• ZOJ2006 (后缀自动机)




     1 const maxn=20008;
     2 var T:longint;
     3     nt:array[0..maxn,'a'..'z'] of longint;
     4     a,f:array[0..maxn] of longint;
     5     sum,last:longint;
     6     s:ansistring;
     7 procedure Sam_init;
     8 begin
     9     fillchar(nt,sizeof(nt),255);
    10     fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0);
    11     fillchar(f,sizeof(f),255);
    12     sum:=0; last:=0;
    13 end;
    14 procedure Sam_ins(i:longint);
    15 var p,q,np,nq:longint;
    16     ch:char;
    17 begin
    18     ch:=s[i];
    19     p:=last; inc(sum); np:=sum; a[np]:=a[p]+1; last:=np; 
    20     while (p<>-1) and (nt[p][ch]=-1) do begin nt[p][ch]:=np; p:=f[p]; end;
    21     if p=-1 then f[np]:=0 else
    22     begin
    23         q:=nt[p][ch];
    24         if a[p]+1=a[q] then f[np]:=q else
    25         begin
    26             inc(sum); nq:=sum; a[nq]:=a[p]+1;
    27             nt[nq]:=nt[q]; f[nq]:=f[q];
    28             f[q]:=nq; f[np]:=nq;
    29             while (p<>-1) and (nt[p][ch]=q) do begin nt[p][ch]:=nq; p:=f[p]; end;        
    30         end;    
    31     end;
    32 end;
    33 procedure dfs(now,len:longint);
    34 var ch:char;
    35 begin
    36     if len=0 then
    37     begin
    38         writeln(a[now]-length(s) div 2+1);
    39         exit;
    40     end;
    41     for ch:='a' to 'z' do
    42         if nt[now][ch]<>-1 then
    43         begin
    44             dfs(nt[now][ch],len-1);
    45             exit;
    46         end;
    47 end;
    48 procedure main;
    49 var i:longint;
    50 begin
    51     readln(s);
    52     s:=s+s;
    53     Sam_init;
    54     for i:=1 to length(s) do Sam_ins(i);
    55     dfs(0,length(s) div 2);
    56 end;
    57 begin
    58     readln(T);
    59     while T>0 do begin dec(T); main; end;
    60 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rpSebastian/p/4566381.html
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