• 为何会被拒(4)



    Don't be demoralized when an employer turns you down. The reasons behind a rejection usually have more to do with the company than with you


    By Jeff Schmitt

    So when your fruitless search fills you with angst and self-doubt, always remember the following truths about job hunting: 所以当你毫无结果的搜索让你充满焦虑和自我怀疑,一定得记住下面有关求职的事实:

    Employers Have Prejudices Too


    In our personal lives, we often make assumptions about others. We take a quirk—a moment of weakness—and blow it out of proportion. We collect puzzle pieces, connect fragmented images, and formulate the "story" behind someone, however incomplete.


    Employers are no different with you. In some interviews, your counterparts will quickly size you up, right or wrong. They will look to reinforce their initial impressions. They will make assumptions about your experience and expectations.


    It can be any factor. They may see you as too old. Too young. Too smart. Too expensive. Too pretty. Too plain. Too fat. Too short. Too bald. Too flashy. Too quiet. Too female. Too male. And too much like your predecessor. There are no hard and fast rules. And it may have little to do with the real you. It happens.


    • Employers Have Limited Resources


    Employers want experience—they just prefer that someone else provides it. Today, companies face pressing financial pressures and skill gaps. Many times, they truly need someone who can hit the ground running. Fair or not, many talented candidates don't get the luxury of starting slow and building momentum. Some employers simply can't afford a long onboarding or hiring mistake, simple as that.


    (to be continued)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/s021368/p/1355035.html
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