I made my own USTRUCT system for having a multi-dimensional UPROPERTY() friendly dynamic array version of your maze data structure.
Here's that code for you and others to enjoy!
USTRUCT() struct FMazeGridRow { GENERATED_USTRUCT_BODY() UPROPERTY() TArray<AStaticMeshActor*> Columns; void AddNewColumn() { Columns.Add(NULL); } //default properties FMazeGridRow() { } };
USTRUCT() struct FMazeGrid { GENERATED_USTRUCT_BODY() UPROPERTY() TArray<FMazeGridRow> Rows; void AddNewRow() { Rows.Add(FMazeGridRow()); } void AddUninitialized(const int32 RowCount, const int32 ColCount) { //Add Rows for(int32 v = 0; v < RowCount; v++) { AddNewRow(); } //Add Columns for(int32 v = 0; v < RowCount; v++) { for(int32 b = 0; b < ColCount; b++) { Rows[v].AddNewColumn(); } } } void Clear() { if(Rows.Num() <= 0) return; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //Destroy any walls const int32 RowTotal = Rows.Num(); const int32 ColTotal = Rows[0].Columns.Num(); for(int32 v = 0; v < RowTotal; v++) { for(int32 b = 0; b < ColTotal; b++) { if(Rows[v].Columns[b] && Rows[v].Columns[b]->IsValidLowLevel() ) { Rows[v].Columns[b]->Destroy(); } } } //Empty for(int32 v = 0; v < Rows.Num(); v++) { Rows[v].Columns.Empty(); } Rows.Empty(); } //default properties FMazeGrid() { } };
//Now you have dynamic array benefits and also UPROPERTY()! UPROPERTY() FMazeGrid JoyMazeGrid;
//Init Maze JoyMazeGrid.Clear(); JoyMazeGrid.AddUninitialized(tileX, tileY); //Sample usage //JoyMazeGrid.Rows[x].Columns[y] = SpawnBP<AStaticMeshActor>(GetWorld(), ...
The final result of all of this is that you have
1. dynamic array benefits (easily change the maze size and regenerate during runtime)
2. global access to the MazeGrid Actors, even from other classes
3. GC protection from the UPROPERTY() (if not using actors/objects for some reason)
4. And yet the syntax for 2D array using UPROPERTY() and TArray is still clean and clear and precise