• Cobbler 2.x安装与配置



    Cobbler 2.8.1




    # File Name: /data/srcipts/cobbler-install.sh


    cd /data/scripts



    PASSWORD=$(openssl passwd -1 -salt "salt" "password")

    touch $LOGFILE

    # Installing the required packages

    yum -y install deltarpm epel-release git

    python-cheetah python-netaddr python-simplejson python-urlgrabber PyYAML

    rsync syslinux tftp-server yum-utils

    httpd mod_wsgi mod_ssl 2>>$LOGFILE


    # Downloading cobbler source code

    git clone https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler.git 2>>$LOGFILE

    cd cobbler

    git checkout release28


    # Full new install with source code

    make install >>$LOGFILE

    # Installing and preserver your existing config files, snippers and kickstarts

    #make devinstall


    # Installing the cobbler web GUI (including make devinstall)

    make webtest >>$LOGFILE


    #Building RPM packages from Source

    #yum -y install rpm-rpm-config rpm-build python-devel

    #make rpms


    # Create the dicrectory rpm-build and 6 rpm packages


    # Install with PRM packages

    yum -y install cobbler-2.8.1-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm cobler-web-2.8.1-1.el7.noarch.rpm


    #2. 配置 refer to cobbler site http://cobbler.github.io/manuals/quickstart

    #Changing the cobbler main configuration /etc/cobbler/settings

    #allow dynamic settting

    cp /etc/cobbler/settings /etc/cobbler/settings.init

    sed i 's/allow_dynamic_settings:0/allow_dynamic_setting:1/' /ect/cobbler/settings


    #change the default encrypted password (root/cobbler)

    PASS=$(openssl passwd -l -salt "random salt" "your new password")

    cobber setting --name=default_password_crypted --value=$PASSWORD

    cobber setting --name=server --value=$COBBLERSERVER

    cobber setting --name=next server --value=$COBBLERSERVER

    cobber setting --name= manage_dhcp


    # Change the DHCP template file



    # starting and enabling the cobbler service

    systemctl start cobblerd

    systemctl enable cobblerd


    cobbler check


    cobbler sync


    #importing your first distribution

    mkdir /mnt/cdrom

    mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom

    cobbler import --name=centos7.3 --arch=x86_64 --path=/mnt/cdrom


    #verify the distro

    cobbler distro list

    cobbler distro report


    cobbler profile list

    cobbler profile report

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/samits/p/7512909.html
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