• SAP WebClient UI创建Value help最详细的步骤

    This document could be used for beginners for Webclient UI development who wants to know how to implement value help.


    When clicking F4 on BusinessPartner ID,

    a new window pops up as value help, you can click search button to get a list of business partners and choose one of them:

    Once you mark the first search result, both ID and name would be automatically written back to your host page.

    Step1: Implement GET_P method for field “BusinessPartner ID”:

    CASE iv_property.
         WHEN if_bsp_wd_model_setter_getter=>fp_fieldtype.
           rv_value = cl_bsp_dlc_view_descriptor=>field_type_input.

    Implement GET_V method:

    create object rv_valuehelp_descriptor type cl_bsp_wd_valuehelp_navdescr
              iv_outbound_plug = 'OP_PARTNER_SEARCH'.

    Step2: Create a new outbound plug OP_PARTNER_SEARCH: ( the name must equal to the value passed to exporting parameter in GET_V method )

    define a private attribute mv_popup with TYPE REF TO if_bsp_wd_popup in your view controller.
    Implement the following code:

    DATA: lv_node  TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_context_node.
    DATA: lv_title TYPE string.
    lv_title = cl_wd_utilities=>get_otr_text_by_alias( 'CRM_UIU_PROD_CUST/SEARCH_CUSTOMER' ).
    mv_popup = comp_controller->window_manager->create_popup(
      iv_interface_view_name = 'SearchHelpWindow'
      iv_usage_name          = 'BPSearch'
      iv_title               = lv_title ).
    mv_popup->set_display_mode( if_bsp_wd_popup=>c_display_mode_surrounded ).
    mv_popup->set_on_close_event( iv_view = me iv_event_name = 'CLOSEPOPUP' ).
    mv_popup->open( 'CLEAR_ALL' ).​

    Step3: in step2 we try to open the popup window defined in component usage BPSearch, so we have to define that usage in runtime repository:

    in code it is defined when value help window is closed, event CLOSEPOPUP will be triggered. So we create this event handler and implement it:
    In the event handler, we get the selected BP information from context node PARTNER of component BP_HEAD_SEARCH and
    set the content into our own field “BusinessPartner ID” and “Employee Name”:

    DATA: lv_target_node TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_context_node.
    DATA: lr_node      TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_context_node,
                 lr_entity    TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access,
                 lr_entity_bp TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access,
                 lv_fullname TYPE BU_DESCRIP,
                 lv_bp_id    TYPE bu_partner.
      lr_entity ?= me->typed_context->bpinfo->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
      ASSERT lr_entity IS NOT INITIAL.
      lr_node = mv_popup->get_context_node( 'PARTNER' ).
      CHECK lr_node IS BOUND.
      lr_entity_bp = lr_node->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
      CHECK lr_entity IS BOUND AND lr_entity_bp IS BOUND.
      lv_bp_id = lr_entity_bp->get_property_as_string( 'BP_NUMBER' ).
      CHECK lv_bp_id IS NOT INITIAL.
      lr_entity->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'BP_ID' iv_value     = lv_bp_id ).
             iv_partner          = lv_bp_id
             ev_description_name = lv_fullname
             no_partner_specified  = 1
             no_valid_record_found = 2
             OTHERS                = 3.
       lr_entity->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'BP_NAME' iv_value     = lv_fullname ).

    Note: when you create the outbound plug OP_PARTNER_SEARCH in step2, the method is created with Protected by default. You should change the visibility manually to Public:

    or else you will meet with CX_BSP_WD_INCORRECT_IMPLEMENT exception, since in the runtime the framework would expect to call it as public method as below:


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sap-jerry/p/13624956.html
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