• 【地点类】雅思口语



    Describe a part of a city or town you enjoy spending time in

    You should say:

    Where it is

    What it is like

    What you do there

    And explain why you enjoy spending time there

    提高学习(resources)+专心(quiet/noisy+fatigue/absent-minded)+朋友(social activity)=> 一般学1小时+做essay


    -where + what

    Okay, I’m going to talk about a place I most enjoy spending my time in.

    It is the library in my university. The library lies beside a lake adjacent to our teaching buildings. It is a white building that stands 4 floors tall.

    -what do

    [visit]Every Saturday afternoon, I’d like to visit this library and enjoy my reading for almost an hour. Sometimes my roommates accompany me when they are free.

    [felt]When I am in the library reading, I feel my mindset is the most placid and calm, as if I were a rivulet, meandering smoothly through pastures.


    Speaking of why I enjoy spending time in the library... well...

    [summary]Reading in the library can not only enhance my academic performance, but it is also a social activity beneficial to all of us, as reading together also bonds our friendship.

    [学习]First of all, there are a wealth of reading materials in the library, which are entirely free and allow us to improve our reading and writing skills through reading all kinds of books.

    [效率]Second, libraries are normally silent, which are quite different from the noise of busy accommodations. So, studying in the library can fix my mind to the greatest extent and boost my study efficiency.

    Every time I feel fatigue and absent-minded, I will always go to the library as this place gives me a sense of inner peace.

    [social]Finally, studying with some of your friends in the library is an enjoyable activity to do. You can either read alone, or help others with your assignments or essays. => In this way, not only can you interact positively with others, you can also achieve scholastic excellence.

    So, I would like say the library is the place I most enjoy spending my time in.


    Describe a home that you visited but did not want to live in

    You should say:

    Where it is

    What it is like

    Why you visited it

    And why you would not like to live there



    Okay, I’m going to talk about...my uncle’s house that I visited when I was a child.

    [时间]At that time I was going on a journey to pay a visit to my uncle’s home in the countryside.

    [house]His house is located in a small village far away from where I live. It took us about 2 hours by high speed train and then an additional hour by bus to get there.

    [结果]I remember the moment when I finally reached his house, I was exceedingly exhausted.


    As for what it is like ... well ... [宽泛]The house was a primitive cottage.

    It was a three-story building with a small courtyard filled with different lovely farmyard animals such as cows, sheep, chickens and even horses.

    [原因]As a kid, these different animals suddenly drew my attention. [结果]So, this cottage left a deep and special first impression on me. I thought I would have a unique and memorable experience in this place at first.


    In regards to why I visited this place..in fact, it was my father who forced to me to visit my uncle.

    Because my father and my uncle grew up together, there is a deep friendship between them.

    -why do not like

    Finally, I would have to say, in general, this experience was rather unpleasant for me.

    [具体] To tell you the truth, when I first arrived at that cottage, I was required to sleep in a small bedroom with a stiff and uncomfortable bed. So I suffer from poor sleep during the night.

    Furthermore, there are few recreational activities in the countryside, so I had to stay in my room after dark. I felt bored out of my wits there.

    [结果] All in all, I will always remember this unpleasant experience, and of course I will never go there again.


    Describe a city that you have been to and would like to visit again

    You should say:

    When you visited it

    What you did there

    What it was like

    And explain why you like to visit it again



    Okay, I’m going to talk about Paris, which is the city had been to and left a deep impression on me.

    [experience]It’s not often that have the chance to have an international trip, as it is fairly expensive to go abroad. So when I do, it is always a memorable and riveting experience.

    [intention]Last summer, my friends and I took a trip to Paris. We were all overworked. So the intention of the trip was to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and get closer to nature.


    [bike tour] We booked an adventure bike tour with a company. There is no question, the best way to experience a place is on a bike. Bike tours are for gentle paced recreational cyclists, who want a local, unique and memorable experience of a foreign city.

    -what it was like 

    As regards what it was like...well...it goes without saying that, Paris is one of most renowned cities in the world, legendary for numerous typical landmarks.

    [do]According to the cycling itinerary, we rode past the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame(诺戳-当), the Louvre and the River Seine(散) and took in all the unforgettable sights. We caught numerous precious photos on the way.

    -why like to visit again

    Given the chance, I long to visit Paris again! Because...

    [felt]This cycling trip left a deep impression on me and I was amazed by all the stunning architecture as well as unforgettable beautiful sceneries along the way. It helps me gain an insight into the world of Paris which enjoys a long history. I took numerous photos so I frozen many precious moments, and this amazing bike tour will stay in my mind forever.


    **tall building


    Describe a tall building in you city you like or dislike

    where 1

    what looks like 1 white - 5 floors tall

    what it is used for  2

    Needless to say, this place is for university students to learn and relax.

    [对我来说] [visit]+[felt]

    why like it 3 : fancy this library with all my heart as reading in the library is such an enjoyable and relaxing thing to do.


    Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in

    where it is

    how you knew it  1

    how often you go there 2

    what you do there

    why you like the place  3

    a place where you are able to relax

    where it is

    what is like

    how often you go there

    how you feel about the place

    - where & what

    Okay, I’m going to talk about a place where I usually chill out.

    It is the library in my university. The library lies beside a lake adjacent to our teaching buildings. Besides, it is a white building that stands 4 floors tall.

    -how often

    [visit]Every Saturday afternoon, I’d like to visit this library and enjoy my reading for almost an hour. Sometimes my roommates accompany me when they are free.

    [felt]When I am in the library reading, I feel my mindset is the most placid and calm, as if I were a rivulet, meandering smoothly through pastures.

    -how feel about

    I think reading in the library is such an enjoyable and relaxing thing to do.

    [summary]It can not only enhance my academic performance, but it is also a social activity which can strengthen the bond of peoples relationships.

    [学习]First of all, there are a wealth of reading materials in the library, which are entirely free and allow us to improve our reading and writing skills through reading all kinds of books.

    [效率]Second, libraries are normally silent, which are quite different from the noise of busy accommodations. So, studying in the library can fix my mind to the greatest extent and boost my study efficiency.

    Every time I feel fatigue and absent-minded, I will always go to the library as this place gives me a sense of inner peace.

    [social]Finally, studying with some of your friends in the library is a beneficial activity to do. [具体]You can either read alone, or help each other with your assignments or essays. => [结果 ]In this way, not only can you interact positively with others, you can also achieve scholastic excellence together.

    **street market

    Describe a street market or an outdoor market you've been to





    -what it was + when

    Okay...I’m going to talk about a street market that I have been to...

    [wuhan]It was several years ago, at that time my family and I were going to pay a visit to my father’s good college classmate in Wuhan. After meeting up and spending some time catching up with each other’s lives, we decided to visit the famous local street market Hubu Alley.

    [Alley]Hubu Alley is one of the most renowned streets in Wuhan with over 400 years of history. The 150-meter long street is crowded with various kinds of snack stalls.


    As to why we made the decision to go there, well, my mother and I had never been to Wuhan before, so the intention of the trip was to let us gain an insight into the typical attractions of the city.

    -felt : as to how I felt about that market...well...to tell you the truth, for the majority of that afternoon, we were in the queue!

    [Hey Tea]At that time, an internet famous milk tea vendor Hey Tea launched the first tea store in Hubu Alley. Due to all the hype and excitement, my mother and I decided to test its quality. It took us about 2 hours of waiting to purchase 2 bottles of milk tea.

    [felt]I ordered a bottle of signature strawberry smoothy with cheese. Perhaps It was due to fact that I was extremely fatigue and thirsty, I felt like this smoothy was the best tasting drink I had ever tasted. Although it took us such a long time to purchase this milk tea, when we finally drank it, I thought it was all worth it. 


    **want live

    Describe a town or city where you want to live in the future


    how you know this city

    what it is famous for

    why you would like to live there


    Okay, I’m going to talk about a city that I want to live in the future. This city is Paris.

    -how you know

    I got to know this city when I was fairly young. I didn’t remember exactly when and how I knew this city.

    -what famous for

    [Paris]Paris is a historical city, legendary for its extraordinary landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame(诺戳-当), the Louvre and the River Seine(散).

    I think if I could go on a bike ride to explore the city and take in all the unforgettable sights, I would be blissfully happy.

    -why live there

    As to the reason for why would like to live there...well...

    It was 3 months ago, I was reading news on my smart phone. And suddenly I came across an internationally news about combating the effects of climate change and one thing that was talked about is that Paris was going to embrace a greener approach to urban planning in the future

    l   The mayor of Paris was environmentally conscious and she had a goal to leave a smaller carbon footprint and create a green paradise of “urban forests”

    l   What she tried to do is to build more parks and gardens to make the city more pedestrian and biker-friendly.In addition, she will limit the number of automobiles that are permitted to enter the city center. Also, some on-street parking places will be removed to make more room for sidewalks and bike lanes.

    As I fancy riding and enjoy being closer to nature, I consider Paris to be the most ideal place for me to live in the near future.


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