• 移动开发中的极简设计



      极简设计必须要 简洁明了和一致的可用性 。你的交互系统应该通过 清晰的视觉传达(clear visual communication) 来解决用户的问题。这也是为什么具备简洁设计和高可用性的应用如此让人深刻。即便只是一个通过极简设计的导航,都能够提供很强的交互方式。要做到这一点,你需要注意以下几个方面。


      简单的配色方案能够提高用户体验,相应的 太多的色彩则会给用户负面的影响。针对于初学者,有一些预先定义的标准颜色方案能够让你轻松创建新的颜色方案。

    • 单配色方案。 单配色方案由特定色彩的不同的色调,阴影或颜色深浅所构成。他们的原理是通过修改特定颜色的饱和度和亮度,可以生成多种协调的颜色,这种颜色方案比较简洁和优雅,不会给眼睛产生太大负担。

    蓝色的单配色方案。素材来源: Smashing Magazine

    素材来源: Dribbble

    • 近似色彩配色方案 近似色彩配色方案 的思路是从色轮上取三个相邻的颜色来做为配色。全手势操作的应用 Clear 使用了近似色彩配色方案,它使用不同颜色来区分任务的优先级或者高亮关键的任务。(顶端的任务使用最鲜艳的颜色,而底部的任务则使用明亮精致的颜色)

    渐变的黄色和橙色也是近似色彩配色方案的一个例子。素材来源: tuts+

    IOS 平台的 Clear 应用


      模糊效果出现在极简UI设计中是一件非常符合逻辑的事情,它能够增加 UI 的层次感。如果你的 UI 拥有多个层级,使用模糊效果能够让用户清晰的了解到 UI 的前后层级的关系。这也给了设计师一个完美的机会来设计多样化的菜单和层级效果。


    IOS 上的雅虎天气



      通常来说,一个应用中只使用一种字体 素材来源: Apple


    • 苹果使用 San Francisco family 字体来提供全平台一致的阅读体验。(在 IOS 9 中简称为 SF-UI)
    • Roboto 和 Noto 分别是 Android 和 Chrome 的默认字体

      减少屏幕上使用的字体类型能够获得较好的排版效果。素材来源: Dribbble



            素材来源: Smashing Magazine

      明亮的色调+中性的色调是最容易搭配的方案,同时也是视觉上最引人注意的方案之一。素材来源: Smashing Magazine


      在屏幕特定的区域使用放大的字体和弹出的颜色能有效吸引用户注意力。 素材来源: Dribbble


      设计师通常使用线条和分割线来给屏幕划分区域和功能类别,但是增加太多这些元素会 UI 界面过于臃肿。




      我们使用图标用来表达某种功能或者内容,图标作为一种视觉语言,它应该是简约易于识别和理解的。IOS 7 后许多极简设计的 UI 都使用线条或者填充的图标。来看看同一个图标分别使用线条和填充的效果。

    时钟图标 素材来源: icons8


      苹果商店的底部导航 素材来源: viget


      简约的 UI 和设计技术是完成优秀设计的关键,但是极简设计的本身不是设计的目的。我们最终的目标是要简约 UI 的同时需要保证功能的完整性和高可用性。简单的流程,清晰的视觉传达和与设计的结合来打造无缝的交互体验才是最重要的。


    The Art of Minimalism in Mobile App UI Design

    22 JULY 2016 on Mobile App DevelopmentUIUX

      Design is one of the most important drivers of user engagement. As users’ preferences shift toward a simpler interface, stripping the UI to its very basic, necessary elements is the key to success. Minimalism is a perfect marriage ofform and function. It’s greatest strength is clarity of form —  clean lines, generous whitespace, and minimal graphical elements brings simplicity to even the most confounding subject matter. That is, of course, if it’s usedeffectively.

      Minimalist design has to be conciseclear, and consistent to be usable. Your interaction system should aim to address problems for your users through clear visual communication. This is why a beautiful minimalist app combined with great usability is so impressive: an easily navigated, simple app can be a very powerful form of communication. But in order to achieve this goal, you need to focus on following moments:

      Simple Color Scheme

      Simplifying the color scheme improves the user experience while having too many colors can have a negative impact upon it. There are a number of predefined color scheme standards that make creating new schemes easier, especially for beginners:

    • Monochromatic scheme. Monochromatic color schemes are made up of different tones, shades and tints within a specific hue. By modifying the saturation and brightness of a single hue, you can generate multiple colors, and color scheme it’s not overwhelming on the eye.

    • Single-hue blue color scheme. Image credit: Smashing Magazine

    • Image credit: Dribbble
    • Analogous color scheme. Analogous schemes are created by using three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. A minimalist gesture-driven task manager app Clear use analogous colors to visually prioritize important tasks and highlight the most critical ones (the topmost items will be the boldest in color, while items lower on the list will be lighter and more subtle).

    • Shades yellow and orange is an example of an analogous color scheme. Image credit: tuts+

      Clear app for iOS

      Blur Effects

      Blur effect arise as a logical solution to a minimal user interface, allowing a certain amount of play with the layers and hierarchy of the interface. It’s a very efficient solution when working with layered UI since it gives the user a clear understanding of mobile’s solution flow. This also gives designers a perfect opportunity to explore different menu and overlay solutions.

        Yahoo! weather app displays a nice photo of each weather location, and the most important data you need is immediately visible while it’s just a single tap to drill down into more detailed data. Rather than cover the photo with another UI layer, the app keeps you in context after you tap — the detailed information is easily revealed and the photo remains in the background. The interaction is so intuitive that it takes nothing more than a second to return to your previous location.

    Yahoo! weather app for iOS

      One App, One Typeface

      Mixing several different fonts can make your app seem fragmented and sloppy. Reducing the number of fonts on a screen can reveal the power of typography. When designing an app think about how can you make the typography powerful by playing with weight, style and size, not different typefaces. 

    In general, use a single font throughout your app. Image credit: Apple


      When you choosing a typeface for your app keep in mind that a safe bet is to rely on the platform’s default font:

    • Apple uses the San Francisco family of typefaces to provide consistent reading experience across all platforms (the San Francisco font for iOS 9 is called SF-UI).
    • Roboto and Noto are the standard typefaces on Google Android and Chrome.
    • Reducing the number of fonts on a screen can reveal the power of typography. Image credit: Dribbble

      Data Spotlight

      You should use big font size and striking color to make a certain data the center of focus. Using neutral colors for the general scheme and adding contrasting colors for calls to action, helps the user focus on the action we want them to take. 

    Bright accent color into an otherwise-neutral palette is one of the easiest color schemes to create.
    It’s also one of the most striking, visually. Image credit: Smashing Magazine


    Increased font size and an accent color draws the users’ attention to a particular area of the screen without additional visual hints. This provides easier information-gathering experience.


    Increased font size and a pop of color draws the users’ attention to a particular area of the screen. Image credit: Dribbble

      Divide by Elements and Spacing, Not Lines

      Lines and dividers often used to clearly delineate specific sections or categories within a screen. But adding too many of these elements can result in crowded interfaces.

    Less lines and dividers will give your interface a cleaner, modern and more functional feel. There are other ways to separate content with a methods such as using blocks, spacing or colors. Calendar App from Google is a good example of how leveraging space and using shadows instead of drawing lines helps to define different sections in a non-obtrusive manner.

    Spacing provides visual clarity and improved ease of use in Calendar app

      Icons: Stroke and Fill

      Iconography is a visual language used to represent functionality or content. Icons are meant to be simple, visual elements that are recognized and understood immediately. Since iOS 7 many minimalist UI has stroke and filled icons. In this article we won’t criticize the concept itself, instead we’ll focus on the practical aspect  — stroked and filled type of the same icon: 

    Clock icons (stroked and filled). Image credit: icons8

      Let’s take a look on tab bar icons. Because bar icons serve as navigation to other sections of the app, it’s important to indicate which section is currently active by highlighting its icon in some way: a solid version to show an active/selected state and a hollow version to show an inactive/unselected state. This makes recognition of active tabs and controls more straightforward.

    Tab bar in AppStore app from Apple. Image credit: viget


      Minimalist interfaces and other design techniques are certainly a way to achieve good design, but they are not the goal. The ultimate goal is to simplify our interfaces and make them more functional and usable. Simple user flows, clear visuals, and forgiving design help create a seamless interaction.

      Thank you!

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sdzbxfcy/p/5762882.html
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