--1.查询数据库的所有表的所有字段 select name from syscolumns where id in (select id from sysobjects where xtype='u' and name='StoryParts')and name like'%Story%' --2.根据一个表的字段修改另一个表的字段 update Customer set ProjectCount=(select COUNT(ID) from [Project] where Customer.ID=Project.CustomerID) --3.修改列名 exec sp_rename 'StoryParts.AudioClassIDsl','AudioClassIDs' --4.根据商品价格修改购物车商品价格 update Yim_OrderProduct set [ProductPrice]= [Yim_GoodsSku].Price from [Yim_GoodsSku] where [Uid]=1 and [Oid]=0 and [BuyNow]=0 and [Yim_OrderProduct].SkuID=[Yim_GoodsSku].SkuID --5.修改60天未互动的客户为沉默客户 update [Customer] set [Activation]=2 where exists(select CustomerID from Interaction group by CustomerID having MAX(addTime) <'sfdsf') --6.查询数据所有表的数据行数 SELECT a.name, b.rows FROM sysobjects AS a INNER JOIN sysindexes AS b ON a.id = b.id WHERE (a.type = 'u') AND (b.indid IN (0, 1)) ORDER BY a.name,b.rows DESC /*7.查询所有的表名(用户自建的表,含聚集索引(主键)的表)及空间占用量行数 【indid:索引 ID: 1 = 聚集索引 >1 = 非聚集 255 = 具有 text 或 image 数据的表条目]】*/ select object_name(id) tablename, 8*reserved/1024 reserved, rtrim(8*dpages)+'kb' used, 8*(reserved-dpages)/1024 unused, 8*dpages/1024-rows/1024*minlen/1024 free, rows --,* from sysindexes where indid=1 and status=2066 order by tablename,reserved desc --8.查询所有的表 select id,name from sysobjects where type='U' select object_name(id) tablename,* from sysindexes where indid=1 and id >20000 --indid>1 --9.查出未设置主键的表,不太准确,但是很接近 select obj.id,obj.name from sysobjects obj left join sysindexes id on id.id=obj.id where
obj.type='U' and id.id >2000 and id.indid =0 --10.修改活动里面的商品数量 update [SalePromotion] set ProductCount=(select COUNT(id) from PromotionProduct where ThePromotionID=SalePromotion.ID and Exists(select ID from Product where ID=PromotionProduct.ProductID and [State]=0 )) --11.删除已经已参加活动然后下架的商品 delete [PromotionProduct] where not Exists(select ID from Product where ID=PromotionProduct.ProductID and [State]=0 ) --12.查询数据库里面的所有自增值 SELECT b.name TableName ,a.name ColumnName ,a.seed_value ,a.increment_value ,a.last_value FROM sys.identity_columns a INNER JOIN sys.tables b ON a.object_id = b.object_id