• Repeat Macro Cloak

    Cloak -- https://github.com/pfultz2/Cloak

    A mini-preprocessor library to demostrate the recursive capabilites of the preprocessor

    #define CAT(a, ...)                   PRIMITIVE_CAT(a, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define PRIMITIVE_CAT(a, ...)         a ## __VA_ARGS__
    #define INC(x)                        PRIMITIVE_CAT(INC_, x)
    #define INC_0                         1
    #define INC_1                         2
    #define INC_2                         3
    #define INC_3                         4
    #define INC_4                         5
    #define INC_5                         6
    #define INC_6                         7
    #define INC_7                         8
    #define INC_8                         9
    #define INC_9                         9
    #define DEC(x)                        PRIMITIVE_CAT(DEC_, x)
    #define DEC_0                         0
    #define DEC_1                         0
    #define DEC_2                         1
    #define DEC_3                         2
    #define DEC_4                         3
    #define DEC_5                         4
    #define DEC_6                         5
    #define DEC_7                         6
    #define DEC_8                         7
    #define DEC_9                         8
    #define EXPR_S(s)                     PRIMITIVE_CAT(EXPR_, s)
    #define EXPR_0(...)                   __VA_ARGS__
    #define EXPR_1(...)                   __VA_ARGS__
    #define EXPR_2(...)                   __VA_ARGS__
    #define EXPR_3(...)                   __VA_ARGS__
    #define EXPR_4(...)                   __VA_ARGS__
    #define EXPR_5(...)                   __VA_ARGS__
    #define EXPR_6(...)                   __VA_ARGS__
    #define EXPR_7(...)                   __VA_ARGS__
    #define EXPR_8(...)                   __VA_ARGS__
    #define EXPR_9(...)                   __VA_ARGS__
    #define CHECK_N(x, n, ...)            n
    #define CHECK(...)                    CHECK_N(__VA_ARGS__, 0,)
    #define NOT(x)                        CHECK(PRIMITIVE_CAT(NOT_, x))
    #define NOT_0                         ~, 1,
    #define COMPL(b)                      PRIMITIVE_CAT(COMPL_, b)
    #define COMPL_0                       1
    #define COMPL_1                       0
    #define BOOL(x)                       COMPL(NOT(x))
    #define IIF(c)                        PRIMITIVE_CAT(IIF_, c)
    #define IIF_0(t, ...)                 __VA_ARGS__
    #define IIF_1(t, ...)                 t
    #define IF(c)                         IIF(BOOL(c))
      #define COMMA()                       ,
      #define COMMA_IF(n)                   IF(n)(COMMA, EAT)()

    // IF( cond )( cond_ture, cond_false ) #define EAT(...) #define EXPAND(...) __VA_ARGS__
    #define WHEN(c) IF(c)(EXPAND, EAT)

    // IF( cond )( __VA_ARGS__, /* nothing */ ) #define EMPTY() #define DEFER(id) id EMPTY() #define OBSTRUCT(id) id DEFER(EMPTY)()
    // as first parameter to make it easier and cleaner to write a deferred expression in theimplemnentation
    // So instead of writing DEFER(WHEN)(n), we will just write WHEN _(n)
    // s : recursion state ( 0, 1 --> N+1 )
    // n : repeater counter ( N, N-1 --> 0 )
    // m : macro
    // ... : __VA_ARGS__ for m
    // #define REPEAT_S(s, n, m, ...) REPEAT_I( OBSTRUCT(), INC(s), n, m, __VA_ARGS__) #define REPEAT_INDIRECT() REPEAT_I #define REPEAT_I(_, s, n, m, ...) WHEN _(n) ( EXPR_S _(s) ( REPEAT_INDIRECT _() ( OBSTRUCT _(), INC _(s), DEC _(n), m, __VA_ARGS__) ) ) m _(s, n, __VA_ARGS__)
    IF (c) ( EXPAND, EAT )


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shangdawei/p/3104834.html
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