• HTTP断点续传的基本原理



    下面是一个断点续传的例子:(使用Net Vampire得到)

    I 01-7-12 19:19:23 ------------------------- Attempt 1 -------------------------
    P 01-7-12 19:19:24 Connecting to ...
    P 01-7-12 19:19:24 Connected to []
    S 01-7-12 19:19:24 GET /VS0515AI.EXE HTTP/1.1
    S 01-7-12 19:19:24 Connection: close
    S 01-7-12 19:19:24 Host:
    S 01-7-12 19:19:24 Accept: */*
    S 01-7-12 19:19:24 Pragma: no-cache
    S 01-7-12 19:19:24 Cache-Control: no-cache
    S 01-7-12 19:19:24 Referer:
    S 01-7-12 19:19:24 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
    S 01-7-12 19:19:24
    R 01-7-12 19:19:24 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    R 01-7-12 19:19:24 Server: Zero Http Server/1.0
    R 01-7-12 19:19:24 Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 11:19:24 GMT
    R 01-7-12 19:19:24 Cache-Control: no-cache
    R 01-7-12 19:19:24 Last-Modified: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 13:11:30 GMT
    R 01-7-12 19:19:24 Content-Type: application/octet-stream
    R 01-7-12 19:19:24 Content-Length: 15143086
    R 01-7-12 19:19:24 Connection: close
    R 01-7-12 19:19:24
    P 01-7-12 19:19:25 Data transfer started
    I 01-7-12 19:19:32 Job Stopped by user
    I 01-7-12 19:19:33 Received 5 275 648 bytes in 0:00:07 (691 435 bytes/s)

    I 01-7-12 19:19:40 ------------------------- Attempt 2 -------------------------
    P 01-7-12 19:19:40 Connecting to ...
    P 01-7-12 19:19:40 Connected to []
    S 01-7-12 19:19:40 GET /VS0515AI.EXE HTTP/1.1
    S 01-7-12 19:19:40 Connection: close
    S 01-7-12 19:19:40 Host:
    S 01-7-12 19:19:40 Accept: */*
    S 01-7-12 19:19:40 Pragma: no-cache
    S 01-7-12 19:19:40 Cache-Control: no-cache
    S 01-7-12 19:19:40 Referer:
    S 01-7-12 19:19:40 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
    S 01-7-12 19:19:40 Range: bytes=5275648-
    S 01-7-12 19:19:40
    R 01-7-12 19:19:40 HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
    R 01-7-12 19:19:40 Server: Zero Http Server/1.0
    R 01-7-12 19:19:40 Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 11:19:40 GMT
    R 01-7-12 19:19:40 Cache-Control: no-cache
    R 01-7-12 19:19:40 Last-Modified: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 13:11:30 GMT
    R 01-7-12 19:19:40 Content-Type: application/octet-stream
    R 01-7-12 19:19:40 Content-Range: bytes 5275648-15143085/15143086
    R 01-7-12 19:19:40 Content-Length: 9867438
    R 01-7-12 19:19:40 Connection: close
    R 01-7-12 19:19:40
    P 01-7-12 19:19:40 Data transfer started
    I 01-7-12 19:19:41 Job Stopped by user
    I 01-7-12 19:19:41 Received 1 124 756 bytes in 0:00:01 (969 617 bytes/s)


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