begin tran declare @cus varchar(20) set @cus=:cus declare @cus1 varchar(20) set @cus1=:cus1 declare @sdd datetime declare @edd datetime set @sdd=:sd set @edd=:ed declare @wh_yl varchar(20) create table mc_tmp_tb (ml_no varchar(50),tz_no varchar(50),prd_no varchar(50),est_itm integer,co integer, wh varchar(50),qty float,qty_over float,qty_lc float,cus_no varchar(20) ) /*厂商遍历*/ DECLARE cucus cursor for select cus_no from cust where cus_no>=@cus and cus_no<=@cus1 open cucus declare @cusneed varchar(20) fetch next from cucus into @cusneed while @@fetch_status=0 begin select @wh_yl=wh from my_wh where cus_no=@cusneed declare mycu cursor for select tf_ml.ml_no,tf_ml.tz_no ,tf_ml.prd_no ,tf_ml.est_itm ,count(*) as co from tf_ml left join mf_ml on tf_ml.ml_no=mf_ml.ml_no where mf_ml.cus_no=@cusneed and mf_ml.ml_dd>=@sdd and mf_ml.ml_dd<=@edd AND tf_ml.mlid='M4' --测试+领料单号 group by tf_ml.ml_no,tf_ml.tz_no ,prd_no ,est_itm declare @ml_no varchar(50) declare @tz_no varchar(50) declare @prd_no varchar(50) declare @est_itm integer /*游标保存数据*/ declare @co integer declare @wh varchar(20) declare @qty float declare @qty_over float declare @qty_lc float declare @cus_tb varchar(20) open mycu fetch next from mycu into @ml_no,@tz_no,@prd_no,@est_itm,@co /*查询出仓库*/ while @@fetch_status=0 begin /*查询仓库*/ /*单独领余料仓或者没有领余料仓的料*/ if(@co=1) begin select @wh=wh,@qty=tf_ml.qty,@qty_over=qty_over,@qty_lc=qty_lc,@cus_tb=cus_no from tf_ml left join mf_ml on tf_ml.ml_no=mf_ml.ml_no AND tf_ml.mlid<>'M5' where tf_ml.ml_no=@ml_no and tf_ml.tz_no=@tz_no and prd_no=@prd_no and est_itm=@est_itm end /*领了余料仓的料*/ if(@co=2) begin select @wh=wh,@qty=tf_ml.qty,@qty_over=qty_over,@qty_lc=qty_lc,@cus_tb=cus_no from tf_ml left join mf_ml on tf_ml.ml_no=mf_ml.ml_no where tf_ml.ml_no=@ml_no and tf_ml.tz_no=@tz_no and prd_no=@prd_no and est_itm=@est_itm and wh<>@wh_yl and tf_ml.mlid<>'M5' end /*插入数据表*/ insert into mc_tmp_tb values (@ml_no,@tz_no,@prd_no,@est_itm,@co,@wh,@qty,@qty_over,@qty_lc,@cus_tb) fetch next from mycu into @ml_no,@tz_no,@prd_no,@est_itm,@co end close mycu deallocate mycu --select * from mc_tmp_tb fetch next from cucus into @cusneed end close cucus deallocate cucus select a.cus_no,a.ml_no,a.prd_no,a.wh,sum(a.qty) as 本地仓领出量 ,sum(a.qty_over) as 超发量,sum(a.qty_lc) as 余料仓使用量,case when a.wh=@wh_yl then sum(qty_lc) else sum(a.qty+a.qty_lc) end as 本次领出量小计,sum(a.qty+a.qty_over) as 本地仓出库量小计 ,sum(b.qty_rsv) as 托工需求量小计 from mc_tmp_tb a left join tf_tw b on a.tz_no=b.tw_no and a.prd_no=b.prd_no and a.est_itm=b.itm group by a.ml_no,a.prd_no,a.wh,a.cus_no order by a.cus_no,a.ml_no,a.wh drop table mc_tmp_tb if @@error=0 begin commit end else begin rollback end
begin tran declare @cus varchar(20) set @cus=:cus declare @cus1 varchar(20) set @cus1=:cus1 declare @sdd datetime declare @edd datetime set @sdd=:sd set @edd=:ed declare @wh_yl varchar(20) --查询临时表保存数据 declare @ml_no varchar(50) declare @tz_no varchar(50) declare @prd_no varchar(50) declare @est_itm integer declare @co integer --保存查询出的数据,用于插入数据 declare @wh varchar(20) declare @qty float declare @qty_over float declare @qty_lc float declare @cus_tb varchar(20) declare @rowid1 int create table #t_mc_tmp_tb (ml_no varchar(50),tz_no varchar(50),prd_no varchar(50),est_itm integer,co integer, wh varchar(50),qty float,qty_over float,qty_lc float,cus_no varchar(20) ) /*厂商遍历*/ declare @cusneed varchar(20) select rowid=identity(int,1,1),flag=0,cus_no into #tmp_cus from cust where cus_no>=@cus and cus_no<=@cus1 and cus_no in (select cus_no from mf_ml where ml_dd>=@sdd and ml_dd<=@edd and mlid='M4') declare @rowid int select @rowid=min(rowid) from #tmp_cus where flag=0 while @rowid is not null BEGIN select @cusneed=cus_no from #tmp_cus where rowid=@rowid --余料仓 select @wh_yl=wh from my_wh where cus_no=@cusneed --保存领料信息 --变临时表循环 select rowid1=identity(int,1,1),flag1=0, tf_ml.ml_no,tf_ml.tz_no ,tf_ml.prd_no ,tf_ml.est_itm ,count(*) as co into #tmp_dat from tf_ml left join mf_ml on tf_ml.ml_no=mf_ml.ml_no where mf_ml.cus_no=@cusneed and mf_ml.ml_dd>=@sdd and mf_ml.ml_dd<=@edd AND tf_ml.mlid='M4' group by tf_ml.ml_no,tf_ml.tz_no ,prd_no ,est_itm select @rowid1=min(rowid1) from #tmp_dat where flag1=0 --内部循环 while @rowid1 is not null begin --对应行的数据查询保存 select @ml_no=ml_no,@tz_no=tz_no,@prd_no=prd_no,@est_itm=est_itm,@co=co from #tmp_dat where rowid1=@rowid1 /*单独领余料仓或者没有领余料仓的料*/ if(@co=1) begin select @wh=wh,@qty=tf_ml.qty,@qty_over=qty_over,@qty_lc=qty_lc,@cus_tb=cus_no from tf_ml left join mf_ml on tf_ml.ml_no=mf_ml.ml_no where tf_ml.ml_no=@ml_no and tf_ml.tz_no=@tz_no and prd_no=@prd_no and est_itm=@est_itm AND tf_ml.mlid<>'M5' end /*领了余料仓的料*/ if(@co=2) begin select @wh=wh,@qty=tf_ml.qty,@qty_over=qty_over,@qty_lc=qty_lc,@cus_tb=cus_no from tf_ml left join mf_ml on tf_ml.ml_no=mf_ml.ml_no where tf_ml.ml_no=@ml_no and tf_ml.tz_no=@tz_no and prd_no=@prd_no and est_itm=@est_itm and wh<>@wh_yl and tf_ml.mlid<>'M5' end /*插入数据表*/ insert into #t_mc_tmp_tb values (@ml_no,@tz_no,@prd_no,@est_itm,@co,@wh,@qty,@qty_over,@qty_lc,@cus_tb) update #tmp_dat set flag1=1 where rowid1=@rowid1 select @rowid1=min(rowid1) from #tmp_dat where flag1=0 end --内部循环结束 update #tmp_cus set flag=1 where rowid=@rowid select @rowid=min(rowid) from #tmp_cus where flag=0 drop table #tmp_dat end select a.cus_no, a.ml_no, a.prd_no, a.wh,sum(a.qty) as 本地仓领出量 , sum(a.qty_over) as 超发量,sum(a.qty_lc) as 余料仓使用量, case when a.wh=@wh_yl then sum(qty_lc) else sum(a.qty+a.qty_lc) end as 本次领出量小计, sum(a.qty+a.qty_over) as 本地仓出库量小计 , sum(b.qty_rsv) as 托工需求量小计 --collate Compatibility_198_804_30001 from #t_mc_tmp_tb a left join tf_tw b on a.tz_no COLLATE Compatibility_198_804_30001 =b.tw_no and a.prd_no COLLATE Compatibility_198_804_30001 =b.prd_no and a.est_itm =b.itm group by a.ml_no,a.prd_no,a.wh,a.cus_no order by a.cus_no,a.ml_no,a.wh drop table #t_mc_tmp_tb drop table #tmp_cus if @@error=0 begin commit end else begin rollback end