• 英语词汇



    scenic spots/places of interest/historical site
    the Palace Museum
    the Forbidden city
    the Great wall
    ancient China
    unique architecture 独特的建筑风格
    cultural treasures 文化宝藏
    adhere to the tradition 坚持传统
    give publicity to... 宣传……
    cultural relics/heritage/legacy 文化遗产
    mobilize the entire society 调动全社会的力量
    tear down 拆除
    aged buildings 老建筑
    **intangible cultural heritage **非物质文化遗产
    local customs and practices 风土人情
    intercultural/cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流
    “go global”strategy“ 走出去”战略
    culture shock 文化冲击
    cultural stereotype 文化刻板印象
    cultural diversity 文化多样性
    cultural pluralism 文化多元化
    cultural blending/integration 文化融合
    insular/provincial mentality 狭隘的观念
    remove prejudice and misunderstanding 消除偏见和误解
    exposed to new ideas 接触各种新思想
    take the essence and discard the dregs 取其精华,去其糟粕
    intensified cultural communication 日益密切的文化交流
    cultural intermingling 文化的交织融合
    cultural facilities 文化设施
    public literature 大众文化
    popular culture 流行文化
    cultural devolution 文化退化
    deeply rooted in ...深深植根于…
    minority 少数民族
    splendid and glorious... 辉煌灿烂的...
    interpretation of classics 解读经典
    mainstream culture 主流文化
    local culture本土文化
    mass culture大众文化
    idol worship 偶像崇拜
    cultural diplomacy文化外交
    **exotic/alien ** culture 外来文化
    the Confucius Institute 孔子学院
    cradle of culture文化摇篮


    freshman 大一
    sophomore 大二
    joniors 大三
    senior 大四
    reading extensively 广泛阅读
    lifelong learning 终生学习
    develop personal specialties 发展个人特长
    cultivate practical ability 培养实践能力
    broaden one's horizons 开阔眼界
    era of knowledge explosion 知识爆炸时代
    have a wider range of knowledge 拓宽知识面e-learning网络化学习
    inequality of educational opportunities 教育机会不平衡
    the craze for graduate school 考研热
    teaching facilities 教学设施
    practical skills 实用技能
    prestigious schoo 名校
    exam-oriented education 应试教育
    academic performance 学习成绩
    quality-oriented education 素质教育
    high scores and low abilities 高分低能
    teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教
    put into practice what one has learned 学以致用
    teach by personal example as well as verbal instruction 言传身教
    educational background 学历
    diploma 毕业文凭
    scholarship 奖学金
    life-long learning 终身学习
    educational innovation 教育革新
    instill high moral values 灌输高尚的道德观念
    stimulate one's interest 激发兴趣
    tap one's potential 挖掘某人的潜能
    independent learning 自主学习
    theoretical knowledge 理论知识


    economic globalization 经济全球化
    economic crisis 经济危机
    economic recovery 经济复苏
    the reform and opening-up 改革开放
    be unemployed/lose one's job 失业
    job seeker 找工作者
    expand/drive domestic demand 扩大内需
    disposable income 可支配收入
    purchasing power 购买力
    infrastructure construction 基础设施建设
    urban planning 城市规划
    low-income family 低收入家庭
    sustainable development 可持续发展
    service industry 服务性行业
    low carbon economy 低碳经济
    unfair competition 不正当竞争
    crisis of confidence 信任危机
    after-sale service 售后服务
    brand image 品牌形象
    credit card 信用卡
    premature consumption 超前消费
    fierce competition 激烈竞争
    innovative enterprises 创新型企业
    e-commerce 电子商务
    physical/brick-and-mortar store实体店
    advertisement campaign 广告宣传活动


    information age/era 信息时代
    information explosion 信息爆炸
    pervasive technology 无处不在的科技
    information anxiety 信息(或资讯)焦虑感
    information overload 信息过载
    cloud computing 云计算
    information security 信息安全
    be indulged in...沉溺于…
    …be addicted to...对……上瘾
    an era dominated by consumer electronics/gadgets消费电子产品/电子设备所主导的时代
    digital devices电子设备
    bombarded with so many messages and alerts 各种信息和提示的狂轰滥炸
    separate the wheat from the chaff 分清良葵
    be detrimental to...对...有害
    anonymity on the net enables users to shirk responsibility for their remarks 匿名让用户可以不为自己的言论负责
    texting pedestrian 边走边发短信的行人
    bulet screen 弹幕
    drone 无人机
    artificial intelligence 人工智能
    Internet users/netizens 网友
    digital wallet/WeChat Wallet 数字/微信钱包


    health concern 健康问题
    physical health 生理健康
    mental/psychological health心理健康
    mental outlook 精神面貌
    academic pressure 学业压力
    psychological distress心理困扰
    shy away from interaction 回避互动
    anxiety disorder 焦虑症
    be detrimental to one's health 对健康有害
    emotional well-being 情感健康,幸福感
    state of mind心态
    emotional quotient 情商
    sub-health 亚健康
    chronic disease 慢性病
    physical exercise体育锻炼
    fitness training 体能训练
    reform of medical system 医疗体制改革
    nationwide fitness campaign 全民健身运动
    enhance public health 提高公众健康水平
    well-balanced diet均衡饮食
    junk food垃圾食品
    live a healthy and productive life健康向上地生活
    sacrifice one's health 牺牲健康
    fast-paced life 快节奏生活
    relieve tension and stress缓解紧张和压力
    obesity 肥胖
    a sedentary lifestyle 久坐的生活方式
    vegetarian 素食主义者


    noise and air pollution 噪音和空气污染
    environmental degradation/deterioration 环境恶化
    bring the pollution under control 治理环境污染
    environment-friendly products 环保型产品
    raise environmental awareness 提高环保意识
    livable city 宜居城市
    carbon emissions二氧化碳排放
    greenhouse effect 温室效应
    traffic congestion交通拥堵
    green belt 绿化带
    low-carbon economy低碳经济
    potential hazards 潜在危险
    extreme weather conditions极端天气
    off the charts爆表
    large pollutant emission 污染物排放量大
    air monitoring 大气监测
    shut down of polluting plants and banning of vehicles with excessive emissions 关停污染工厂、限制机动车尾气排放量
    depletion of resources 能源过度消耗
    garbage disposal 垃圾处理
    put a strain on the already stretched resource 给资源造成很大压力
    develop renewable resources 开发可再生资源
    overexploitation 对自然资源过度开发
    sustainable sources of energy 可持续能源
    clean technology 清洁技术
    limits on emissions of greenhouse gases 限制温室气体的排放
    power plant 发电厂
    pose a threat to对……带来威胁
    biodiversity 生物多样性
    biosphere 生物圈
    natural habitat 自然栖息地
    ecological balance 生态平衡
    endangered wildlife 濒危野生动物
    chain reaction连锁反应
    protect wildlife 保护野生动物
    species/biological diversity 物种/生物多样性
    conservation zone/nature reserve保护区
    policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control“预防为主、防治结合”的政策


    sense of responsibility责任感
    shoulder/assume one's responsibilities 承担责任
    traditional virtues传统美德
    sense of public morality/social conscience公德心
    social etiquette社交礼仪
    charity 慈善
    eliminate bad habits消除不良习惯
    selfless devotion/dedication无私奉献
    be willing to lend a helping hand助人为乐
    improve public morals改进社会风气
    respect the old and care for the young尊老爱幼
    aging society老龄化社会
    support the elderly赡养老人
    with heart and soul全心全意地
    mutual understanding相互理解
    practice filial piety 奉行孝道
    generation gap代沟
    the lack of moral sense道德缺失
    the corruption of public morality公德堕落
    immoral behaviours 不道德行为
    impose punishment on...对……惩罚
    dishonest behaviours 欺诈行为
    false promise 虚假承诺
    academic corruption学术腐败
    plagiarism 剩窃抄袭
    rigorous system of regulation严格的监管系统
    cheat on a test考试作弊
    tarnish the image of...破坏形象
    fake/counterfeit commodities伪劣产品
    misleading advertising 误导性宣传
    lax regulation监管松懈
    food safety食品安全
    supervision loophole监管漏洞
    infringe on privacy侵犯隐私
    avoid/evade one's responsibility 逃避责任
    impose a heavy penalty on 重罚……
    uncivilized behaviour不文明行为
    prohibit smoking in public space禁止公共场所吸烟
    tourists with inappropriate behaviour行为不文明的游客
    gross irresponsibility 完全不负责任
    bandwagon effect 随大流效应
    bystander effect 旁观者效应


    the spirit of competition 拼搏精神
    stick it out坚持到底
    make unremitting efforts坚持不懈的努力
    deferred gratification 延迟满足
    give up halfway/leave sth. unfinished半途而废
    remain stagnant 裹足不前
    prudence 谨慎
    patience 耐心
    diligence 勤奋
    Success always smiles upon people who are diligent.成功总是青睐那些勤奋的人。
    team spirit 团队精神
    joint efforts 齐心协力
    Many hands make light work.人多好办事。
    have great ambitions胸怀抱负
    excessive reliance on others 过分依赖别人
    keep optimistic保持乐观
    hold an optimistic view of events乐观看事
    a sanguine disposition乐观快活的天性
    look on the sunny side of everything对每件事都抱乐观态度
    Every cloud has a silver lining.黑暗中总有一丝光明
    lack of confidence缺乏自信
    self-doubt and insecurity自我怀疑和不安全感
    modesty 谦虚
    Luck favors the prepared,and it also favors the persistent.命运垂青有准备的人,同时它也垂青坚持不懈的人。


    public transportation公共交通
    education resources 教育资源
    medical services/security 医疗服务/保障
    social security 社会保障
    employment opportunities 就业机会

    urban 城镇
    rural areas/countryside 农村
    residents 居民
    reside 定居
    job hunting 求职

    stay up late 熬夜
    gather for dinner 聚会
    financial capacity 经济能力
    stress and strain 压力和紧张
    stay pleasant 保持愉悦
    employability/marketable skill 就业技能
    well-adjusted 适应力强
    personal initiative and motivation 个人的积极主动性
    fame and fortune 名声与财富
    recipe for success 成功的秘密
    self-discipline 自律
    set long-term goals 制定长期目标
    set priorities分清主次
    self-worth 自我价值感
    procrastinator 拖延者
    herd mentality 从众心理
    social expectation 社会期待
    job security 工作稳定
    punctuality 严守时间
    business startup创业
    corporate culture企业文化
    qualified candidate合适人选
    be an asset to有益/宝贵的人才



    • 开头
      first and the most

    • 其次
      in additions
      what‘s more

    • 与此同时
      at the same time
      by contrast

    apart from 除了(之外)
    when it comes to


    • 因果
      as a result of
      owing to 由于
      thanks to 由于
      due to 由于
      account for 解释
      stem from 来自
      lead to 导致
      give rise to 导致
      contribute to 导致

    • 目的
      for the purpose of doing
      be aimed at sth
      be intended to
      be meant to;

    on behalf of/representing 代表
    be fond of 喜欢
    enable/allow sb. do 使能够...
    strengthen guidance on 加强...指导
    seek advice on 寻求建议
    be used/accustomed to 习惯
    put...to good use 施展/充分利用
    ease/alleviate pressure(burden) 减压
    dedicate oneself to sth 致力于
    be addicted to sth 上瘾
    be obsessed with sth 沉溺

    • 应该
      ought to
      be supposed to
      be well advised to

    • 努力
      try one's best to do
      spare no effort to do

    • 取得进步
      make a great advance in
      make huge progress in

    • 就某人来说
      in one's view/opinion
      from the perspective/viewpoint of

    • 起作用
      play an essential role in
      take a great role in
      have a considerable impact on

    • 强调/关注
      place great emphasis on
      attach much significance to
      pay attention to doing
      attract/absorb one's attention to

    • 认识到
      be aware of
      be conscious of
      come to the realization that


    a variety/host of;a considerable proportion of;大量
    with regard to关于

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sanhuamao/p/15358789.html
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