• AutoIT调用SVN相关命令,Console.au3



    #include <Console.au3>
    system("svn cleanup d:\autoit3\")
    system("svn up d:\autoit3\")




    ; #INDEX# =======================================================================================================================
    ; Title .........: Console
    ; AutoIt Version :
    ; Language ......: English
    ; Description ...: Functions that assist with native consoles.
    ; Author(s) .....: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    #include <WinApiError.au3>
    #OnAutoItStartRegister "__Console__StartUp"
    ; #CURRENT# =====================================================================================================================
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    ; #VARIABLES# ===================================================================================================================
    ;	Don't touch these.
    Global $__Dll_Kernel32, $__Amount__Startup_Console
    Global $__Console__hCtrlHandler = 0
    Global $_Included_Console = True
    ; $_bConsole__PrintToStdStreams will cause the output functions to write to autoit's own streams, too.
    Global $_bConsole__PrintToStdStreams = False
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    ; #ENUMS# =======================================================================================================================
    Global Enum $sigCtrlC = 0, $sigCtrlBreak, $sigCtrlClose, $sigCtrlLogOff = 5, $sigCtrlShutDown = 6
    Global Enum $_eWrite = 0, $_eRead, $_eSetCT, $_eGetCM, $_eSetCM
    Global Enum $_cOut, $_cIn, $_cErr
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    ; #TABLES# ======================================================================================================================
    ;   These tables, on startup, get initialized to a table with function pointers and handles.
    Global Const $_sfTable[5] = ["WriteConsoleW","ReadConsoleW", "SetConsoleTextAttribute", "GetConsoleMode", "SetConsoleMode"]
    Global $_pfTable[5]
    Global $__Console__Handlers[2][2]
    Global $__CStreams[3]
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    ; #CONSTANTS# ===================================================================================================================
    ;	Thanks to Matt Diesel (Mat) for writing these down.
    ; Attributes flags (colors)
    ; WinCon.h (153 - 160)
    Global Const $FOREGROUND_BLUE = 0x0001 ; text color contains blue.
    Global Const $FOREGROUND_GREEN = 0x0002 ; text color contains green.
    Global Const $FOREGROUND_RED = 0x0004 ; text color contains red.
    Global Const $FOREGROUND_INTENSITY = 0x0008 ; text color is intensified.
    Global Const $BACKGROUND_BLUE = 0x0010 ; background color contains blue.
    Global Const $BACKGROUND_GREEN = 0x0020 ; background color contains green.
    Global Const $BACKGROUND_RED = 0x0040 ; background color contains red.
    Global Const $BACKGROUND_INTENSITY = 0x0080 ; background color is intensified.
    ; Attributes flags
    ; WinCon.h (161 - 169)
    Global Const $COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE = 0x0100 ; Leading Byte of DBCS
    Global Const $COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE = 0x0200 ; Trailing Byte of DBCS
    Global Const $COMMON_LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL = 0x0400 ; DBCS: Grid attribute: top horizontal.
    Global Const $COMMON_LVB_GRID_LVERTICAL = 0x0800 ; DBCS: Grid attribute: left vertical.
    Global Const $COMMON_LVB_GRID_RVERTICAL = 0x1000 ; DBCS: Grid attribute: right vertical.
    Global Const $COMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO = 0x4000 ; DBCS: Reverse fore/back ground attribute.
    Global Const $COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE = 0x8000 ; DBCS: Underscore.
    Global Const $COMMON_LVB_SBCSDBCS = 0x0300 ; SBCS or DBCS flag.
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    ; #STRUCTURES# ==================================================================================================================
    ; $tagCHAR_INFO_W
    ; $tagPSMALL_RECT
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    ;	These are merely provided for convinience, they aren't used (yet)
    Global Const $tag_CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO = "short dwSizeX; short dwSizeY; short dwCursorPositionX;short dwCursorPositionY; word wAttributes;" & _
    		"SHORT srWindowLeft; SHORT srWindowRight; SHORT srWindowLeft; SHORT srWindowBottom;" & _
    		"short dwMaximumWindowSizeX; short dwMaximumWindowSizeY"
    Global Const $tagCHAR_INFO_W = "WCHAR UnicodeChar; WORD Attributes"
    Global Const $tagPSMALL_RECT = "SHORT Left; SHORT Right; SHORT Left; SHORT Bottom;"
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: system
    ; Description ...: Invokes the command processor to execute a command. Once the command execution has terminated, the processor
    ;				   gives the control back to the program, returning an int value, whose interpretation is system-dependent.
    ; Syntax.........: system($szCommand)
    ; Parameters ....: $szString      		- A string containing a system command to be executed.
    ; Return values .: Success              - Depends on command given.
    ;                  Failure              - Depends on command given.
    ; Author ........: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; Modified.......: 06/08/2012
    ; Remarks .......: Common use is system("pause") or system("cls").
    ; Related .......: RunWait
    ; Link ..........: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdlib/system/
    ; Example .......: No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func system($szCommand)
    	If $szCommand Then
    		If Not $__Amount__Startup_Console Then
    			$__Amount__Startup_Console += 1
    		Return RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $szCommand, @ScriptDir, Default, 0x10)
    	Return False
    EndFunc   ;==>system
    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: Cout
    ; Description ...: Writes a UNICODE string to the Standard Output Stream, with optional attributes. Similar to std::cout in C++ and
    ;					ConsoleWrite().
    ; Syntax.........: Cout($szString [, $iAttr = -1])
    ; Parameters ....: $szString      		- A string to write to the Standard Output Stream.
    ;                  $iAttr             	- If supplied, the function sets the current text attributes to this before writing,
    ;										  and resets it back to normal after writing. Attributes (Thanks to Matt Diesel (Mat)):
    ;                                       |FOREGROUND_BLUE - Text color contains blue.
    ;                                       |FOREGROUND_GREEN - Text color contains green.
    ;                                       |FOREGROUND_RED - Text color contains red.
    ;                                       |FOREGROUND_INTENSITY - Text color is intensified.
    ;                                       |BACKGROUND_BLUE - Background color contains blue.
    ;                                       |BACKGROUND_GREEN - Background color contains green.
    ;                                       |BACKGROUND_RED - Background color contains red.
    ;                                       |BACKGROUND_INTENSITY - Background color is intensified.
    ;                                         BitOR these together, if more than one attribute is used.
    ; Return values .: Success              - True
    ;                  Failure              - False - @error is set and DllCall() @error is kept in @extended.
    ; Author ........: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; Modified.......: 09/07/2011
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: Cerr
    ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms687401(VS.85).aspx
    ; Example .......: No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func Cout($szString, $iAttr = -1)
    	If Not $__Amount__Startup_Console Then
    		$__Amount__Startup_Console += 1
    	Local $lpBuffer = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & StringLen($szString) + 1 & "]")
    	DllStructSetData($lpBuffer, 1, $szString)
    	Local $lpNumberOfCharsWritten = 0
    	If $_bConsole__PrintToStdStreams Then ConsoleWrite($szString)
    	Switch $iAttr
    		Case -1
    			Local $aResult = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eWrite], _
    											"handle", $__CStreams[$_cOut], _
    											"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($lpBuffer), _
    											"dword", StringLen($szString), _
    											"dword*", $lpNumberOfCharsWritten, _
    											"ptr", 0)
    			Return $aResult[0]
    		Case Else
    			Local $aResult1 = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eSetCT], _
    											 "handle", $__CStreams[$_cOut], "word", $iAttr)
    			Local $aResult2 = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eWrite], _
    											 "handle", $__CStreams[$_cOut], _
    											 "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($lpBuffer), _
    											 "dword", StringLen($szString), _
    											 "dword*", $lpNumberOfCharsWritten, _
    											 "ptr", 0)
    			Local $aResult3 = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eSetCT], _
    											 "handle", $__CStreams[$_cOut], "word", 0x7)
    			Switch $aResult2[0]
    				Case 0
    					Return SetError(1,@error,False)
    				Case Else
    					Return (($aResult1[0] <> 0) AND ($aResult3[0] <> 0))
    	Return False
    EndFunc   ;==>Cout
    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: Cerr
    ; Description ...: Writes a UNICODE string to the Standard Error Stream, with optional attributes. Similar to std::cerr in C++ and
    ;					ConsoleWriteError().
    ; Syntax.........: Cerr($szString [, $iAttr = -1])
    ; Parameters ....: $szString      		- A string to write to the Standard Error Stream.
    ;                  $iAttr             	- If supplied, the function sets the current text attributes to this before writing,
    ;										  and resets it back to normal after writing. Attributes (Thanks to Matt Diesel (Mat)):
    ;                                       |FOREGROUND_BLUE - Text color contains blue.
    ;                                       |FOREGROUND_GREEN - Text color contains green.
    ;                                       |FOREGROUND_RED - Text color contains red.
    ;                                       |FOREGROUND_INTENSITY - Text color is intensified.
    ;                                       |BACKGROUND_BLUE - Background color contains blue.
    ;                                       |BACKGROUND_GREEN - Background color contains green.
    ;                                       |BACKGROUND_RED - Background color contains red.
    ;                                       |BACKGROUND_INTENSITY - Background color is intensified.
    ;                                         BitOR these together, if more than one attribute is used.
    ; Return values .: Success              - True
    ;                  Failure              - False - @error is set - see @extended for DllCall() @error.
    ; Author ........: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; Modified.......: 09/07/2011
    ; Remarks .......:
    ; Related .......: Cout
    ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms687401(VS.85).aspx
    ; Example .......: No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func Cerr($szString, $iAttr = -1)
    	If Not $__Amount__Startup_Console Then
    		$__Amount__Startup_Console += 1
    	Local $lpBuffer = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & StringLen($szString) + 1 & "]")
    	DllStructSetData($lpBuffer, 1, $szString)
    	Local $lpNumberOfCharsWritten = 0
    	If $_bConsole__PrintToStdStreams Then ConsoleWrite($szString)
    	Switch $iAttr
    		Case -1
    			Local $aResult = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eWrite], _
    											"handle", $__CStreams[$_cErr], _
    											"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($lpBuffer), _
    											"dword", StringLen($szString), _
    											"dword*", $lpNumberOfCharsWritten, _
    											"ptr", 0)
    			Return $aResult[0]
    		Case Else
    			Local $aResult1 = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eSetCT], _
    											 "handle", $__CStreams[$_cErr], "word", $iAttr)
    			Local $aResult2 = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eWrite], _
    											 "handle", $__CStreams[$_cErr], _
    											 "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($lpBuffer), _
    											 "dword", StringLen($szString), _
    											 "dword*", $lpNumberOfCharsWritten, _
    											 "ptr", 0)
    			Local $aResult3 = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eSetCT], _
    											 "handle", $__CStreams[$_cErr], "word", 0x7)
    			Switch $aResult2[0]
    				Case 0
    					Return SetError(1,@error,False)
    				Case Else
    					Return (($aResult1[0] <> 0) AND ($aResult3[0] <> 0))
    	Return False
    EndFunc   ;==>Cerr
    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: Cin
    ; Description ...: Retrieves a UNICODE string from the Standard Input Stream, with optional size. Similar to std::cin in C++.
    ; Syntax.........: Cin(ByRef $szString [, $iSize = 128])
    ; Parameters ....: $szString      		- A string the content is copied to.
    ;                  $iSize            	- If supplied, the function sets the maximal size of the characters read to this.
    ; Return values .: Success              - Actual amount of characters read.
    ;                  Failure              - False - @error is set and @extended holds DllCall() @error
    ; Author ........: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; Modified.......: 09/07/2011
    ; Remarks .......: Returns once something has been typed into console AND enter is pressed.
    ; Related .......: Getch
    ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684958(VS.85).aspx
    ; Example .......: No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func Cin(ByRef $szString, $iSize = 128)
    	If Not $__Amount__Startup_Console Then
    		$__Amount__Startup_Console += 1
    	Local $lpBuffer = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iSize + 3 & "]")
    	Local $lpNumberOfCharsRead = 0
    	Local $aResult = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eRead], _
    									"handle", $__CStreams[$_cIn], _
    									"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($lpBuffer), _
    									"dword", DllStructGetSize($lpBuffer), _
    									"dword*", $lpNumberOfCharsRead, _
    									"ptr", 0)
    		Case Not $aResult[0]
    			Return SetError(1,@error,False)
    		Case Else
    			$szString = StringTrimRight(DllStructGetData($lpBuffer, 1),2)
    			Return $aResult[4]
    EndFunc   ;==>Cin
    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: Getch
    ; Description ...: Retrieves 1 unicode character from the input buffer. Blocks.
    ; Syntax.........: Getch()
    ; Parameters ....:
    ; Return values .: Success              - A single wide character.
    ;                  Failure              - False and @error is set - see @extended for DllCall() @error.
    ; Author ........: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; Modified.......: 09/07/2011
    ; Remarks .......: Returns once something has been typed into console. Doesn't work with Esc, arrows or F1-12. Don't use it in
    ;				   callback events, it will halt the console!
    ; Related .......: Cin
    ; Link ..........:
    ; Example .......: No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func Getch()
    	If Not $__Amount__Startup_Console Then
    		$__Amount__Startup_Console += 1
    	Local $mode, $Char, $Count, $lpNumberOfCharsRead
    	Local $Ret = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eGetCM], _
    	If @Error OR NOT $Ret[0] Then Return SetError(1,@error,False)
    	$Mode = $Ret[2]
    	$Ret = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eSetCM], _
    	If @Error OR NOT $Ret[0] Then Return SetError(2,@error,False)
    	Local $aResult = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eRead], _
    									"handle", $__CStreams[$_cIn], _
    									"int*", $Char, _
    									"dword", 2, _
    									"int*", $lpNumberOfCharsRead, _
    									"ptr", 0)
    	If @Error OR NOT $aResult[0] Then Return SetError(3,@error,False)
    	Local $Return = ChrW($aResult[2])
    	$Ret = DllCallAddress("BOOL", $_pfTable[$_eSetCM], _
    	If @Error OR NOT $Ret[0] Then return SetError(4,@error,False)
    	Return $Return
    EndFunc ;==>Getch
    ; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: RegisterConsoleEvent
    ; Description ...: Registers a function to be called when a specified signal is emitted from the system.
    ; Syntax.........: RegisterConsoleEvent($fFunc [, $dwSig = $sigCtrlClose [, $bRegisterExit = True]])
    ; Parameters ....: $fFunc      			- Either a string with the function name, or a function (only applies to beta).
    ;                  $dwSig           	- The signal the function is associated with. Can be one of the following values:
    ;                                       |$sigCtrlC - A CTRL+C signal was received.
    ;                                       |$sigCtrlBreak - A CTRL+BREAK signal was received.
    ;                                       |$sigCtrlClose - A signal that the system sends to all processes attached to a console
    ;														when the user closes the console (either by clicking Close on the console
    ;														window's window menu, or by clicking the End Task button command
    ;														from Task Manager).
    ;                                       |$sigCtrlLogOff - A signal that the system sends to all console processes when a user
    ;														is logging off. This signal does not indicate which user is logging off,
    ;														so no assumptions can be made.
    ;														Note that this signal is received only by services. Interactive
    ;														applications are terminated at logoff, so they are not present
    ;														when the system sends this signal.
    ;                                       |$sigCtrlShutDown - A signal that the system sends when the system is shutting down.
    ;															Interactive applications are not present by the time the system sends
    ;															this signal, therefore it can be received only be services in this
    ;															situation. Services also have their own notification mechanism
    ;															for shutdown events.
    ;                  $bRegisterExit       - If true, registers the function to be called OnAutoItExit also.
    ; Return values .: Success              - True
    ;                  Failure              - False and @error is set - see @extended for DllCall() @error.
    ; Author ........: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; Modified.......: 18/06/2012
    ; Remarks .......: Note that if only a function is passed, it is considered to be called on the close event, and the same function
    ;					is also registrered for normal AutoIt exit, so it gets called no matter what. Currently, there is no way to
    ;					terminate AutoIt normally (ie. call normal OnExit handlers) on close event, so this must be used in case of
    ;					something vital that has to be cleaned up on exit.
    ; Related .......: OnAutoItExitRegister
    ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683242(v=vs.85).aspx
    ; Example .......: No
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func RegisterConsoleEvent($fFunc, $dwSig = $sigCtrlClose, $bRegisterExit = True)
    	If Not $__Amount__Startup_Console Then
    		$__Amount__Startup_Console += 1
    		Check bounds in the function table, resize if needed
    	$nCap = UBound($__Console__Handlers) -1
    	$nAmountNeeded = $__Console__Handlers[0][0] + 1
    	If $nAmountNeeded > $nCap Then
    		ReDim $__Console__Handlers[$nCap + 2][2]
    	$__Console__Handlers[0][0] += 1
    		Has the handler been registrered yet? If not, do it. Else pass.
    	If NOT $__Console__hCtrlHandler Then
    		$__Console__hCtrlHandler = DllCallBackRegister("__Console__HandlerRoutine","bool","dword")
    		Local $pCtrlHandler = DllCallBackGetPtr($__Console__hCtrlHandler)
    		$aRet = DllCall($__Dll_Kernel32,"bool","SetConsoleCtrlHandler","ptr",$pCtrlHandler,"bool",1)
    		If @Error OR NOT $aRet[0] OR _WinApi_GetLastError() Then Return SetError(_WinApi_GetLastError(), @extended, False)
    		Register the event and the function
    	$__Console__Handlers[ $__Console__Handlers[0][0] ][0] = $dwSig
    	$__Console__Handlers[ $__Console__Handlers[0][0] ][1] = $fFunc
    	If $bRegisterExit AND $dwSig = $sigCtrlClose Then OnAutoItExitRegister($fFunc)
    	Return True
    ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: __Console__HandlerRoutine
    ; Description ...: A callback called on system-generated signals. Calls any event handlers registrered using RegisterConsoleEvent.
    ; Syntax.........:  __Console__HandlerRoutine()
    ; Parameters ....: $dwSig - the generated signal.
    ; Return values .: None
    ; Author ........: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; Modified.......: 18/06/2012
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func __Console__HandlerRoutine($dwSig)
    	Local $fFunc
    	For $i = 1 to UBound($__Console__Handlers) - 1
    		If $dwSig = $__Console__Handlers[$i][0] AND $__Console__Handlers[$i][1] <> ""  Then
    			If VarGetType($__Console__Handlers[$i][1]) = "string" Then ; string name passed
    			ElseIf VarGetType($__Console__Handlers[$i][1]) = "userfunction" Then ; function passed, applies to beta.
    				$fFunc = $__Console__Handlers[$i][1]
        Return False
    ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: __Console_StartUp()
    ; Description ...: Checks if running under SciTE, if, then executes the script via ShellExecute so own console can be opened.
    ;				   Exits with the errorcode the executed script did.
    ; Syntax.........: __Console_StartUp()
    ; Parameters ....: None
    ; Return values .: None
    ; Author ........: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; Modified.......: 16/03/2011
    ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally. Called automatically on AutoIt startup.
    ; Related .......:
    ; Link ..........:
    ; Example .......:
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func __Console__StartUp()
    	Local $bIsRunningFromScite = StringInStr($CmdLineRaw, "/ErrorStdOut")
    	Local $bIsRecursed = Execute(StringLeft($Cmdline[$Cmdline[0]],StringLen("/Console=")))
    	If ($bIsRunningFromScite > 0) AND NOT $bIsRecursed Then
    		Local $szCommandLine = '"' & @AutoItExe & '" "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" /Console=True'
    		ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "!<Console.au3>:" & @CRLF & @TAB & "Launching process on own..." & @CRLF & "+" & @TAB & "CmdLine:" & $szCommandLine & @CRLF)
    		Local $iReturnCode = RunWait($szCommandline)
    		ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & ">" & @TAB & @ScriptName & " returned " & $iReturnCode & " (0x" & Hex($iReturnCode, 8) & ")" & @CRLF)
    		Exit $iReturnCode
    	Global $__Dll_Kernel32 = DllOpen("kernel32.dll")
    EndFunc   ;==>__Console_StartUp
    ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: __Console_ShutDown()
    ; Description ...: If a console is present, it detaches and closes any handles opened.
    ; Syntax.........: __Console_ShutDown()
    ; Parameters ....: None
    ; Return values .: None
    ; Author ........: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; Modified.......: 15/03/2011
    ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally. Called automatically on AutoIt shutdown.
    ; Related .......:
    ; Link ..........:
    ; Example .......:
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func __Console__ShutDown()
    	If $__Amount__Startup_Console Then
    		For $cStream in $__CStreams
    EndFunc   ;==>__Console_ShutDown
    ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: __Console_CreateConsole()
    ; Description ...: Allocates an console, and opens up handles for the three standard streams: Input, Output and Error.
    ; Syntax.........: __Console_CreateConsole()
    ; Parameters ....: None
    ; Return values .: Success              - True
    ;                  Failure              - False
    ; Author ........: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; Modified.......: 18/06/2012
    ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally. Called automatically the first time any of the Cin, Cerr or Cout funcs is used.
    ; Related .......:
    ; Link ..........:
    ; Example .......:
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func __Console__CreateConsole()
    	If Not $__Amount__Startup_Console Then
    		$__Amount__Startup_Console += 1
    		Local $aResult = DllCall($__Dll_Kernel32, "BOOL", "AllocConsole")
    		Local $fpTemp, $mKernelHandle = DllCall($__Dll_Kernel32, _
    												"HANDLE","GetModuleHandleW", _
    												"wstr", "Kernel32.dll")
    		If @Error Or NOT $mKernelHandle[0] Then
    		For $i = 0 To 4
    			$fpTemp = DllCall($__Dll_Kernel32, _
    							  "ptr", "GetProcAddress", _
    							  "HANDLE", $mKernelHandle[0], _
    							  "str", $_sfTable[$i])
    			If @Error Or NOT $fpTemp[0] Then
    				Exit(0xF + $i)
    			$_pfTable[$i] = $fpTemp[0]
    		$__CStreams[$_cOut] = __Console__GetStdHandle()
    		$__CStreams[$_cIn] = __Console__GetStdHandle(-10)
    		$__CStreams[$_cErr] = __Console__GetStdHandle(-12)
    		Return $aResult[0]
    EndFunc   ;==>__Console__CreateConsole
    ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: __Console_ShutDown()
    ; Description ...: Frees the console from the process.
    ; Syntax.........: __Console_ShutDown()
    ; Parameters ....: None
    ; Return values .: None
    ; Author ........: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; Modified.......: 15/03/2011
    ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally. Called automatically on AutoIt shutdown.
    ; Related .......:
    ; Link ..........:
    ; Example .......:
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func __Console__KillConsole()
    	Local $aResult = DllCall($__Dll_Kernel32, "BOOL", "FreeConsole")
    	Return $aResult[0]
    EndFunc   ;==>__Console__KillConsole
    ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
    ; Name...........: __Console_GetStdHandle()
    ; Description ...: Returns an handle to the desired standard stream.
    ; Syntax.........: __Console_GetStdHandle()
    ; Parameters ....: None
    ; Return values .: Success              - A handle to the stream.
    ;                  Failure              - 0
    ; Author ........: Janus Thorborg (Shaggi)
    ; Modified.......: 15/03/2011
    ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally. Called automatically the first time any of the Cin, Cerr or Cout funcs is used.
    ; Related .......:
    ; Link ..........:
    ; Example .......:
    ; ===============================================================================================================================
    Func __Console__GetStdHandle($nStdHandle = -11)
    	Local $aResult = DllCall($__Dll_Kernel32, "handle", "GetStdHandle", _
    			"dword", $nStdHandle)
    	Return $aResult[0]
    EndFunc   ;==>__Console__GetStdHandle
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    225. Implement Stack using Queues
    232. Implement Queue using Stacks
    JavaScript 实现队列操作
    Vue 路由守卫
    回文数 & {}[]() 符号判断

  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/s380774061/p/2651533.html
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