• telegraf 学习一 基本安装

    telegraf 是influxdata 开发的一个插件驱动的服务器代理,可以方便的用来收集以及报告系统的metrics

    我使用mac 系统,测试安装使用了brew


    • 下载地址



    • linux 系统安装
    • mac 系统安装
     brew update
     brew install telegraf


    • 生成运行配置文件
      安装好的二进制文件已经包含了生成配置文件的命令,,以下是一个简单的采集cpu 、内存使用情况的,同时输出到
    telegraf -sample-config -input-filter cpu:mem -output-filter influxdb > telegraf.conf


    # Telegraf Configuration
    # Telegraf is entirely plugin driven. All metrics are gathered from the
    # declared inputs, and sent to the declared outputs.
    # Plugins must be declared in here to be active.
    # To deactivate a plugin, comment out the name and any variables.
    # Use 'telegraf -config telegraf.conf -test' to see what metrics a config
    # file would generate.
    # Environment variables can be used anywhere in this config file, simply surround
    # them with ${}. For strings the variable must be within quotes (ie, "${STR_VAR}"),
    # for numbers and booleans they should be plain (ie, ${INT_VAR}, ${BOOL_VAR})
    # Global tags can be specified here in key="value" format.
      # dc = "us-east-1" # will tag all metrics with dc=us-east-1
      # rack = "1a"
      ## Environment variables can be used as tags, and throughout the config file
      # user = "$USER"
    # Configuration for telegraf agent
      ## Default data collection interval for all inputs
      interval = "10s"
      ## Rounds collection interval to 'interval'
      ## ie, if interval="10s" then always collect on :00, :10, :20, etc.
      round_interval = true
      ## Telegraf will send metrics to outputs in batches of at most
      ## metric_batch_size metrics.
      ## This controls the size of writes that Telegraf sends to output plugins.
      metric_batch_size = 1000
      ## Maximum number of unwritten metrics per output.
      metric_buffer_limit = 10000
      ## Collection jitter is used to jitter the collection by a random amount.
      ## Each plugin will sleep for a random time within jitter before collecting.
      ## This can be used to avoid many plugins querying things like sysfs at the
      ## same time, which can have a measurable effect on the system.
      collection_jitter = "0s"
      ## Default flushing interval for all outputs. Maximum flush_interval will be
      ## flush_interval + flush_jitter
      flush_interval = "10s"
      ## Jitter the flush interval by a random amount. This is primarily to avoid
      ## large write spikes for users running a large number of telegraf instances.
      ## ie, a jitter of 5s and interval 10s means flushes will happen every 10-15s
      flush_jitter = "0s"
      ## By default or when set to "0s", precision will be set to the same
      ## timestamp order as the collection interval, with the maximum being 1s.
      ##   ie, when interval = "10s", precision will be "1s"
      ##       when interval = "250ms", precision will be "1ms"
      ## Precision will NOT be used for service inputs. It is up to each individual
      ## service input to set the timestamp at the appropriate precision.
      ## Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s".
      precision = ""
      ## Log at debug level.
      # debug = false
      ## Log only error level messages.
      # quiet = false
      ## Log file name, the empty string means to log to stderr.
      # logfile = ""
      ## The logfile will be rotated after the time interval specified.  When set
      ## to 0 no time based rotation is performed.
      # logfile_rotation_interval = "0d"
      ## The logfile will be rotated when it becomes larger than the specified
      ## size.  When set to 0 no size based rotation is performed.
      # logfile_rotation_max_size = "0MB"
      ## Maximum number of rotated archives to keep, any older logs are deleted.
      ## If set to -1, no archives are removed.
      # logfile_rotation_max_archives = 5
      ## Override default hostname, if empty use os.Hostname()
      hostname = ""
      ## If set to true, do no set the "host" tag in the telegraf agent.
      omit_hostname = false
    #                            OUTPUT PLUGINS                                   #
    # Configuration for sending metrics to InfluxDB
      ## The full HTTP or UDP URL for your InfluxDB instance.
      ## Multiple URLs can be specified for a single cluster, only ONE of the
      ## urls will be written to each interval.
      # urls = ["unix:///var/run/influxdb.sock"]
      # urls = ["udp://"]
      # urls = [""]
      ## The target database for metrics; will be created as needed.
      ## For UDP url endpoint database needs to be configured on server side.
      # database = "telegraf"
      ## The value of this tag will be used to determine the database.  If this
      ## tag is not set the 'database' option is used as the default.
      # database_tag = ""
      ## If true, no CREATE DATABASE queries will be sent.  Set to true when using
      ## Telegraf with a user without permissions to create databases or when the
      ## database already exists.
      # skip_database_creation = false
      ## Name of existing retention policy to write to.  Empty string writes to
      ## the default retention policy.  Only takes effect when using HTTP.
      # retention_policy = ""
      ## Write consistency (clusters only), can be: "any", "one", "quorum", "all".
      ## Only takes effect when using HTTP.
      # write_consistency = "any"
      ## Timeout for HTTP messages.
      # timeout = "5s"
      ## HTTP Basic Auth
      # username = "telegraf"
      # password = "metricsmetricsmetricsmetrics"
      ## HTTP User-Agent
      # user_agent = "telegraf"
      ## UDP payload size is the maximum packet size to send.
      # udp_payload = "512B"
      ## Optional TLS Config for use on HTTP connections.
      # tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
      # tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
      # tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
      ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
      # insecure_skip_verify = false
      ## HTTP Proxy override, if unset values the standard proxy environment
      ## variables are consulted to determine which proxy, if any, should be used.
      # http_proxy = "http://corporate.proxy:3128"
      ## Additional HTTP headers
      # http_headers = {"X-Special-Header" = "Special-Value"}
      ## HTTP Content-Encoding for write request body, can be set to "gzip" to
      ## compress body or "identity" to apply no encoding.
      # content_encoding = "identity"
      ## When true, Telegraf will output unsigned integers as unsigned values,
      ## i.e.: "42u".  You will need a version of InfluxDB supporting unsigned
      ## integer values.  Enabling this option will result in field type errors if
      ## existing data has been written.
      # influx_uint_support = false
    #                            PROCESSOR PLUGINS                                #
    # # Convert values to another metric value type
    # [[processors.converter]]
    #   ## Tags to convert
    #   ##
    #   ## The table key determines the target type, and the array of key-values
    #   ## select the keys to convert.  The array may contain globs.
    #   ##   <target-type> = [<tag-key>...]
    #   [processors.converter.tags]
    #     string = []
    #     integer = []
    #     unsigned = []
    #     boolean = []
    #     float = []
    #   ## Fields to convert
    #   ##
    #   ## The table key determines the target type, and the array of key-values
    #   ## select the keys to convert.  The array may contain globs.
    #   ##   <target-type> = [<field-key>...]
    #   [processors.converter.fields]
    #     tag = []
    #     string = []
    #     integer = []
    #     unsigned = []
    #     boolean = []
    #     float = []
    # # Map enum values according to given table.
    # [[processors.enum]]
    #   [[processors.enum.mapping]]
    #     ## Name of the field to map
    #     field = "status"
    #     ## Name of the tag to map
    #     # tag = "status"
    #     ## Destination tag or field to be used for the mapped value.  By default the
    #     ## source tag or field is used, overwriting the original value.
    #     dest = "status_code"
    #     ## Default value to be used for all values not contained in the mapping
    #     ## table.  When unset, the unmodified value for the field will be used if no
    #     ## match is found.
    #     # default = 0
    #     ## Table of mappings
    #     [processors.enum.mapping.value_mappings]
    #       green = 1
    #       amber = 2
    #       red = 3
    # # Apply metric modifications using override semantics.
    # [[processors.override]]
    #   ## All modifications on inputs and aggregators can be overridden:
    #   # name_override = "new_name"
    #   # name_prefix = "new_name_prefix"
    #   # name_suffix = "new_name_suffix"
    #   ## Tags to be added (all values must be strings)
    #   # [processors.override.tags]
    #   #   additional_tag = "tag_value"
    # # Parse a value in a specified field/tag(s) and add the result in a new metric
    # [[processors.parser]]
    #   ## The name of the fields whose value will be parsed.
    #   parse_fields = []
    #   ## If true, incoming metrics are not emitted.
    #   drop_original = false
    #   ## If set to override, emitted metrics will be merged by overriding the
    #   ## original metric using the newly parsed metrics.
    #   merge = "override"
    #   ## The dataformat to be read from files
    #   ## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
    #   ## more about them here:
    #   ## https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/docs/DATA_FORMATS_INPUT.md
    #   data_format = "influx"
    # # Print all metrics that pass through this filter.
    # [[processors.printer]]
    # # Transforms tag and field values with regex pattern
    # [[processors.regex]]
    #   ## Tag and field conversions defined in a separate sub-tables
    #   # [[processors.regex.tags]]
    #   #   ## Tag to change
    #   #   key = "resp_code"
    #   #   ## Regular expression to match on a tag value
    #   #   pattern = "^(\d)\d\d$"
    #   #   ## Pattern for constructing a new value (${1} represents first subgroup)
    #   #   replacement = "${1}xx"
    #   # [[processors.regex.fields]]
    #   #   key = "request"
    #   #   ## All the power of the Go regular expressions available here
    #   #   ## For example, named subgroups
    #   #   pattern = "^/api(?P<method>/[\w/]+)\S*"
    #   #   replacement = "${method}"
    #   #   ## If result_key is present, a new field will be created
    #   #   ## instead of changing existing field
    #   #   result_key = "method"
    #   ## Multiple conversions may be applied for one field sequentially
    #   ## Let's extract one more value
    #   # [[processors.regex.fields]]
    #   #   key = "request"
    #   #   pattern = ".*category=(\w+).*"
    #   #   replacement = "${1}"
    #   #   result_key = "search_category"
    # # Rename measurements, tags, and fields that pass through this filter.
    # [[processors.rename]]
    # # Perform string processing on tags, fields, and measurements
    # [[processors.strings]]
    #   ## Convert a tag value to uppercase
    #   # [[processors.strings.uppercase]]
    #   #   tag = "method"
    #   ## Convert a field value to lowercase and store in a new field
    #   # [[processors.strings.lowercase]]
    #   #   field = "uri_stem"
    #   #   dest = "uri_stem_normalised"
    #   ## Trim leading and trailing whitespace using the default cutset
    #   # [[processors.strings.trim]]
    #   #   field = "message"
    #   ## Trim leading characters in cutset
    #   # [[processors.strings.trim_left]]
    #   #   field = "message"
    #   #   cutset = "	"
    #   ## Trim trailing characters in cutset
    #   # [[processors.strings.trim_right]]
    #   #   field = "message"
    #   #   cutset = "
    #   ## Trim the given prefix from the field
    #   # [[processors.strings.trim_prefix]]
    #   #   field = "my_value"
    #   #   prefix = "my_"
    #   ## Trim the given suffix from the field
    #   # [[processors.strings.trim_suffix]]
    #   #   field = "read_count"
    #   #   suffix = "_count"
    #   ## Replace all non-overlapping instances of old with new
    #   # [[processors.strings.replace]]
    #   #   measurement = "*"
    #   #   old = ":"
    #   #   new = "_"
    # # Print all metrics that pass through this filter.
    # [[processors.topk]]
    #   ## How many seconds between aggregations
    #   # period = 10
    #   ## How many top metrics to return
    #   # k = 10
    #   ## Over which tags should the aggregation be done. Globs can be specified, in
    #   ## which case any tag matching the glob will aggregated over. If set to an
    #   ## empty list is no aggregation over tags is done
    #   # group_by = ['*']
    #   ## Over which fields are the top k are calculated
    #   # fields = ["value"]
    #   ## What aggregation to use. Options: sum, mean, min, max
    #   # aggregation = "mean"
    #   ## Instead of the top k largest metrics, return the bottom k lowest metrics
    #   # bottomk = false
    #   ## The plugin assigns each metric a GroupBy tag generated from its name and
    #   ## tags. If this setting is different than "" the plugin will add a
    #   ## tag (which name will be the value of this setting) to each metric with
    #   ## the value of the calculated GroupBy tag. Useful for debugging
    #   # add_groupby_tag = ""
    #   ## These settings provide a way to know the position of each metric in
    #   ## the top k. The 'add_rank_field' setting allows to specify for which
    #   ## fields the position is required. If the list is non empty, then a field
    #   ## will be added to each and every metric for each string present in this
    #   ## setting. This field will contain the ranking of the group that
    #   ## the metric belonged to when aggregated over that field.
    #   ## The name of the field will be set to the name of the aggregation field,
    #   ## suffixed with the string '_topk_rank'
    #   # add_rank_fields = []
    #   ## These settings provide a way to know what values the plugin is generating
    #   ## when aggregating metrics. The 'add_agregate_field' setting allows to
    #   ## specify for which fields the final aggregation value is required. If the
    #   ## list is non empty, then a field will be added to each every metric for
    #   ## each field present in this setting. This field will contain
    #   ## the computed aggregation for the group that the metric belonged to when
    #   ## aggregated over that field.
    #   ## The name of the field will be set to the name of the aggregation field,
    #   ## suffixed with the string '_topk_aggregate'
    #   # add_aggregate_fields = []
    #                            AGGREGATOR PLUGINS                               #
    # # Keep the aggregate basicstats of each metric passing through.
    # [[aggregators.basicstats]]
    #   ## The period on which to flush & clear the aggregator.
    #   period = "30s"
    #   ## If true, the original metric will be dropped by the
    #   ## aggregator and will not get sent to the output plugins.
    #   drop_original = false
    #   ## Configures which basic stats to push as fields
    #   # stats = ["count", "min", "max", "mean", "stdev", "s2", "sum"]
    # # Report the final metric of a series
    # [[aggregators.final]]
    #   ## The period on which to flush & clear the aggregator.
    #   period = "30s"
    #   ## If true, the original metric will be dropped by the
    #   ## aggregator and will not get sent to the output plugins.
    #   drop_original = false
    #   ## The time that a series is not updated until considering it final.
    #   series_timeout = "5m"
    # # Create aggregate histograms.
    # [[aggregators.histogram]]
    #   ## The period in which to flush the aggregator.
    #   period = "30s"
    #   ## If true, the original metric will be dropped by the
    #   ## aggregator and will not get sent to the output plugins.
    #   drop_original = false
    #   ## If true, the histogram will be reset on flush instead
    #   ## of accumulating the results.
    #   reset = false
    #   ## Example config that aggregates all fields of the metric.
    #   # [[aggregators.histogram.config]]
    #   #   ## The set of buckets.
    #   #   buckets = [0.0, 15.6, 34.5, 49.1, 71.5, 80.5, 94.5, 100.0]
    #   #   ## The name of metric.
    #   #   measurement_name = "cpu"
    #   ## Example config that aggregates only specific fields of the metric.
    #   # [[aggregators.histogram.config]]
    #   #   ## The set of buckets.
    #   #   buckets = [0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0]
    #   #   ## The name of metric.
    #   #   measurement_name = "diskio"
    #   #   ## The concrete fields of metric
    #   #   fields = ["io_time", "read_time", "write_time"]
    # # Keep the aggregate min/max of each metric passing through.
    # [[aggregators.minmax]]
    #   ## General Aggregator Arguments:
    #   ## The period on which to flush & clear the aggregator.
    #   period = "30s"
    #   ## If true, the original metric will be dropped by the
    #   ## aggregator and will not get sent to the output plugins.
    #   drop_original = false
    # # Count the occurrence of values in fields.
    # [[aggregators.valuecounter]]
    #   ## General Aggregator Arguments:
    #   ## The period on which to flush & clear the aggregator.
    #   period = "30s"
    #   ## If true, the original metric will be dropped by the
    #   ## aggregator and will not get sent to the output plugins.
    #   drop_original = false
    #   ## The fields for which the values will be counted
    #   fields = []
    #                            INPUT PLUGINS                                    #
    # Read metrics about cpu usage
      ## Whether to report per-cpu stats or not
      percpu = true
      ## Whether to report total system cpu stats or not
      totalcpu = true
      ## If true, collect raw CPU time metrics.
      collect_cpu_time = false
      ## If true, compute and report the sum of all non-idle CPU states.
      report_active = false
    # Read metrics about memory usage
      # no configuration
    • 测试模式运行


    telegraf --config telegraf.conf --test


    2019-07-27T15:36:34Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.11.3
    > cpu,cpu=cpu0,host=dalongrong.local usage_guest=0,usage_guest_nice=0,usage_idle=38,usage_iowait=0,usage_irq=0,usage_nice=0,usage_softirq=0,usage_steal=0,usage_system=6,usage_user=56 1564241795000000000
    > cpu,cpu=cpu1,host=dalongrong.local usage_guest=0,usage_guest_nice=0,usage_idle=96,usage_iowait=0,usage_irq=0,usage_nice=0,usage_softirq=0,usage_steal=0,usage_system=2,usage_user=2 1564241795000000000
    > cpu,cpu=cpu2,host=dalongrong.local usage_guest=0,usage_guest_nice=0,usage_idle=44,usage_iowait=0,usage_irq=0,usage_nice=0,usage_softirq=0,usage_steal=0,usage_system=4,usage_user=52 1564241795000000000
    > cpu,cpu=cpu3,host=dalongrong.local usage_guest=0,usage_guest_nice=0,usage_idle=100,usage_iowait=0,usage_irq=0,usage_nice=0,usage_softirq=0,usage_steal=0,usage_system=0,usage_user=0 1564241795000000000
    > cpu,cpu=cpu4,host=dalongrong.local usage_guest=0,usage_guest_nice=0,usage_idle=54,usage_iowait=0,usage_irq=0,usage_nice=0,usage_softirq=0,usage_steal=0,usage_system=2,usage_user=44 1564241795000000000
    • 启动


    telegraf --config telegraf.conf


    2019-07-27T15:34:27Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.11.3
    2019-07-27T15:34:27Z I! Loaded inputs: cpu mem
    2019-07-27T15:34:27Z I! Loaded aggregators: 
    2019-07-27T15:34:27Z I! Loaded processors: 
    2019-07-27T15:34:27Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb
    2019-07-27T15:34:27Z I! Tags enabled: host=dalongrong.local
    2019-07-27T15:34:27Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"dalongrong.local", Flush Interval:10s
    2019-07-27T15:34:27Z W! [outputs.influxdb] when writing to [http://localhost:8086]: database "" creation failed: Post http://localhost:8086/query: dial tcp [::1]:8086: connect: connection refused
    2019-07-27T15:34:40Z E! [outputs.influxdb] when writing to [http://localhost:8086]: Post http://localhost:8086/write?db=telegraf: dial tcp [::1]:8086: connect: connection refused

    telegraf 包含的命令

    • help 命令
    Telegraf, The plugin-driven server agent for collecting and reporting metrics.
      telegraf [commands|flags]
    The commands & flags are:
      config print out full sample configuration to stdout
      version print the version to stdout
      --aggregator-filter <filter> filter the aggregators to enable, separator is :
      --config <file> configuration file to load
      --config-directory <directory> directory containing additional *.conf files
      --debug turn on debug logging
      --input-filter <filter> filter the inputs to enable, separator is :
      --input-list print available input plugins.
      --output-filter <filter> filter the outputs to enable, separator is :
      --output-list print available output plugins.
      --pidfile <file> file to write our pid to
      --pprof-addr <address> pprof address to listen on, don't activate pprof if empty
      --processor-filter <filter> filter the processors to enable, separator is :
      --quiet run in quiet mode
      --section-filter filter config sections to output, separator is :
                                     Valid values are 'agent', 'global_tags', 'outputs',
                                     'processors', 'aggregators' and 'inputs'
      --sample-config print out full sample configuration
      --test gather metrics, print them out, and exit;
                                     processors, aggregators, and outputs are not run
      --usage <plugin> print usage for a plugin, ie, 'telegraf --usage mysql'
      --version display the version and exit
      # generate a telegraf config file:
      telegraf config > telegraf.conf
      # generate config with only cpu input & influxdb output plugins defined
      telegraf --input-filter cpu --output-filter influxdb config
      # run a single telegraf collection, outputing metrics to stdout
      telegraf --config telegraf.conf --test
      # run telegraf with all plugins defined in config file
      telegraf --config telegraf.conf
      # run telegraf, enabling the cpu & memory input, and influxdb output plugins
      telegraf --config telegraf.conf --input-filter cpu:mem --output-filter influxdb
      # run telegraf with pprof
      telegraf --config telegraf.conf --pprof-addr localhost:6060


    以上就是一个简单的安装,以及基本使用,后边会关注下input,output ,aggregator, processor的使用



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rongfengliang/p/11257337.html
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