- 案例场景
- 流程解析
- 0.94-0.96实现方案分析
- 模拟试验及分析
转发微博 抱歉,此微博已被作者删除。查看帮助:http://t.cn/zWSudZc | 转发| 收藏| 评论
本来是不同的短链码,结果删除后,会只在同一个token上操作,也就是 被=zWSudZc
delete zWSudZc mid
decr zWSudZc shareCount
引起的问题是发现写操作堵死在 zWSudZc这个rowKey上
微博feed如果采用HBase,以mid为rowKey,热门微博的操作也会面临这种问题。分析这个问题前我们先要了解HBase 如何保证写一致性:
- 写操作会lock住读锁
- 写操作集中执行,排队等待耗时。
checkAndPut append increment operation in HRegion (HBase 0.94.X)
- startRegionOperation (lock.readLock().lock());
- rowLock lock
- updatesLock.readLock().lock()
- mvcc begion
- mvcc finish
- updatesLock.unLock
- closeRegionOperation
- get scan
- startRegionOperation
- MultiVersionConsistencyControl.setThreadReadPoint(this.readPt);
- closeRegionOperation
region lock updatesLock 都是ReentrantReadWriteLock。ReentrantReadWriteLock 可多读,有写锁被占则阻塞其他所有操作。updatesLock 只在region flush时写锁被占用,region lock 没有出现writelock被占用情况,怀疑无用。rowlock 为MultiVersionConsistencyControl 中 ConcurrentHashMap<HashedBytes, CountDownLatch> 类型,变量名lockedRows 闭锁
MVCC MultiVersionConsistencyControl
- 管理memstore的读/写一致性。Use MVCC to make this set of increments/appends atomic to reads
- 0.94 0.94.2 中是待实现。TODO in increment append checkAnd (少一次MVCC,后续流程会看到)
- 0.96 realized
- put operation,目前项目用的比较多的操作
- 0.94: HRegion internalPut
- increment append checkAndPut都使用了行锁和mvcc,但put调用的internalPut没有使用行锁,只使用了mvcc
- 流程:
- startRegionOperation (lock.readLock().lock());
- rowLock lock
- updatesLock.readLock().lock()
- mvcc begion
- mvcc finish
- updatesLock.unLock
- closeRegionOperation
(1) Acquire RowLock
(1a) BeginMVCC + Finish MVCC
(2) Begin MVCC
(3) Do work
(4) Release RowLock
(5) Append to WAL
(6) Finish MVCC
wait for all prior MVCC transactions to finish - while we hold the row lock (so that we are guaranteed to see the latest state)
如果版本升级到0.96 由于MVCC的介入 increment操作可能更慢
commiter也认为两次mvcc没必要 ,改进流程 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-7263
(1) Acquire RowLock
(1a) Grab+Release RowWriteLock (instead of BeginMVCC + Finish MVCC)
(1b) Grab RowReadLock (new step!)
(2) Begin MVCC
(3) Do work
(4) Release RowLock
(5) Append to WAL
(6) Finish MVCC
(7) Release RowReadLock (new step!)
- 构造模拟代码
HBaseInsertTest1类, TestKeyValueSkipListSet为提取 HBase的KeyValueSkipListSet作为公有类,存储数据使用
package com.daodao.hbase; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.MultiVersionConsistencyControl; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * * @author guanpu * Date: 13-1-9 * Time: 下午5:53 * 分析0.94 insert操作性能 */ public class HBaseInsertTest1 { volatile TestKeyValueSkipListSet kvset; final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); final ReentrantReadWriteLock updatesLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private final MultiVersionConsistencyControl mvcc = new MultiVersionConsistencyControl(); private static AtomicInteger finishedCount; private static AtomicLong mvccTime = new AtomicLong(0l); private static AtomicLong rowlockTime = new AtomicLong(0l); private static AtomicLong lockTime = new AtomicLong(0l); private static AtomicLong updateLockTime = new AtomicLong(0l); private static AtomicLong insertTime = new AtomicLong(0l); private static AtomicLong releaseTime = new AtomicLong(0l); private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, CountDownLatch> lockedRows = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, CountDownLatch>(); public HBaseInsertTest1() { kvset = new TestKeyValueSkipListSet(new KeyValue.KVComparator()); finishedCount = new AtomicInteger(0); } class HBaseInsertTask implements Runnable { public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { String key = "key" + i; long time = System.nanoTime(); MultiVersionConsistencyControl.WriteEntry localizedWriteEntry = null; try { lock.readLock().lock(); // like startRegionOperation do lockTime.set(lockTime.get() + (System.nanoTime() - time)); time = System.nanoTime(); Integer lid = getLock(key); //get rowKey lock lockTime.set(System.nanoTime() - time); time = System.nanoTime(); updatesLock.readLock().lock(); updateLockTime.set(updateLockTime.get() + (System.nanoTime() - time)); time = System.nanoTime(); localizedWriteEntry = mvcc.beginMemstoreInsert(); mvccTime.set(mvccTime.get() + (System.nanoTime() - time)); time = System.nanoTime(); kvset.add(new KeyValue(Bytes.toBytes(key), Bytes.toBytes("f"), Bytes.toBytes("column"), 1l, Bytes.toBytes(1l))); insertTime.set(insertTime.get() + (System.nanoTime() - time)); time = System.nanoTime(); mvcc.completeMemstoreInsert(localizedWriteEntry); mvccTime.set(mvccTime.get() + (System.nanoTime() - time)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } finally { time = System.nanoTime(); updatesLock.readLock().unlock(); CountDownLatch rowLatch = lockedRows.remove(key); rowLatch.countDown(); lock.readLock().unlock(); releaseTime.set(releaseTime.get() + (System.nanoTime() - time)); } } finishedCount.set(finishedCount.get() + 1); return; } private Integer getLock(String key) { CountDownLatch rowLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); // loop until we acquire the row lock (unless !waitForLock) while (true) { CountDownLatch existingLatch = lockedRows.putIfAbsent(key, rowLatch); if (existingLatch == null) { break; } else { try { if (!existingLatch.await(30000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { System.out.println("some thing wrong in waiting"); return null; } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // Empty } } } return 1; } } private class DaodaoTestWatcher implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { long time = System.nanoTime(); while (finishedCount.get() != 50) { } System.out.println("cost time:" + (System.nanoTime() - time) / 1000000000.0); System.out.println("cost time: mvcc" + mvccTime.get() / 1000000000.0 / 50); System.out.println("cost time: lock" + lockTime.get() / 1000000000.0 / 50); System.out.println("cost time: update" + updateLockTime.get() / 1000000000.0 / 50); System.out.println("cost time: rowlock" + rowlockTime.get() / 1000000000.0 / 50); System.out.println("cost time: release" + releaseTime.get() / 1000000000.0 / 50); } } public void test() { ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(200); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) executorService.execute(new HBaseInsertTask()); executorService.execute(new DaodaoTestWatcher()); } public static void main(String[] args) { new HBaseInsertTest1().test(); } }
cost time:24.727145 cost time: mvcc22.98698292 cost time: lock0.0 cost time: update0.009690879999999999 cost time: rowlock0.0 cost time: release0.05001874
cost time:5.190751 cost time: mvcc0.0073236 cost time: lock0.0 cost time: update0.017533220000000002 cost time: rowlock0.0 cost time: release1.3753079
0.96代码,在 updatesLock.readLock().lock(); 之后 增加:
time = System.nanoTime(); // wait for all prior MVCC transactions to finish - while we hold the row lock // (so that we are guaranteed to see the latest state) mvcc.completeMemstoreInsert(mvcc.beginMemstoreInsert()); mvccTime.set(mvccTime.get() + (System.nanoTime() - time));
cost time:43.04134 cost time: mvcc40.70520202 cost time: lock0.0 cost time: update0.00937416 cost time: rowlock0.0 cost time: release0.05023072
0.94中 increment append checkAndPut都使用了行锁和mvcc,但put调用的internalPut没有使用行锁,只使用了mvcc
0.94版本 耗时 (各个均为总耗时):
cost time:27.660935
cost time: mvcc3.888678
cost time: lock0.0
cost time: insert9.319777
cost time: update0.964697
cost time: rowlock0.0
cost time: release16.997803
但实际跑HBase插入时key变化耗时比不变key 快4倍,
- region更新耗时主要集中在MVCC
- 单版本的数据库,我认为可以去掉各种更新操作的MVCC,在修改操作中预先获取rowkey的写锁即可,避免全Region范围的MVCC
- 从客户端到HBase的单rowkey 整体流程瓶颈 还需要进一步探索真实分布式环境下的状况。
MySQL MVCC by @曾经的阿飞(军伟)
MySQL5.6对与read-trasanction的优化,http://t.cn/zjnPhdq,将trx_list拆分成ro_trx_list和rw_trx_list,创建read-view只需对rw_trx_list进行snapshot,因此读事务不会影响到read-view的snapshot从而不会制约trx_sys_t::mutex,可以提高性能。@yangwm @慢半拍de刀刀 @启盼cobain @jolestar @蔚1984
mvcc 原理
行级锁 悲观锁
R y n
W n n
更新10 v,读取9 v
select -》 update =》 再select看 是否有改动,如果有则rollback; 适用于冲突比较少的情况。
redis服务器端 是否也 实现了乐观锁。 ---- 待确认 单线程串行方式是否需要加锁?
2、 innodb mvcc
每行纪录有tx_id rollback_point 两个字段去做控制,从而实现。
table : row c1 c2 tx_id rollback_point
rollback_point 指向上一个版本的纪录。
mysql 隔离级别 四种:read onCommit(读到没有提交的事务) 、read Committed(只能读到已提交的数据,从当前active transaction list中判断,从指针回溯)、 repeatable read(可重复读)、Serializable(串行化,所有语句加 select for update,后台加锁)
Read View 小于 active transaction 则正常读。 Read View有间隙 ,读到中间版本也时正确的。
非Serializable 时,需要手动调用
@蔚1984 的 http://boneylw.sinaapp.com/?p=16 MVCC分析也可以对比阅读一下。