• zeebe prometheus 监控配置

    zeebe 默认已经集成了prometheus,以下是一个简单的配置,关于grafana 的集成需要调整下

    docker-compose 文件

    version: "3"
            build: ./
            image: camunda/operate:1.1.0
                - "8080:8080"
                - "./application.yml:/usr/local/operate/config/application.yml"
            image: grafana/grafana
                - "3000:3000"
            image: prom/prometheus
                - "./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml"
                - "9090:9090"
            image: camunda/zeebe:${ZEEBE_VERSION:-latest}
                - 26500:26500
                - 26501:26501
                - 5701:5701
                - 9600:9600
                - ZEEBE_LOG_LEVEL=${ZEEBE_LOG_LEVEL:-debug}
                - ZEEBE_NODE_ID=0
                - ZEEBE_PARTITIONS_COUNT=3
                - ZEEBE_CLUSTER_SIZE=3
                - ZEEBE_REPLICATION_FACTOR=3
                - ./broker_1:/usr/local/zeebe/data
                - ./zeebe.cfg.toml:/usr/local/zeebe/conf/zeebe.cfg.toml
            image: camunda/zeebe:${ZEEBE_VERSION:-latest}
                - 26510:26500
                - 9601:9600
                - ZEEBE_LOG_LEVEL=${ZEEBE_LOG_LEVEL:-debug}
                - ZEEBE_NODE_ID=1
                - ZEEBE_PARTITIONS_COUNT=3
                - ZEEBE_CLUSTER_SIZE=3
                - ZEEBE_REPLICATION_FACTOR=3
                - ZEEBE_CONTACT_POINTS=broker-1:26502
                - ./broker_2:/usr/local/zeebe/data
                - ./zeebe.cfg.toml:/usr/local/zeebe/conf/zeebe.cfg.toml
            image: camunda/zeebe:${ZEEBE_VERSION:-latest}
                - 26520:26500
                - 9602:9600
                - ZEEBE_LOG_LEVEL=${ZEEBE_LOG_LEVEL:-debug}
                - ZEEBE_NODE_ID=2
                - ZEEBE_PARTITIONS_COUNT=3
                - ZEEBE_CLUSTER_SIZE=3
                - ZEEBE_REPLICATION_FACTOR=3
                - ZEEBE_CONTACT_POINTS=broker-1:26502
                - ./broker_3:/usr/local/zeebe/data
                - ./zeebe.cfg.toml:/usr/local/zeebe/conf/zeebe.cfg.toml
            image: elasticsearch:6.7.1
            container_name: elasticsearch
                - "discovery.type=single-node"
                    soft: -1
                    hard: -1
                - 9200:9200
                - 9300:9300 # required for Performance Analyzer

    operate 应用配置

    application.yml 文件

    # Operate configuration file
      # ELS instance to store Operate data
        # Cluster name
        clusterName: elasticsearch
        # Host
        host: elasticsearch
        # Transport port
        port: 9200
      # Zeebe instance
        # Broker contact point
        brokerContactPoint: broker-1:26500
      # ELS instance to export Zeebe data to
        # Cluster name
        clusterName: elasticsearch
        # Host
        host: elasticsearch
        # Transport port
        port: 9200
        # Index prefix, configured in Zeebe Elasticsearch exporter
        prefix: zeebe-record
        ROOT: INFO
        org.camunda.operate: DEBUG
    #Spring Boot Actuator endpoints to be exposed
    management.endpoints.web.exposure.include: health,info,conditions,configprops,prometheus

    prometheus 配置

    prometheus.yml 文件

      - job_name: brokers
        metrics_path: /metrics
        scrape_interval: 10s
        scrape_timeout: 10s
          - targets: ['broker-1:9600','broker-2:9600','broker-3:9600']

    zeebe 配置

    # Enable the embedded gateway to start on broker startup.
    # This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_EMBED_GATEWAY.
    # enable = true
    # Overrides the host used for internal broker-to-broker communication
    # host = "localhost"
    # Sets the port used for internal broker-to-broker communication
    # port = 26502
    # Overrides the host used for exposing monitoring information
      host = ""
    # Sets the port used for exposing monitoring information
      port = 9600
    id = "elasticsearch"
    className = "io.zeebe.exporter.ElasticsearchExporter"
      url = "http://elasticsearch:9200"
      delay = 5
      size = 1_000
      prefix = "zeebe-record"
    # createTemplate = true
      command = false
      event = true
      rejection = false
      deployment = true
      error = true
      incident = true
      job = true
      jobBatch = false
      message = false
      messageSubscription = false
      variable = true
      variableDocument = false
      workflowInstance = true
      workflowInstanceCreation = false
      workflowInstanceSubscription = false



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rongfengliang/p/11996108.html
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