• 【事件类】雅思口语新题


    Describe an argument two of your friends had

    when it happened

    what it was about

    how it was solved

    how you felt about it

    -when it happened

    Okay, I’m going to talk about a time when two of my friends had an argument.

    [neighbour]They are Mr Lee and Mr Wang, who are both my neighbours.

    [classmates]Believe it or not, we are of the same age. Fortunately, we became close friends.

    [grew]However, when we grew up and entered into the workplace. I gradually found that Mr Wang commuted by private car all the time, while Mr Lee is an environmentally conscious person that he only rides to work.


    [when] It was last Saturday afternoon, when I returned from work, I noticed that Mr Lee and Mr Wang were having a drastic argument!

    [what] Mr Lee was so discontented with Mr Wang’s behaviour, as he is an environmentalist, he cannot tolerate the fact that he never used a low-carbon mode of transport. On the other hand, Mr Wang thought that he was just ”making a mountain out of a mole hill”.


    After hearing their arguments, I thought I should give them some advice.

    [policy]I told Mr Wang , our city is now facing serious traffic and air quality problems; and recently a new policy has been published which is about embracing a greener approach to urban planning in order to combat the effects of climate change.

    [duty]So, it is every citizen’s responsibility to support this policy and leave a smaller carbon footprint. This is our way to make contributions to our environment.

    Finally, Mr Wang was persuaded and promised to make a difference.


    [proud]I felt so proud of myself, as I was encouraging a greener and healthier way of transport:riding, which makes the city a better and beautiful place to live in.  



    Describe a time when you shared sth with others

    what you shared  2

    who you shared it with 1

    why you shared it  3

    explain how you felt about sharing it



    Okay, I’m going to talk about a time when I shared my bike with my neighbor Mr Lee.

    [neighbour]I lived on the outskirts of the city in the past. When I was fairly young, my parents relocated to this part of area and ever since then, the Lee family has been my neighbors.

    [classmates]Mr Lee and I are of the same age. Fortunately, we became classmates. So we used to hang out together regularly. There is no doubt that Mr Lee brought a lot of fun and happiness to my childhood days.

    However, when we grew up and entered into the workplace. I discovered that Mr Lee always commuted by his private car.

    - what

    [car]One day, I received a call, it was him. He told me that when he was going to drive to work, his car abruptly broke down. So, he asked me for help. And then, I lent him my favourite bike.  

    -why bike not car

    The reason for why I shared my bike with him is that...I want to encourage him to change his travel habits!

    [policy]our city is now facing serious traffic and air quality problems; and recently a new policy has been published which is about embracing a greener approach to urban planning in order to combat the effects of climate change.

    [duty]So, it is every citizen’s responsibility to support this policy and leave a smaller carbon footprint. This is our way to make contributions to our environment.

    [no longer]Moreover, according to the policy, the number of automobiles that are permitted to enter the city center will be limited and there will be far less on-street parking spaces, which means driving will no longer be a convenient mode of transport.

    **sea activity


    Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try

    what it is

    what you need to prepare

    how easy or difficult it is

    explain why you want you try it


    - what

    Okay...I’m going to talk about a leisure activity I would like to try in Okinawa, which is a small island in Japan.

    [Okinawa] There is no doubt that Okinawa is the best place in Japan to go for water sports, such as surfing, suba-diving, and jet-skiing. But for me, I just want to go on a bike ride and follow the cycle lane along the coast.

    - prepare

    As for what I need to prepare... well, there is nothing that I have to worry about!

    [rent]For visitors, the best bet is to use one of the rental bicycle services that are now available. All you have to do is to purchase a one-day pass for the bikes at numerous hotels in the city

    - how difficult it is

    [easy]The terrain itself is very hilly and becomes more challenging the further you move away from the coast. But since I decide to ride along the coastline, it can be rather easy for me.

    -why you try

    [interest] To tell you the truth, I’m a keen rider and I adore all kinds of riding activities. When I was 10 years old, my father gifted me a toy bike and imparted me upon how to ride it. Ever since than, I have developed a great interest in cycling.

    [ride好处] Riding brings me a lot of fun and helps me keep fit, slow down my life and smell the roses.

    [experience]There is no question, the best way to experience a place is on a bike. Bike tours are for gentle paced recreational cyclists, who want a local, unique and memorable experience of a foreign city.

    So, these are the reasons why I want to cycle in Okinawa.


    Describe an occasion when many people were smiling

    When it happened

    Who you were with ||

    What happened   

    Why people were smiling


    -when & who

    Okay, I’m going to talk about a bike trip I had in Paris.

    [experience]It’s not often that have the chance to have an international trip, as it is fairly expensive to go abroad. So when I do, it is always a memorable and riveting experience.

    [intention]Last summer, my friends and I took a trip to Paris. We were all overworked. So the intention of the trip was to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and get closer to nature.

    [bike tour] We booked an adventure bike tour with a company. There is no question, the best way to experience a place is on a bike. Bike tours are for gentle paced recreational cyclists, who want a local, unique and memorable experience of a foreign city.

    -what happened

    [monkeys] While on this trek, we had the unbelievable fortune to spot a group of snub-nosed monkeys. These primates are very endangered, so to see them in the wild is incredibly rare.

    [guide]Our guide advised us to to be quiet and tried to capture a few photos of these elusive animals. So, we paused our journey and stayed for a short while to gaze upon these rare animals.

    -why people smiling

    [smile]Actually, everyone in the group was blissful happy and excited, but we had to remain very quiet, silent in fact so we would not startle them and cause them to flee.

    As a result, we can only use a smile to express our feelings, as it is the only way to show our happiness without making any sounds.

    [felt]I was in awe and enraptured by the uttered beauty of the creatures before me.

    It was a moment that I shall hold dearly for the rest of my life.


    Describe an occasion when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

    when it was

    where it was || time / house

    why not allowed || an isolated/no bar

    how you felt || bedroom/recreational/bored

    -when & where

    Okay, I’m going to talk about an occasion when I was not allowed to use my cell phone...

    It was when I was paying a visit to my uncle’s rural house accompanied by my father.

    [time]My uncle’s house was located in a small village far away from where I live. It took us about 2 hours by high speed train and then an additional hour by bus to get there.

    [house]The house was a primitive cottage .It was a three-story building with a small courtyard filled with different dirty and smelly farmyard animals such as cows, sheep, chickens and even horses.

    -why allowed[signal]

    As to why I was not allowed to use my mobile phone...well...

    [原因]my uncles’ house was located in such an isolated village surrounded by numerous mountains that there was nearly no communication infrastructure at all!

    [结果]As a result, with almost no bar of signal on my smart phone, I could neither chat online, nor play smart phone games!


    [bedroom]To tell you the truth, when I first arrived at that house, I was required to sleep in a small bedroom with a stiff and uncomfortable bed. So I suffered from poor sleep during the night.

    [recreational]Furthermore, there were few recreational activities in the countryside, so I had to stay in my room after dark. I felt bored out of my wits there.

    [felt]Needless to say...the reason for why I felt extremely bored was that the life in the countryside is utterly different from my daily routine. I just cannot get accustomed to such a primitive way of life! I cannot tolerate lives without network and my smart phone!

    **lost way

    Describe a time when you lost your way


    what happened

    how you found you way




    Okay, I’m going to talk about a time when I first talked with a foreigner in English.

    [experience]It’s not often that have the chance to have an international trip, as it is fairly expensive to go abroad. So when I do, it is always a memorable and riveting experience.

    [intention]Last summer, my friends and I took a trip to Paris. We were all overworked. So the intention of the trip was to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and get closer to nature.

    So, We booked an adventure bike tour with a company. 

    -What happened

    [original]According to the cycling itinerary, we should ride past the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame(诺戳-当), the Louvre and the River Seine(散) and take in all the unforgettable sights.

    Perhaps it was due to the fact that I was so fascinated by the Eiffel Tower, when I came to my senses, I would not find my tour guide. I realized that, unfortunately, I was lost.

    -how you found you way

    Shortly after, I asked a local for the direction of my next destination. Since I could not speak French, I had to speak English. Actually, It was the first time I communicated with a foreigner in English.

    To my surprise, that native successfully understood my English and he told me in detail how to get to Notre-Dame by bike.


    [felt]I was so excited and proud of myself.

    Although I was lost due to my carelessness, I successfully found my way by talking to a native with my second language!

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sabertobih/p/14743198.html
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