• Splay

    #include <cstdio>
    #define ls t[rt].c[0]
    #define rs t[rt].c[1]
    const int N = 1e5 + 5;
    int read(int x = 0, int f = 1, char c = getchar()) {
        for (; c < '0' || c > '9'; c = getchar())
            if (c == '-') f = -1;
        for (; c >='0' && c <='9'; c = getchar())
            x = x * 10 + c - '0';
        return x * f;
    int trc, root;
    struct Tree {
        int x, s, sz, f, c[2];
    int Find(int x, int rt = root) {
        for (; x != t[rt].x && t[rt].c[x > t[rt].x]; rt = t[rt].c[x > t[rt].x]);
        return rt;
    int Get(int x) { 
        return t[t[x].f].c[1] == x; 
    void Link(int x, int f, int s) { 
        t[x].f = f; t[f].c[s] = x; 
    void Up(int rt) { 
        t[rt].sz = t[rt].s + t[ls].sz + t[rs].sz; 
    void Rotate(int x) {
        int y = t[x].f, z = t[y].f, s = Get(x), s2 = Get(y);
        Link(t[x].c[s^1], y, s); Link(y, x, s ^ 1); Link(x, z, s2);
        Up(y); Up(x);
    void Splay(int x, int to = 0) {
        while (t[x].f != to) {
            int y = t[x].f, z = t[y].f;
            if (z != to) Get(x) == Get(y) ? Rotate(y) : Rotate(x);
        if (!to) root = x;
    void Insert(int x) {
        int rt = Find(x);
        if (t[rt].x == x) return t[rt].s++, Splay(rt);
        t[++trc] = (Tree) {x, 1, 1, rt};
        if (rt) t[rt].c[x > t[rt].x] = trc;
    int Next(int x, int k) {
        int rt = root;
        if ((!k && t[rt].x < x) || (k && t[rt].x > x)) return rt;
        for (rt = t[rt].c[k]; t[rt].c[k^1]; rt = t[rt].c[k^1]);
        return rt;
    void Del(int x) {
        int rt = Find(x);
        if (t[rt].x != x) return;
        if (t[rt].s > 1) return t[rt].s--, void();
        int l = Next(x, 0), r = Next(x, 1);
        Splay(l, 0); Splay(r, root);
        t[t[rt].f].c[Get(rt)] = 0;
    int Kth(int k) {
        int rt = root;
        while (1) {
            if (t[ls].sz >= k) rt = ls;
            else if (t[rt].s >= (k -= t[ls].sz)) return rt;
            else k -= t[rt].s, rt = rs;
    int main() {
        int m = read();
        Insert(1e9); Insert(-1e9);
        while (m--) {
            int od = read(), x = read(), rt;
            if (od == 1) Insert(x);
            else if (od == 2) Del(x);
            else if (od == 3) Splay(Find(x)), printf("%d
    ", t[t[root].c[0]].sz);
            else if (od == 4) Splay(rt = Kth(x + 1)), printf("%d
    ", t[rt].x);
            else if (od == 5) Splay(Find(x)), printf("%d
    ", t[Next(x, 0)].x);
            else if (od == 6) Splay(Find(x)), printf("%d
    ", t[Next(x, 1)].x);
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shawk/p/14158042.html
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