/** * getCurrentURL:(get the current page URL address). * @author huchan * @param driver --- the web driver instance * @return String ---the url of current page * @since JDK 1.6 */ public String getCurrentPageURL(){ String pageurl=""; JavascriptExecutor je=(JavascriptExecutor) driver; final String docstate=(String) je.executeScript("return document.readyState"); logger.info("Current loading page state is:"+docstate); WebDriverWait wait=new WebDriverWait(driver,120); ExpectedCondition<Boolean> ec = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(WebDriver d) { return (docstate.equals("complete")); } }; try{ logger.info("We just wait for the current page load correctly now..."); wait.until(ec); pageurl=driver.getCurrentUrl(); logger.info("we found the current url is:"+pageurl); } catch(TimeoutException e){ pageurl="time out:120 seconds"; logger.error("Sorry the page cannot be loaded correctly:"+e.getMessage()+driver.getCurrentUrl()); } return pageurl; }
不多说,代码如上。关键点是一定要等待页面加载完成了再使用driver.getCurrentUrl()方法,否则的话可能得到的页面URL 不正确。