• 通用 图片/文字 水印函数

    Call CreateView("UploadFile/f.jpg","1")
    '创建预览图片及打水印:call CreateView(文件的路径,要添加的水印图片文件)
    'Design by Seven (See7di@Gmail.com)(www.7di.net
    Sub CreateView(imagename,inttype)
    Dim Object,objFont,img,Obj,LogoPath,sWidth,sHeight
    img = "/a.jpg"'//LOGO文件
    sWidth = "147"'//LOGO的宽
    sHeight = "52"'//LOGO的高
    LogoPath = Server.MapPath(img)'//LOGO路径
    Set Obj = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")'//建立LOGO对象
    Set Object = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")'//建立原图对象
    On Error resume Next
    Obj.Open LogoPath'//读取LOGO
    If err>0 Then
    Response.Write ("对不起,获取LOGO图片文件失败!")
    End if
    Object.Open Trim(Server.MapPath(imagename))'//读取原图
    If err>0 Then
    Response.Write ("对不起,获取需要处理的图片文件失败!")
    End if
     Obj.Width = sWidth'//加入图片的原宽度
     Obj.Height = sHeight'//加入图片的原高度
     If Object.width>Cint(Obj.Width) and Object.Height>Cint(Obj.Height) Then
     End if
    If inttype=1 Then
    Object.Canvas.Font.Color = &HFF0000'//文字的颜色
    Object.Canvas.Font.Family = "Verdana"'//文字的字体
    Object.Canvas.Font.Bold = True'//是否加粗
    Object.Canvas.Print 10, 10, "www.Sditi.com"'//打印坐标x 打印坐标y 需要打印的字符
    Object.Canvas.Pen.Color = &H000000'//背景颜色 
    Object.Canvas.Pen.Width = 1'//画笔宽度
    Object.Canvas.Brush.Solid = False'//是否加粗处理
    Object.Canvas.Bar 0, 0, Object.Width, Object.Height'//起始X坐标 起始Y坐标 输入长度 输入高度
    If strDo="yes" Then
    Object.Canvas.Pen.Color  = &HFFFFFF'// 边框的颜色
    Object.Canvas.Pen.Width  = 0'// 边框的粗细
    Object.Canvas.Brush.Solid = false'// 图片边框内是否填充颜色
    Object.DrawImage Object.Width/2, Object.Height/2, Obj, 0.7, &HFFFFFF,90 '// 加入图片的位置以及坐标,透明度(添加水印图片)
    Object.Canvas.Bar 0, 0, Object.Width, Object.Height'// 图片边框线的位置坐标
    Object.Width = Object.Width
    Object.height = Object.height
    Object.Sharpen 1, 120
    End if
    End If
    Object.Save Server.MapPath(imagename)'// 生成文件
    Set Obj=Nothing
    End Sub
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/see7di/p/2240173.html
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