• Create and publish high-trust add-in




    Create add-in project

    1. Create new sitecollection with Develope Site template in SharePoint farm
    2. Create new project with template "APP/Add-in for SharePoint 2013" in Visual Studio
    3. Choose pfx file  for certificate your add-in and provide the password and issue id
    4. Press F5 to debug

    Package and publish add-in

    1. Publish web application to provider-hosted server
      • Click Publish on web application project
      • Create new publish profile
        • Choose Web Deploy Package for Publish method
        • Choose local folder for Package location
        • "Default Web Site" or "Default Web Site/MyApp" for Site name
        • Publish
      • Deploy to IIS
        • Location <project name>.deploy cmd file
        • Run it within Command
      • Disable Anonymous authentication and enable Window Authentication in IIS for "Default  Web Site"
    2. Package add-in
      • Click Publish on add-in project
      • Choose publish profile created in step 1
      • Click Edit to provide more information
        • Client ID (find it in Web.config)
        • Certificate Location (path of pfx)
        • Certificate Password
        • Issue ID
      • Click Package the app
    3. Publish add-in to SharePoint
      • Config SSL for Default Web Site
      • Create App catelog site in CA (if not exist)
      • Register add-in via page "/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx"
        • App Id (same as Client ID in step 2)
      • Upload .app to Apps for SharePoint in App catelog site
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/s1nce/p/7066056.html
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