• 计算机英语天天学(070720)


    clip_image002[C] a country consisting of a group of individual states that have control over their own affairs but are controlled by a central government for national decisions, etc: the Russian Federation
    clip_image003[C] a group of clubs, trade unions, etc. that have joined together to form an organization: the International Tennis Federation
    clip_image004[U] the act of forming a federation: Many MPs are against federation in Europe.

    n. 联邦, 联合, 联盟

    [法] 联邦, 联盟, 联邦政府


    noun, verb
    clip_image0011noun (also archives [pl.]) a collection of historical documents or records of a government, a family, a place or an organization; the place where these records are stored: the National Sound Archive ◆ archive film ◆ The BBC's archives are bulging with material.
    clip_image0012verb [VN]
    clip_image0021to put or store a document or other material in an archive
    clip_image0031(computing) to move information that is not often needed to a tape or disk to store it

    vt. 把...存档

    n. 档案馆, 档案文件

    [计] 挡案库, 存档


    noun, adjective
    clip_image0022(dynamics) [pl.] the way in which people or things behave and react to each other in a particular situation: the dynamics of political change ◆ group dynamics (= the way in which members of a group react to each other) ◆ Market dynamics are working in the company's favour.
    clip_image0032(dynamics) [U] the science of the forces involved in movement: fluid dynamics
    Compare: STATICS
    clip_image0041[sing.] (formal) a force that produces change, action or effects
    clip_image005(dynamics) [pl.] (music) changes in volume in music: They play all the notes in the right place and have a scrupulous regard for the tempos and dynamics.
    clip_image0023(approving) (of a person) forceful, and having a lot of energy: a dynamic personality
    clip_image0033(of a process) always changing and making progress
    Antonym: STATIC
    clip_image0042(physics) (of a force or power) producing movement
    Antonym: STATIC

    a. 动态的, 有活力的, 有力的, 动力的, 不断变化的

    n. 动力, 动态

    [计] 动态的

    [医] 动力的


    noun, verb
    000007D1_res_point2 noun
    000007D1_res_no1 [C] a remark that expresses praise or admiration of sb: to pay sb a compliment (= to praise them for sth) ◆ 'You understand the problem because you're so much older.' 'I'll take that as a compliment!' ◆ It's a great compliment to be asked to do the job. ◆ to return the compliment (= to treat sb in the same way as they have treated you)
    000007D1_res_no2 (compliments) [pl.] (formal) greetings, especially when used to express praise and admiration: My compliments to the chef! ◆ (BrE) Compliments of the season! (= for Christmas or the New Year) ◆ Please accept these flowers with the compliments of (= as a gift from) the manager.
    Idioms see BACKHANDED
    000007D1_res_point2[1] verb [VN] ~ sb (on sth) to tell sb that you like or admire sth they have done, their appearance, etc: She complimented him on his excellent German.

    n.  称赞, 恭维, 敬意

    vt.  称赞, 褒扬, 恭维

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