• HDU3930 (原根)

    给定方程 X^A = B (mol C)  ,求 在[0,C) 中所有的解 , 并且C为质数。

    设 rt 为 C 的原根 , 则 X = rt^x  (这里相当于求 A^x =B (mol C) 用大步小步算法即可)

    那么 ( rt^x ) ^ A = b (mol C)

       rt^Ax = b (mol C)

    由费马小定理, 设 Ax = (C-1)*y +t1   ---------------- ( * ) 

    可得  rt^t1 =b ( mod C)

    这里运用大步小步算法可以计算出 t1 。

    得到 t1 后反代会 (*)式 , 利用扩展欧几里得求出符合条件的x解。

    由于此方程相当于解 Ax mod (C-1) = t1 , 共用 gcd ( a , C-1 ) 组解。


      1 const maxn=1000008;
      2       maxh=1000007;
      3 var a,b,c,rt,t1,t2,x,y,d:int64;
      4     i:longint;
      5     ans,pm,pri:array[0..maxn*2] of int64;
      6     pd:array[0..maxn*2] of boolean;
      7     cnt,nm:longint;
      8     h:array[0..maxh,1..2] of int64;
      9 procedure init;
     10 var i,j:longint;
     11 begin
     12     fillchar(pd,sizeof(pd),false);
     13     i:=2; nm:=0;
     14     while i<=maxn do
     15     begin
     16         inc(nm);
     17         pm[nm]:=i;
     18         j:=i;
     19         while j<=maxn do
     20         begin
     21             pd[j]:=true;
     22             j:=j+i;
     23         end;
     24         while pd[i] do inc(i);
     25     end;
     26 end;
     27 function pow(x,y,p:int64):int64;
     28 var sum:int64;
     29 begin
     30     x:=x mod p;
     31     sum:=1;
     32     while y>0 do
     33     begin
     34         if y and 1 =1 then sum:=sum*x mod p;
     35         x:=x*x mod p;
     36         y:=y >> 1;
     37     end;
     38     exit(sum);
     39 end;
     40 procedure divide(n:int64);
     41 var i:longint;
     42 begin
     43     cnt:=0;
     44     i:=1;
     45     while pm[i]*pm[i]<=n do
     46     begin
     47         if n mod pm[i]=0 then
     48         begin
     49             inc(cnt);
     50             pri[cnt]:=pm[i];
     51             while n mod pm[i]=0 do n:=n div pm[i];
     52         end;
     53         inc(i);
     54     end;
     55     if n>1 then
     56     begin
     57         inc(cnt);
     58         pri[cnt]:=n;
     59     end;
     60 end;
     61 function findrt(p:int64):int64;
     62 var g,t:int64;
     63     flag:boolean;
     64 begin
     65     divide(p-1);
     66     g:=2;
     67     while true do
     68     begin
     69         flag:=true;
     70         for i:=1 to cnt do
     71         begin
     72             t:=(p-1) div pri[i];
     73             if pow(g,t,p)=1 then
     74             begin
     75                 flag:=false;
     76                 break;
     77             end;
     78         end;
     79         if flag then exit(g);
     80         inc(g);
     81     end;
     82 end;
     83 procedure insert(x,y:int64); inline;
     84 var hash:int64;
     85 begin
     86     hash:=x mod maxh;
     87     while (h[hash,1]<>x) and (h[hash,1]<>0) do hash:=(hash+1) mod maxh;
     88     h[hash,1]:=x;
     89     h[hash,2]:=y;
     90 end;
     91 function find(x:int64):int64; inline;
     92 var hash:int64;
     93 begin
     94     hash:=x mod maxh;
     95     while (h[hash,1]<>x) and (h[hash,1]<>0) do hash:=(hash+1) mod maxh;
     96     if h[hash,1]=0 then exit(-1) else exit(h[hash,2]);
     97 end;
     98 function work(a,b,p:int64):int64;
     99 var j,m,x,cnt,ans,t:int64;
    100     i:longint;
    101 begin
    102     ans:=2000000000;
    103     m:=trunc(sqrt(p))+1;
    104     x:=pow(a,m,p);
    105     j:=1;
    106     for i:=1 to m do
    107     begin
    108         j:=j*x mod p;
    109         if find(j)=-1 then insert(j,i);
    110     end;
    111     j:=1;
    112     for i:=0 to m-1 do
    113     begin
    114         t:=find(j*b mod p);
    115         if t<>-1 then
    116         begin
    117             cnt:=m*t-i;
    118             if cnt<ans then ans:=cnt;
    119         end;
    120         j:=j*a mod p;
    121     end;
    122     exit(ans);
    123 end;
    124 function gcd(x,y:int64):int64;
    125 begin
    126     if y=0 then exit(x) else exit(gcd(y,x mod y));
    127 end;
    128 procedure exgcd(a,b:int64;var x,y:int64);
    129 var t:int64;
    130 begin
    131     if b=0 then
    132     begin
    133         x:=1;
    134         y:=0;
    135         exit;
    136     end;
    137     exgcd(b,a mod b,x,y);
    138     t:=x;
    139     x:=y;
    140     y:=t-a div b*y;
    141 end;
    142 procedure swap(var a,b:int64); inline;
    143 var c:longint;
    144 begin
    145     c:=a; a:=b; b:=c;
    146 end;
    147 procedure sort(l,r:int64);
    148 var i,j,x:int64;
    149 begin
    150     i:=l; j:=r; x:=ans[(l+r) div 2];
    151     while i<=j do
    152     begin
    153         while ans[i]<x do inc(i);
    154         while x<ans[j] do dec(j);
    155         if i<=j then
    156         begin
    157             swap(ans[i],ans[j]);
    158             inc(i); dec(j);
    159         end;
    160     end;
    161     if l<j then sort(l,j);
    162     if i<r then sort(i,r);
    163 end;
    164 begin
    165     init;
    166     readln(b,a,c);
    167     rt:=findrt(c); 
    168     t1:=work(rt,b,c);
    169     t2:=c-1;
    170     d:=gcd(a,t2);
    171     if t1 mod d<>0 then
    172     begin
    173         writeln(0);
    174         exit;
    175     end;
    176     exgcd(a,t2,x,y);
    177     t1:=t1 div d;
    178     t2:=t2 div d;
    179     ans[1]:=((x*t1 mod t2)+ t2) mod t2;
    180     for i:=2 to d do ans[i]:=ans[i-1]+t2;
    181     for i:=1 to d do ans[i]:=pow(rt,ans[i],c);
    182     sort(1,d);
    183     writeln(d);
    184     for i:=1 to d-1 do write(ans[i],' ');
    185     writeln(ans[d]);
    186 end.
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rpSebastian/p/4571677.html
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