• A——大整数加法(HDU1002)

    I have a very simple problem for you. Given two integers A and B, your job is to calculate the Sum of A + B. 

    InputThe first line of the input contains an integer T(1<=T<=20) which means the number of test cases. Then T lines follow, each line consists of two positive integers, A and B. Notice that the integers are very large, that means you should not process them by using 32-bit integer. You may assume the length of each integer will not exceed 1000. 
    OutputFor each test case, you should output two lines. The first line is "Case #:", # means the number of the test case. The second line is the an equation "A + B = Sum", Sum means the result of A + B. Note there are some spaces int the equation. Output a blank line between two test cases. 
    Sample Input

    1 2
    112233445566778899 998877665544332211

    Sample Output

    Case 1:
    1 + 2 = 3
    Case 2:
    112233445566778899 + 998877665544332211 = 1111111111111111110
     1 string add(string a,string b)     
     2 {
     3     string c="1";            //长的那个数进位时直接在结果前面加个‘1’。
     4     int cur=0,d=0,e=0;
     5     if (a.size()<b.size())swap(a,b);  //a为长的数,b为短的。swap(a,b)交换a,b。
     6     int la=a.size();
     7     int lb=b.size();
     8     while (lb--)          //把短的那个数计算完。
     9     {
    10         la--;
    11         d=(cur+a[la]-'0'+b[lb]-'0')/10;   //判断是否有进位。
    12         a[la]=(cur+a[la]-'0'+b[lb]-'0')%10+'0';   
    13         cur=d;
    14     }
    15     if (cur==1)      //如果短的那个数最后一位数还有进位。
    16     while (la--)
    17     {
    18         e=(a[la]-'0'+cur)/10;
    19         a[la]=(a[la]-'0'+cur)%10+'0';
    20         cur=e;
    21     }
    22     if (cur==1)     //如果长的那个数最后一位还有进位。
    23        a=c+a;
    24     return a;
    25 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shendeng23/p/7286933.html
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