• hadoop loadBalance源码分析

    项目hbase数据库出现很诡异的assignment ,region移动的src和dest都是同一台regionserver,不过时间戳不同,启动的只有一个regionserver, 不知道怎么出现了两个时间戳


    loadbalance只有一个实现 org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.DefaultLoadBalancer
    在HMaster中会启动一个线程 org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Chore,按照设定的hbase.balancer.period(默认300000ms,五分钟),遍历所有表,根据每个表在regionserver中的region数量做balance,有一个平衡系数hbase.regions.slop(默认0.2),根据region总数算出平均region值,avg×0.8 取整作为最小值,avg×1.2取整作为最大值,regionserver上超过最大值要移走,小于最小值要移动region过来。否则打印目前的平衡状态。
    assignmentManager 根据上述步骤生成的RegionPlan, 从src移动region到desc  src和desc都是ServerName对象
    HMaster启动时会等待region servers注册到serverManager
    // Wait for region servers to report in.
    // Check zk for regionservers that are up but didn't register
    for (ServerName sn: this.regionServerTracker.getOnlineServers()) {
        if (!this.serverManager.isServerOnline(sn)) {
        // Not registered; add it.
           LOG.info("Registering server found up in zk but who has not yet " +
        "reported in: " + sn);
        this.serverManager.recordNewServer(sn, HServerLoad.EMPTY_HSERVERLOAD);



          // Try and register with the Master; tell it we are here.  Break if
          // server is stopped or the clusterup flag is down or hdfs went wacky.
          while (keepLooping()) {
            MapWritable w = reportForDuty();
            if (w == null) {
              LOG.warn("reportForDuty failed; sleeping and then retrying.");
            } else {

    HRegionServer 注册之后进入mainloop

     // The main run loop.
     while (!this.stopped && isHealthy()) {
      long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

       if ((now - lastMsg) >= msgInterval) {
          lastMsg = System.currentTimeMillis();




     void regionServerReport(ServerName sn, HServerLoad hsl)
      throws YouAreDeadException, PleaseHoldException {
        checkIsDead(sn, "REPORT");
        if (!this.onlineServers.containsKey(sn)) {
          // Already have this host+port combo and its just different start code?
          // Just let the server in. Presume master joining a running cluster.
          // recordNewServer is what happens at the end of reportServerStartup.
          // The only thing we are skipping is passing back to the regionserver
          // the ServerName to use. Here we presume a master has already done
          // that so we'll press on with whatever it gave us for ServerName.
          recordNewServer(sn, hsl);
        } else {
          this.onlineServers.put(sn, hsl);

    recordNewServer 会打印 ServerName对象的ip 端口和时间戳信息

    同一个region server注册的ServerName对象 会拥有同样的时间戳 

    this.startcode = System.currentTimeMillis();
    result = this.hbaseMaster.regionServerStartup(port, this.startcode, now);
    this.serverNameFromMasterPOV = new ServerName(hostnameFromMasterPOV,
    this.isa.getPort(), this.startcode);
    this.hbaseMaster.regionServerReport(this.serverNameFromMasterPOV.getVersionedBytes(), hsl);

    region server启动时startCode是固定死的,按照这个流程是不会出现相同IP和端口,但时间戳不同的region server跑在线上的 

    如果一台机器上启动了两个region server 会把时间戳小的移出,下次添加进时间戳大的进去

    我们遇到的问题是时间戳不同的regionserver被注册在了master上,并且相互之间做region move

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shenguanpu/p/2615214.html
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