | 三年级    | 中           |
    |   9 | 三年级三班      | 三年级    | 中           |
    |   4 | 二年级一班      | 二年级    | 低           |
    |   5 | 二年级二班      | 二年级    | 低           |
    |   6 | 二年级三班      | 二年级    | 低           |
    9 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select student_id from score
        -> where course_id in (
        -> select course.cid from teacher, course
        -> where teacher.tid = course.teacher_id and teacher.tname = '张三')
        -> group by student_id
        -> having count(course_id) > 2;
    Empty set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select sid,sname from student
        -> where sid in(
        ->  select student_id from score
        ->  where course_id in (
        ->  select course.cid from teacher, course
        ->  where teacher.tid = course.teacher_id and teacher.tname = '张三')
        ->  group by student_id
        -> having count(course_id) > 2
        -> );
    Empty set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select tid, tname from teacher
        -> where tid in (
        -> select teacher_id from course
        -> group by teacher_id
        -> having count(cid) >= 2
        -> );
    | tid | tname  |
    |   1 | 张三   |
    |   3 | 王五   |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select distinct student_id from score
        -> where course_id in (1, 2);
    | student_id |
    |          1 |
    |          2 |
    2 rows in set (0.05 sec)
    mysql> select sid, sname from student
        -> where sid in(
        ->  select distinct student_id from score
        ->  where course_id in (1, 2)
        ->  );
    | sid | sname     |
    |   1 | 乔丹      |
    |   2 | 艾弗森    |
    2 rows in set (0.23 sec)


    mysql> select tid,tname from teacher
        -> where tid not in (
        -> select tid from teach2cls
        -> where cid in (
        -> select t1.cid from(
        -> select class.cid,class.caption,class_grade.gname,
        -> case when class_grade.gid between 1 and 2 then ''
        -> when class_grade.gid between 3 and 4 then ''
        -> when class_grade.gid between 5 and 6 then '' else 0 end as grade_layer
        -> from class,class_grade
        -> where class.grade_id = class_grade.gid)
        -> as t1
        -> where t1.grade_layer = '')
        -> );
    | tid | tname     |
    |   1 | 张三      |
    |   2 | 李四      |
    |   3 | 王五      |
    |   4 | 老男孩    |
    |   5 | 小女孩    |
    5 rows in set (0.06 sec)


    mysql> select student_id from score
        -> where course_id in (
        -> select cid from course
        -> inner join teacher on teacher.tid = course.teacher_id
        -> where teacher.tname = '张三');
    | student_id |
    |          1 |
    |          1 |
    |          2 |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select sid, sname from student
        -> where sid in (
        -> select student_id from score
        -> where course_id in (
        -> select cid from course
        -> inner join teacher on teacher.tid = course.teacher_id
        -> where teacher.tname = '张三')
        -> );
    | sid | sname     |
    |   1 | 乔丹      |
    |   2 | 艾弗森    |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select tid, tname from teacher
        -> where tid in (
        -> select tid from teach2cls
        -> group by tid
        -> having count(cid) > 2
        -> );
    | tid | tname     |
    |   4 | 老男孩    |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select t1.student_id from (
        -> select student_id, score from score
        -> where course_id = 2
        -> group by student_id)
        -> as t1,(
        -> select student_id, score from score
        -> where course_id = 1
        -> group by student_id)
        -> as t2
        -> where t1.student_id = t2.student_id
        -> and t1.score < t2.score ;
    | student_id |
    |          1 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select sid, sname from student
        -> where sid in (
        -> select t1.student_id from (
        -> select student_id, score from score
        -> where course_id = 2
        -> group by student_id)
        -> as t1,(
        -> select student_id, score from score
        -> where course_id = 1
        -> group by student_id)
        -> as t2
        -> where t1.student_id = t2.student_id
        -> and t1.score < t2.score
        -> );
    | sid | sname  |
    |   1 | 乔丹   |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select tid from teach2cls
        -> group by tid
        -> having count(cid) = (
        -> select count(cid) from teach2cls
        -> group by tid
        -> order by count(cid) desc limit 1);
    | tid |
    |   4 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select tid, tname from teacher
        -> where tid in (
        -> select tid from teach2cls
        -> group by tid
        -> having count(cid) = (
        -> select count(cid) from teach2cls
        -> group by tid
        -> order by count(cid) desc limit 1)
        -> );
    | tid | tname     |
    |   4 | 老男孩    |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select sid, sname from student
        -> where sid in (
        -> select distinct student_id from score
        -> where score < 60);
    | sid | sname  |
    |   1 | 乔丹   |
    |   4 | alex   |
    |  11 | 丹丹   |
    |  12 | simith |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select student_id from score
        -> group by student_id
        -> having count(course_id) = (
        -> select count(cid) from course);
    Empty set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select sid, sname from student
        -> where sid not in (
        -> select student_id from score
        -> group by student_id
        -> having count(course_id) = (
        -> select count(cid) from course)
        -> );
    | sid | sname     |
    |   1 | 乔丹      |
    |   2 | 艾弗森    |
    |   3 | 科比      |
    |   4 | alex      |
    |   5 | egon      |
    |   6 | egon2     |
    |   7 | kris      |
    |   8 | wxx       |
    |   9 | 杜拉拉    |
    |  10 | 姗姗      |
    |  11 | 丹丹      |
    |  12 | simith    |
    12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    select sid, sname from student
    where sid in (
    select student_id from score 
    where course_id in (
    select course_id from score
    where student_id = 1)
    group by student_id 


    mysql> select sid,sname from student
        -> where sid in (
        -> select student_id from score
        -> where course_id in (
        -> SELECT course_id from score
        -> where student_id = 1)
        -> group by student_id )
        -> and sid != 1;
    | sid | sname     |
    |   2 | 艾弗森    |
    |   3 | 科比      |
    |   9 | 杜拉拉    |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select sid,sname from student
        -> where sid in (
        -> select score.student_id from score,(
        -> select course_id from score
        -> where student_id = 2) as t1
        -> where score.course_id = t1.course_id and score.student_id != 2
        -> group by score.student_id
        -> having count(score.course_id) = (select count(course_id) from score
        -> where student_id = 2)
        -> );
    | sid | sname  |
    |   1 | 乔丹   |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> delete from score
        -> where course_id in (
        -> select course.cid from course,teacher
        -> where course.teacher_id = teacher.tid and teacher.tname = '张三'
        -> );
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.17 sec)
    mysql> select * from score;
    | sid | student_id | course_id | score |
    |   5 |          1 |         3 |    76 |
    |   4 |          3 |         3 |    88 |
    |   6 |          4 |         5 |    34 |
    |   7 |          5 |         6 |    68 |
    |   8 |          6 |         6 |    93 |
    |   9 |          7 |         7 |    77 |
    |  10 |          8 |         6 |    86 |
    |  11 |          9 |         3 |    90 |
    |  12 |         10 |         4 |   100 |
    |  13 |         11 |         5 |    52 |
    |  14 |         12 |         7 |    27 |
    11 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql>  select sid from student
        ->  where sid not in (
        ->  select student_id from score where course_id = 2);
    | sid |
    |   1 |
    |   2 |
    |   3 |
    |   4 |
    |   5 |
    |   6 |
    |   7 |
    |   8 |
    |   9 |
    |  10 |
    |  11 |
    11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select avg(score) as avg_score from score
        -> where course_id=2;
    | avg_score |
    |   27.0000 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> insert into score(student_id,course_id,score)
        -> select t1.sid,2,t2.avg_score from (
        -> select sid from student
        -> where sid not in (
        -> select student_id from score where course_id = 2)
        -> )as t1,(
        -> select avg(score) as avg_score from score
        -> where course_id=2)
        -> as t2;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
    mysql> select * from score;
    | sid | student_id | course_id | score |
    |  15 |          1 |         2 |    27 |
    |   5 |          1 |         3 |    76 |
    |  16 |          2 |         2 |    27 |
    |  17 |          3 |         2 |    27 |
    |   4 |          3 |         3 |    88 |
    |  18 |          4 |         2 |    27 |
    |   6 |          4 |         5 |    34 |
    |  19 |          5 |         2 |    27 |
    |   7 |          5 |         6 |    68 |
    |  20 |          6 |         2 |    27 |
    |   8 |          6 |         6 |    93 |
    |  21 |          7 |         2 |    27 |
    |   9 |          7 |         7 |    77 |
    |  22 |          8 |         2 |    27 |
    |  10 |          8 |         6 |    86 |
    |  23 |          9 |         2 |    27 |
    |  11 |          9 |         3 |    90 |
    |  24 |         10 |         2 |    27 |
    |  12 |         10 |         4 |   100 |
    |  25 |         11 |         2 |    27 |
    |  13 |         11 |         5 |    52 |
    |  14 |         12 |         2 |    27 |
    22 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    27、按平均成绩从低到高显示所有学生的“语文”、“数学”、“英语”三门的课程成绩,按如下形式显示: 学生ID,语文,数学,英语,有效课程数,有效平均分;

    mysql> select concat("学生ID:  ",t1.sid," ", "课程ID:  ",t2.course_id," ","平均成绩:  ",avg(t2.score)) from student
        -> as t1
        -> RIGHT JOIN score as t2
        -> on t1.sid = t2.student_id
        -> GROUP BY student_id;
    | concat("学生ID:  ",t1.sid," ", "课程ID:  ",t2.course_id," ","平均成绩:  ",avg(t2.score))         |
    | 学生ID:  1 课程ID:  2 平均成绩:  51.5000                                                         |
    | 学生ID:  2 课程ID:  2 平均成绩:  27.0000                                                         |
    | 学生ID:  3 课程ID:  2 平均成绩:  57.5000                                                         |
    | 学生ID:  4 课程ID:  2 平均成绩:  30.5000                                                         |
    | 学生ID:  5 课程ID:  2 平均成绩:  47.5000                                                         |
    | 学生ID:  6 课程ID:  2 平均成绩:  60.0000                                                         |
    | 学生ID:  7 课程ID:  2 平均成绩:  52.0000                                                         |
    | 学生ID:  8 课程ID:  2 平均成绩:  56.5000                                                         |
    | 学生ID:  9 课程ID:  2 平均成绩:  58.5000                                                         |
    | 学生ID:  10 课程ID:  2 平均成绩:  63.5000                                                        |
    | 学生ID:  11 课程ID:  2 平均成绩:  39.5000                                                        |
    | 学生ID:  12 课程ID:  2 平均成绩:  27.0000                                                        |
    12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select course.cid, max(score.score) as max_score, min(score.score) as min_score from course
        -> left join score on course.cid = score.course_id
        -> group by score.course_id;
    | cid | max_score | min_score |
    |   1 |      NULL |      NULL |
    |   2 |        27 |        27 |
    |   3 |        90 |        76 |
    |   4 |       100 |       100 |
    |   5 |        52 |        34 |
    |   6 |        93 |        68 |
    |   7 |        77 |        77 |
    7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select course_id, avg(score) as avg_score,
        -> sum(case when score.score > 60 then 1 else 0 end) / count(1) * 100 as percent
        -> from score group by course_id
        -> order by avg(score) asc, percent desc;
    | course_id | avg_score | percent  |
    |         2 |   27.0000 |   0.0000 |
    |         5 |   43.0000 |   0.0000 |
    |         7 |   77.0000 | 100.0000 |
    |         6 |   82.3333 | 100.0000 |
    |         3 |   84.6667 | 100.0000 |
    |         4 |  100.0000 | 100.0000 |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select course_id, avg(score) as avg_score from score
        -> group by course_id
        -> order by avg_score desc ;
    | course_id | avg_score |
    |         4 |  100.0000 |
    |         3 |   84.6667 |
    |         6 |   82.3333 |
    |         7 |   77.0000 |
    |         5 |   43.0000 |
    |         2 |   27.0000 |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select t1.course_id,t1.avg_score,teacher.tname from course,teacher,(
        -> select course_id, avg(score) as avg_score from score
        -> group by course_id
        -> order by avg_score desc)
        -> as t1
        -> where course.cid = t1.course_id and course.teacher_id = teacher.tid
        -> order by t1.avg_score desc;
    | course_id | avg_score | tname     |
    |         4 |  100.0000 | 王五      |
    |         3 |   84.6667 | 李四      |
    |         6 |   82.3333 | 老男孩    |
    |         7 |   77.0000 | 小女孩    |
    |         5 |   43.0000 | 王五      |
    |         2 |   27.0000 | 张三      |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select score.sid,score.student_id,score.course_id,score.score,
        -> t1.first_score,t1.second_score,t1.third_score from score
        -> inner join(
        -> select s1.sid,(
        -> select score from score as s2 where s1.course_id = s2.course_id order by score desc limit 0,1)
        -> as first_score,(
        -> select score from score as s3 where s1.course_id = s3.course_id order by score desc limit 1,1)
        -> as second_score,(
        -> select score from score as s4 where s1.course_id = s4.course_id order by score desc limit 2,1)
        -> as third_score from score as s1)
        -> as t1 on score.sid = t1.sid
        -> where score.score in (t1.first_score,t1.second_score,t1.third_score
        -> );
    | sid | student_id | course_id | score | first_score | second_score | third_score |
    |   4 |          3 |         3 |    88 |          90 |           88 |          76 |
    |   5 |          1 |         3 |    76 |          90 |           88 |          76 |
    |   6 |          4 |         5 |    34 |          52 |           34 |        NULL |
    |   7 |          5 |         6 |    68 |          93 |           86 |          68 |
    |   8 |          6 |         6 |    93 |          93 |           86 |          68 |
    |   9 |          7 |         7 |    77 |          77 |         NULL |        NULL |
    |  10 |          8 |         6 |    86 |          93 |           86 |          68 |
    |  11 |          9 |         3 |    90 |          90 |           88 |          76 |
    |  12 |         10 |         4 |   100 |         100 |         NULL |        NULL |
    |  13 |         11 |         5 |    52 |          52 |           34 |        NULL |
    |  14 |         12 |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |          27 |
    |  15 |          1 |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |          27 |
    |  16 |          2 |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |          27 |
    |  17 |          3 |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |          27 |
    |  18 |          4 |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |          27 |
    |  19 |          5 |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |          27 |
    |  20 |          6 |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |          27 |
    |  21 |          7 |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |          27 |
    |  22 |          8 |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |          27 |
    |  23 |          9 |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |          27 |
    |  24 |         10 |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |          27 |
    |  25 |         11 |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |          27 |
    22 rows in set (0.01 sec)


    mysql> select cname "课程",count(student_id) "选修学生总数" from score LEFT JOIN
        -> course on score.course_id = course.cid
        -> GROUP BY course_id;
    | 课程   | 选修学生总数       |
    | 体育   |                 12 |
    | 物理   |                  3 |
    | 化学   |                  1 |
    | 英语   |                  2 |
    | python |                  3 |
    | linux  |                  1 |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select sid, sname from student
        -> where sid in (
        -> select student_id from score
        -> group by student_id
        -> having count(course_id) > 2
        -> );
    Empty set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> SELECT sex "性别", count(sid) "总人数" FROM student
        -> GROUP BY sex
        -> ORDER BY count(sid) DESC;
    | 性别   | 总人数    |
    | 女     |         7 |
    | 男     |         5 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select student.sid ,student.sname, student.sex, class.caption from student
        -> inner join class on student.class_id = class.cid
        -> where student.sname like '张%';
    Empty set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select sname, count(sname) as count_sname from student
        -> group by sname
        -> having count(sname) > 1;
    Empty set (0.00 sec)


    select course_id,avg(score) as avg_score from score 
    group by course_id
    order by avg_score,course_id desc;


    mysql> select score.student_id, score.score from score
        -> inner join course on score.course_id = course.cid
        -> where course.cname = '英语' and score.score < 60
        -> ;
    | student_id | score |
    |          4 |    34 |
    |         11 |    52 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select student.sname, t1.score from student
        -> inner join (
        -> select score.student_id, score.score from score
        -> inner join course on score.course_id = course.cid
        -> where course.cname = '英语' and score.score < 60)
        -> as t1
        -> on student.sid = t1.student_id;
    | sname  | score |
    | alex   |    34 |
    | 丹丹   |    52 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select sid, sname from student
        -> where sid in (
        -> select student_id from score where course_id = 3 and score > 80
        -> );
    | sid | sname     |
    |   3 | 科比      |
    |   9 | 杜拉拉    |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> SELECT course_id, count(student_id) as count_student from score
        -> group by course_id;
    | course_id | count_student |
    |         2 |            12 |
    |         3 |             3 |
    |         4 |             1 |
    |         5 |             2 |
    |         6 |             3 |
    |         7 |             1 |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select score.student_id,score.course_id,score.score,t1.max_score,t1.min_score from score,(
        -> select course_id,max(score) as max_score ,min(score) as min_score from score
        -> where course_id in (
        -> select cid from course
        -> inner join teacher on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid
        -> where teacher.tname = '王五')
        -> group by course_id) as t1
        -> where score.course_id = t1.course_id and score.score in (max_score,min_score)
        -> ;
    | student_id | course_id | score | max_score | min_score |
    |         10 |         4 |   100 |       100 |       100 |
    |          4 |         5 |    34 |        52 |        34 |
    |         11 |         5 |    52 |        52 |        34 |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select student.sname,t2.course_id,t2.score,t2.max_score,t2.min_score from student
        -> inner join (
        -> select score.student_id,score.course_id,score.score,t1.max_score,t1.min_score from score,(
        -> select course_id,max(score) as max_score ,min(score) as min_score from score
        -> where course_id in (
        -> select cid from course
        -> inner join teacher on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid
        -> where teacher.tname = '王五')
        -> group by course_id) as t1
        -> where score.course_id = t1.course_id and score.score in (max_score,min_score)
        -> )as t2
        -> on student.sid = t2.student_id;
    | sname  | course_id | score | max_score | min_score |
    | 姗姗   |         4 |   100 |       100 |       100 |
    | alex   |         5 |    34 |        52 |        34 |
    | 丹丹   |         5 |    52 |        52 |        34 |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select course.cname,ifnull(t1.count_student,0) as count_student from course
        -> left join (
        -> select course_id, count(student_id) as count_student from score
        -> GROUP BY course_id)
        -> as t1
        -> on course.cid = t1.course_id;
    | cname  | count_student |
    | 生物   |             0 |
    | 体育   |            12 |
    | 物理   |             3 |
    | 化学   |             1 |
    | 英语   |             2 |
    | python |             3 |
    | linux  |             1 |
    7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select distinct s1.student_id,s2.student_id,s1.course_id as s1_course_id,s2.course_id
        -> as s2_course_id,s1.score,s2.score from score
        -> as s1, score as s2
        -> where s1.course_id != s2.course_id and s1.score = s2.score;
    Empty set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select student.sid,student.sname,t2.course_id,t2.score,t2.first_score,t2.second_score from student
        -> inner join (
        -> select score.student_id,score.course_id,score.score,t1.first_score,t1.second_score from score
        -> inner join (
        -> select s1.sid,(
        -> select s2.score from score as s2 where s1.course_id = s2.course_id order by s2.score desc limit 0,1) as first_score,(
        -> select s3.score from score as s3 where s1.course_id = s3.course_id order by s3.score desc limit 1,1) as second_score
        -> from score as s1)
        -> as t1 on score.sid = t1.sid
        -> where score.score in (t1.first_score,t1.second_score)
        -> ) as t2
        -> on student.sid = t2.student_id;
    | sid | sname     | course_id | score | first_score | second_score |
    |   1 | 乔丹      |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |
    |   2 | 艾弗森    |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |
    |   3 | 科比      |         3 |    88 |          90 |           88 |
    |   3 | 科比      |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |
    |   4 | alex      |         5 |    34 |          52 |           34 |
    |   4 | alex      |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |
    |   5 | egon      |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |
    |   6 | egon2     |         6 |    93 |          93 |           86 |
    |   6 | egon2     |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |
    |   7 | kris      |         7 |    77 |          77 |         NULL |
    |   7 | kris      |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |
    |   8 | wxx       |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |
    |   8 | wxx       |         6 |    86 |          93 |           86 |
    |   9 | 杜拉拉    |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |
    |   9 | 杜拉拉    |         3 |    90 |          90 |           88 |
    |  10 | 姗姗      |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |
    |  10 | 姗姗      |         4 |   100 |         100 |         NULL |
    |  11 | 丹丹      |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |
    |  11 | 丹丹      |         5 |    52 |          52 |           34 |
    |  12 | simith    |         2 |    27 |          27 |           27 |
    20 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select student_id from score
        -> GROUP BY student_id
        -> having count(course_id) >= 2;
    | student_id |
    |          1 |
    |          3 |
    |          4 |
    |          5 |
    |          6 |
    |          7 |
    |          8 |
    |          9 |
    |         10 |
    |         11 |
    10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> SELECT cid, cname from course
        -> where cid not in (
        -> SELECT course_id from score
        -> GROUP BY course_id);
    | cid | cname  |
    |   1 | 生物   |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> SELECT tid, tname from teacher
        -> where tid not in(
        -> select tid from teach2cls
        -> GROUP BY tid);
    Empty set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select student_id, avg(score) as avg_score from score
        -> where student_id in (
        -> select student_id from score
        -> where score > 80
        -> group by student_id
        -> having count(course_id) > 2)
        -> group by student_id;
    Empty set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select student_id, score from score
        -> where course_id = 3 and score < 60
        -> ORDER BY score DESC;
    Empty set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> delete from score where sid = (
        -> select t1.sid from(
        -> select sid from score
        -> where student_id = 2 and course_id = 1) as t1
        -> );
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


    mysql> select sid,sname from student
        -> where sid in (
        -> select student_id from score
        -> where course_id in (
        -> select cid from course where course.cname in ('物理','生物'))
        -> GROUP BY student_id
        -> having count(course_id) = 2);
    Empty set (0.00 sec)
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