• Elasticsearch --- es中用ajax实现分页



    from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse
    from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
    from elasticsearch import helpers
    from django.http.response import JsonResponse
    from web2 import models
    import time

    es = Elasticsearch()

    Pagination: def __init__(self, current_page, all_count, per_num=20, max_show=11): # 基本的URL # self.base_url = request.path_info # 当前页码 try: # self.current_page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1)) self.current_page = int(current_page) if self.current_page <= 0: self.current_page = 1 except Exception as e: self.current_page = 1 # 最多显示的页码数 self.max_show = max_show half_show = max_show // 2 # 每页显示的数据条数 self.per_num = per_num # 总数据量 self.all_count = all_count # 总页码数 self.total_num, more = divmod(all_count, per_num) if more: self.total_num += 1 # 总页码数小于最大显示数:显示总页码数 if self.total_num <= max_show: self.page_start = 1 self.page_end = self.total_num else: # 总页码数大于最大显示数:最多显示11个 if self.current_page <= half_show: self.page_start = 1 self.page_end = max_show elif self.current_page + half_show >= self.total_num: self.page_end = self.total_num self.page_start = self.total_num - max_show + 1 else: self.page_start = self.current_page - half_show self.page_end = self.current_page + half_show @property def start(self): return (self.current_page - 1) * self.per_num @property def end(self): return self.current_page * self.per_num @property def show_li(self): # 存放li标签的列表 html_list = [] # first_li = '<li><a href="{}?page=1">首页</a></li>'.format(self.base_url) # html_list.append(first_li) if self.current_page == 1: prev_li = '<li class="disabled"><a>上一页</a></li>' else: prev_li = '<li><a href="#" page={}>上一页</a></li>'.format(self.current_page - 1) html_list.append(prev_li) for num in range(self.page_start, self.page_end + 1): if self.current_page == num: li_html = '<li class="active"><a href="javascript:;" page={0}>{0}</a></li>'.format(num) else: li_html = '<li><a href="javascript:;" page={0}>{0}</a></li>'.format(num) html_list.append(li_html) if self.current_page == self.total_num: next_li = '<li class="disabled"><a>下一页</a></li>' else: next_li = '<li><a href="javascript:;" page={}>下一页</a></li>'.format(self.current_page + 1) html_list.append(next_li) # last_li = '<li><a href="#" page>尾页</a></li>'.format(self.total_num, self.base_url) # html_list.append(last_li) return ''.join(html_list)



    def filter_msg(search_msg, action_type, current_page):
        print(search_msg, action_type)
        if action_type == "all":
            body = {
                "size": 50,
                "query": {
                    "match": {
                        "title": search_msg
                "highlight": {
                    "pre_tags": "<b style='color:red;'>",
                    "post_tags": "</b>",
                    "fields": {
                        "title": {}
            body = {
                "size": 50,
                "query": {
                    "bool": {
                        "must": [
                                "match": {
                                    "title": search_msg
                                "match": {
                                    "tags": action_type
                "highlight": {
                    "pre_tags": "<b style='color:red;'>",
                    "post_tags": "</b>",
                    "fields": {
                        "title": {}
        res = es.search(index='s2', body=body, filter_path=['hits.total', 'hits.hits'])
        page_obj = Pagination(current_page, res['hits']['total'])     # 调用
        res['page'] = page_obj.show_li
        res['data_msg'] = res['hits']['hits'][page_obj.start:page_obj.end]
        res['hits']['hits'] = ''
        return res


    def search(request):
        if request.method == 'GET':
            flag = request.GET.get("flag", "aaa")
            if flag == "aaa":  # 正面请求
                obj = models.Article.objects.filter(pk__lte=10)
                return render(request, "index.html", {"all_obj": obj})
                search_msg = request.GET.get("search_msg")
                action_type = request.GET.get("action_type")
                current_page = request.GET.get("current_page")
                print(action_type, search_msg, current_page)
                res = filter_msg(search_msg, action_type, current_page)
                return JsonResponse(res)      #返回前端



    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-8 col-lg-offset-2">
            <ul class="pagination" id="pagination">


                url: "/search/",
                type: "GET",
                data: {"search_msg": searchMsg, "action_type": actionType, "flag": "xxx", "current_page": Page},
                success: function (data) {
                    // console.log(1111, data)
                    if (data) {
                        // 展示结果条数
                        $('#totalNum').html("结果约 <b style='color:red'>" + data.hits.total + "</b> 条结果");
                        // 结果展示
                        var html = '';
                        $.each(data.data_msg, function (index, item) {
                            // console.log(item._source.title)
                            html += '<a href="' + item._source.title + '">
    ' +
                                '<div class="article-pic"><img src=""></div>
    ' +
                                '<h3>' + item.highlight.title + '</h3>
    ' +
                                '<div class="article-bar">
    ' +
                                '<span class="fn-left"></span>
    ' +
                                '<span class="fn-right">
    ' +
                                '<em><i class="icon12 icon12-eye"></i></em>
    ' +
                                '<em data-class="icon12 icon12-infor" data-articleid="936479"><i class="icon12 icon12-infor"></i>4</em>
    ' +
    ' +
    ' +
                                '<p>' + item._source.summary + '</p>
    ' +
                        $("#pagination").html(data.page);        #页数显示
                        $("#pagination li a").click(function () {   #点击分页数据
                            var d = $(this).attr("page");
                            if (d) {
                                foo(actionType, $(this).attr('page'))
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sc-1067178406/p/10920544.html
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