• 教你如何“快速”激活IntelliJ IDEA 工具



    1、Do we know you?

    • [x] No, we are a new customer

    Yes, we've used JetBrains Open Source license(s) in our project before

    2、Tell us about your project
    Project name:    填写你的项目名称
    Primary language(s):

    • [ ] Java
    • [ ]  C#
    • [ ] .NET
    • [ ] PHP
    • [ ] JavaScript
    • [ ] Ruby
    • [x] Python
    • [ ] Go
    • [ ] Other

    Project age:    项目活跃时长(至少活跃3个月) month(s)

    Please note that a project must be in active development for at least 3 months to be eligible for support

    Project website:    https://github.com/Crisimple/Python/tree/test_api
    Repository URL:    https://github.com/Crisimple/Python

    Where we can access your repository or browse its contents.

    License URL:    https://github.com/Crisimple/Python/blob/master/License

    A copy of the license terms and conditions for your software.

    在 Github 项目(https://github.com/Crisimple/Python)中 create_file
    在创建页面右上角选择 License 的类型,选择 Apache2 就行

    Country / region:    China
    No. of required licenses:    1

    Please note that the licenses are granted only to active contributors.
    Their contributions to the project are regular and visible in the repository.

    Non-code commits are not considered active development.

    If you are interested in team tools, please try the free versions of TeamCity, YouTrack, Upsource available on our website. If you need full versions of any of these tools, please indicate this in the Project description field.

    Project description:
    This project can help user to test many api interface  by automitic and hava django framework to mock api
    Provide any additional information to help us better understand what you’re working on.

    3、Tell us about yourself
    Email address:    crisimple@qq.com

    I confirm that the email address provided above belongs to me.

    Name:    First name    Last name
    A link to your profile on GitHub, etc:    https://github.com/Crisimple

    If you don't have a GitHub profile, please provide any link indicating your contribution to the project.

    Please note: to apply for free licenses on behalf of an open source project, you should be a project lead or a core contributor to the project.

    I confirm that the granted licenses:

    • [x] will be used only for non-commercial open source development;

    • [x] will be shared only with the project’s active contributors.

    • [x] I have read and I accept the JetBrains Account Agreement

    IDEA 激活

    一般的申请需要一周左右的时间,耐心等待吧!审核通过后会受到邮件(没通过也会受到,会给你列出不通过的原因),填写激活码或者账号在 IDEA 中激活就可以,一般有效时长为 1 年。

  • 相关阅读:
    智能引导式报错(Class file name must end with .class)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/secoder/p/13608981.html
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