• 多线程程序设计学习(2)之single threaded execution pattern

    Single Threaded Execution Pattern【独木桥模式】

    一:single threaded execution pattern的参与者

    二:single threaded execution pattern模式什么时候使用

    三:single threaded execution pattern思考



     1 package com.yeepay.sxf.thread1;
     2 /**
     3  * 门类(代表着多线程程序访问的公共资源)
     4  * @author sxf
     5  *
     6  */
     7 public class Gate {
     8     //计数器
     9     private int counter=0;
    10     //通过这扇门的人的名字
    11     private String name;
    12     //正在通过这扇门的人的地址
    13     private String address;
    14     //通过这扇门的动作
    15     //存在多线程同时访问该资源。(临界区需要做同步)
    16     public synchronized void passGate(String name,String address){
    17         counter+=1;
    18         this.name=name;
    19         this.address=address;
    20         check();
    21     }
    22     //记录通过这扇门的人的信息
    23     @Override
    24     public String toString() {
    26         return "NO:"+counter+"人   name="+name+"  address="+address;
    27     }
    29     //检查,如果数据不完整,说明多线程程序的安全性挂掉。打印报警信息
    30     private void check(){
    31         if(name.charAt(0)!=address.charAt(0)){
    32                 System.out.println("**********breaken*******"+toString());
    33         }
    34     }
    35 }
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     1 package com.yeepay.sxf.thread1;
     2 /**
     3  * 人类(不同的人代表不同的线程,访问公共资源门)
     4  * @author sxf
     5  *
     6  */
     7 public class UserThread implements Runnable {
     8     //
     9     private final Gate gate;
    10     //当前的人名
    11     private final String myName;
    12     //当前的人的地址
    13     private final String myAddress;
    14     //线程的构造器
    15     public  UserThread(Gate gate,String myName,String myAddress) {
    16         this.gate=gate;
    17         this.myName=myName;
    18         this.myAddress=myAddress;
    19     }
    21     //线程体
    22     @Override
    23     public void run() {
    24         System.out.println("UserThread.run()  begin:"+myName);
    25         while (true) {
    26             gate.passGate(myName, myAddress);
    27         }
    29     }
    32 }
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     1 package com.yeepay.sxf.thread1;
     2 /**
     3  * 测试类
     4  * @author sxf
     5  *
     6  */
     7 public class Test {
     8     public static void main(String[] args) {
     9         //先声明一个门
    10         Gate gate=new Gate();
    12         //声明三个线程
    13         Thread  user1Thread=new Thread(new UserThread(gate, "Asxf", "Ahenan"));
    14         Thread  user2Thread=new Thread(new UserThread(gate,"Bsxs","Bhenan"));
    15         Thread  user3Thread=new Thread(new UserThread(gate,"Csxy","Chenan"));
    17         //启动三个线程
    18         user1Thread.start();
    19         user2Thread.start();
    20         user3Thread.start();
    21     }
    22 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shangxiaofei/p/4656189.html
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