<?php //ecshop项目文件,非必须 define('IN_ECS', true); header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); $user_id = isset($_REQUEST['user_id']) ? trim($_REQUEST['user_id']) : '85';
$money = isset($_REQUEST['money']) ? trim($_REQUEST['money']) : 1;
$money = $money*100;
if($user_id == 0 || $money ==0){ $result = array('code' => 1,'data'=>'缺少参数' ); die(json_encode($result)); }else{
//ecshop模板文件,非必须项,以实际项目为准 require(dirname(__FILE__) . '../../includes/init.php'); include_once(ROOT_PATH .'includes/lib_clips.php'); $user_m = get_user_info($user_id); } $user_name = $user_m['user_name']; $sn = chongzhi_sn(); $orderBody = "微信充值"; $tade_no = $sn; $total_fee = $money;//以分为单位 $user_name = $user_name; $WxPayHelper = new WxPayHelper();
//获取预支付订单号 $response = $WxPayHelper->getPrePayOrder($orderBody, $tade_no, $total_fee); //print_r($response); $bizcontent = array( 'user_id' => $user_id, 'amount' => $money/100, 'user_name' => $user_m['user_name'], 'payment' => "微信", 'cz_sn' => $sn, 'add_time' => gmtime() ); $x = $WxPayHelper->getOrder($response); if($GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute($ecs->table('user_chongzhi'), $bizcontent, 'INSERT')){ if($x){ $result = array('code'=>0,'data'=>$x); }else{ $result = array('code'=>1,'data'=>'生成订单失败'); } die(json_encode($result)); }else{ $result = array('code'=>1,'data'=>'生成订单失败'); die(json_encode($result)); } // p_val($x); /** * convert xml string to php array - useful to get a serializable value * * @param string $xmlstr * @return array * @author Adrien aka Gaarf */ class WxPayHelper{ /* 配置参数 */ var $config = array( 'appid' => "wx123456", /*微信开放平台上的应用id*/ 'mch_id' => "123456", /*通过微信支付商户资料审核之后邮件中的商户id*/ 'key' => "123456", /*在微信商户平台上自己设定的api密钥 32位*/ 'notify_url' => '项目地址/wxbac.php' /*自定义的回调程序地址*/ ); public function __construct() { } //获取预支付订单 public function getPrePayOrder($body, $out_trade_no, $total_fee){ $url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder"; $notify_url = $this->config["notify_url"]; $onoce_str = $this->getRandChar(16); $data["appid"] = $this->config["appid"]; $data["body"] = $body; $data["mch_id"] = $this->config['mch_id']; $data["nonce_str"] = $onoce_str; $data["notify_url"] = $notify_url; $data["out_trade_no"] = $out_trade_no; $data["spbill_create_ip"] = $this->get_client_ip(); $data["total_fee"] = $total_fee; $data["trade_type"] = "APP"; /*自定义*/ //$data["user_name"] = $user_name; /*end*/ $s = $this->getSign($data, false); $data["sign"] = $s; $xml = $this->arrayToXml($data); $response = $this->postXmlCurl($xml, $url); //将微信返回的结果xml转成数组 return $this->xmlstr_to_array($response); } //执行第二次签名,才能返回给客户端使用 public function getOrder($prepayId){ $data["appid"] = $this->config["appid"]; $data["noncestr"] = $prepayId["nonce_str"]; $data["package"] = "Sign=WXPay"; $data["partnerid"] = $this->config['mch_id']; $data["prepayid"] = $prepayId["prepay_id"]; $data["timestamp"] = (String)time(); $s = $this->getSign($data, false); $data["sign"] = $s; return $data; } /* 生成签名 */ function getSign($Obj) { foreach ($Obj as $k => $v) { $Parameters[strtolower($k)] = $v; } //签名步骤一:按字典序排序参数 ksort($Parameters); $String = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($Parameters, false); //echo "【string】 =".$String."</br>"; //签名步骤二:在string后加入KEY $String = $String."&key=".$this->config['key']; // echo "<textarea style=' 50%; height: 150px;'>$String</textarea> <br />"; //签名步骤三:MD5加密 $result_ = strtoupper(md5($String)); return $result_; } //获取指定长度的随机字符串 function getRandChar($length){ $str = null; $strPol = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; $max = strlen($strPol)-1; for($i=0;$i<$length;$i++){ $str.=$strPol[rand(0,$max)];//rand($min,$max)生成介于min和max两个数之间的一个随机整数 } return $str; } //数组转xml function arrayToXml($arr) { $xml = "<xml>"; foreach ($arr as $key=>$val) { if (is_numeric($val)) { $xml.="<".$key.">".$val."</".$key.">"; } else $xml.="<".$key."><![CDATA[".$val."]]></".$key.">"; } $xml.="</xml>"; return $xml; } //post https请求,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS xml格式 function postXmlCurl($xml,$url,$second=30) { //初始化curl $ch = curl_init(); //超时时间 curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,$second); //这里设置代理,如果有的话 //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXY, ''); //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, 8080); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,FALSE); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,FALSE); //设置header curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); //要求结果为字符串且输出到屏幕上 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); //post提交方式 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml); //运行curl $data = curl_exec($ch); //返回结果 if($data) { curl_close($ch); return $data; } else { $error = curl_errno($ch); echo "curl出错,错误码:$error"."<br>"; echo "<a href='http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html'>错误原因查询</a></br>"; curl_close($ch); return false; } } /* 获取当前服务器的IP */ function get_client_ip() { if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { $cip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } elseif (getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) { $cip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); } elseif (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP")) { $cip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"); } else { $cip = "unknown"; } return $cip; } //将数组转成uri字符串 function formatBizQueryParaMap($paraMap, $urlencode) { $buff = ""; ksort($paraMap); foreach ($paraMap as $k => $v) { if($urlencode) { $v = urlencode($v); } $buff .= strtolower($k) . "=" . $v . "&"; } $reqPar; if (strlen($buff) > 0) { $reqPar = substr($buff, 0, strlen($buff)-1); } return $reqPar; } /** xml转成数组 */ function xmlstr_to_array($xmlstr) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($xmlstr); return $this->domnode_to_array($doc->documentElement); } function domnode_to_array($node) { $output = array(); switch ($node->nodeType) { case XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case XML_TEXT_NODE: $output = trim($node->textContent); break; case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: for ($i=0, $m=$node->childNodes->length; $i<$m; $i++) { $child = $node->childNodes->item($i); $v = $this->domnode_to_array($child); if(isset($child->tagName)) { $t = $child->tagName; if(!isset($output[$t])) { $output[$t] = array(); } $output[$t][] = $v; } elseif($v) { $output = (string) $v; } } if(is_array($output)) { if($node->attributes->length) { $a = array(); foreach($node->attributes as $attrName => $attrNode) { $a[$attrName] = (string) $attrNode->value; } $output['@attributes'] = $a; } foreach ($output as $t => $v) { if(is_array($v) && count($v)==1 && $t!='@attributes') { $output[$t] = $v[0]; } } } break; } return $output; } } function chongzhi_sn() { /* 选择一个随机的方案 */ mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); return date('Ymd') . str_pad(mt_rand(1, 99999), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } ?>
<?php define('IN_ECS', true); //微信返回的数据 $input = file_get_contents("php://input"); $myfile = fopen("wxtestfile.txt", "a"); fwrite($myfile, " "); fwrite($myfile, $input); if($input){ $xml = simplexml_load_string($input); $money = (string)$xml->total_fee; $return_code = (string)$xml->return_code; $attach = (string)$xml->attach; $user_id = (string)$xml->user_id; $out_trade_no = (string)$xml->out_trade_no; } if($return_code){ //业务处理
//修改订单/用户状态 //业务处理 echo 'success'; }else{ echo 'fail'; } fclose($myfile); ?>