• 转caffe scale layer

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    Scale Layer是输入进行缩放和平移,常常出现在BatchNorm归一化后,Caffe中常用BatchNorm+Scale实现归一化操作(等同Pytorch中BatchNorm)

    首先我们先看一下 ScaleParameter

    message ScaleParameter {
    	  // The first axis of bottom[0] (the first input Blob) along which to apply
    	  // bottom[1] (the second input Blob).  May be negative to index from the end
    	  // (e.g., -1 for the last axis).
    	  // 根据 bottom[0] 指定 bottom[1] 的形状
    	  // For example, if bottom[0] is 4D with shape 100x3x40x60, the output
    	  // top[0] will have the same shape, and bottom[1] may have any of the
    	  // following shapes (for the given value of axis):
    	  //    (axis == 0 == -4) 100; 100x3; 100x3x40; 100x3x40x60
    	  //    (axis == 1 == -3)          3;     3x40;     3x40x60
    	  //    (axis == 2 == -2)                   40;       40x60
    	  //    (axis == 3 == -1)                                60
    	  // Furthermore, bottom[1] may have the empty shape (regardless of the value of
    	  // "axis") -- a scalar multiplier.
    	  // 例如,如果 bottom[0] 的 shape 为 100x3x40x60,则 top[0] 输出相同的 shape;
    	  // bottom[1] 可以包含上面 shapes 中的任一种(对于给定 axis 值). 
    	  // 而且,bottom[1] 可以是 empty shape 的,没有任何的 axis 值,只是一个标量的乘子.
    	  optional int32 axis = 1 [default = 1];
      // (num_axes is ignored unless just one bottom is given and the scale is
      // a learned parameter of the layer.  Otherwise, num_axes is determined by the
      // number of axes by the second bottom.)
      // (忽略 num_axes 参数,除非只给定一个 bottom 及 scale 是网络层的一个学习到的参数. 
      // 否则,num_axes 是由第二个 bottom 的数量来决定的.)
      // The number of axes of the input (bottom[0]) covered by the scale
      // parameter, or -1 to cover all axes of bottom[0] starting from `axis`.
      // Set num_axes := 0, to multiply with a zero-axis Blob: a scalar.
      // bottom[0] 的 num_axes 是由 scale 参数覆盖的;
      optional int32 num_axes = 2 [default = 1];
      // (filler is ignored unless just one bottom is given and the scale is
      // a learned parameter of the layer.)
      // (忽略 filler 参数,除非只给定一个 bottom 及 scale 是网络层的一个学习到的参数.
      // The initialization for the learned scale parameter.
      // scale 参数学习的初始化
      // Default is the unit (1) initialization, resulting in the ScaleLayer
      // initially performing the identity operation.
      // 默认是单位初始化,使 Scale 层初始进行单位操作.
      optional FillerParameter filler = 3;
      // Whether to also learn a bias (equivalent to a ScaleLayer+BiasLayer, but
      // may be more efficient).  Initialized with bias_filler (defaults to 0).
      // 是否学习 bias,等价于 ScaleLayer+BiasLayer,只不过效率更高
      // 采用 bias_filler 进行初始化. 默认为 0.
      optional bool bias_term = 4 [default = false];
      optional FillerParameter bias_filler = 5;


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    Scale layer 在prototxt里面的书写:

    layer {
     	 name: "scale_conv1"
         type: "Scale"
    	 bottom: "conv1"
         top: "conv1"
     scale_param {
        bias_term: true


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    layer {
    	  name: "conv6_4/scale"
    	  type: "Scale"
    	  bottom: "conv6_4/bn"
    	  top: "conv6_4/bn"
    	  param {
    	    lr_mult: 1
    	    decay_mult: 0
    	  param {
    	    lr_mult: 1
    	    decay_mult: 0
    	  scale_param {
    	    bias_term: true
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sdu20112013/p/11579739.html
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