一个简单的输入关键字添加标签效果 实现功能: 输入关键字加空格键添加tag标签 按Backspace键删除一个标签 输入关键字后,鼠标失去焦点添加tag标签 keyWord.init方法初始化方法 防止输入重复的关键字 限止最多输入几个关键字 <style> .block { display:flex; flex-direction:row; align-items:center; 500px; height:30px; border:1px solid #ddd; padding:10px; margin:100px auto 0; } #wordTags { display:flex; flex-wrap:nowrap; } input{ 100%; height:20px; border:none; } </style> <div class="block"> <div id="wordTags"></div> <input id="wordInput" type="text" name="" placeholder="请输入关键词以空格结尾"> <input id="wordHiddenInput" type="hidden" name=""> </div> <script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="aspect.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="keyWord.js"></script> $(function () { var keyWord = $("#wordInput").keyWord({ panel: '#wordTags', value: '#wordHiddenInput', max: 3, tips: '最多只能输入3项' }); keyWord.init('php,java,前端开发') }); 属性说明: panel:面板的id value:隐藏字段的id max:最多输入关键字个数 tips:提示语
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>keyWord--一个简单的输入关键字添加标签效果</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.css"> </head> <body> <style> .block { display:flex; flex-direction:row; align-items:center; 500px; height:30px; border:1px solid #ddd; padding:10px; margin:100px auto 0; } #wordTags { display:flex; flex-wrap:nowrap; } input{ 100%; height:20px; border:none; } </style> </body> <div class="block"> <div id="wordTags"></div> <input id="wordInput" type="text" name="" placeholder="请输入关键词以空格结尾"> <input id="wordHiddenInput" type="hidden" name=""> </div> <script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="aspect.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="keyWord.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { var keyWord = $("#wordInput").keyWord({ panel: '#wordTags', value: '#wordHiddenInput', max: 3, tips: '最多只能输入3项' }); keyWord.init('php,php,java,前端开发') }); </script> </html>
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/** * @file aspect * @fork https://github.com/ecomfe/saber-lang/blob/master/src/function/aspect.js */ (function () { /** * Aspect * * @inner * @type {Object} */ var Aspect = {}; /** * before AOP * * @private * @param {string} method 欲AOP的目标方法名 * @param {Function} fn AOP处理函数 * @param {*} context `fn`调用时的上下文 * @return {Object} 目标对象 */ Aspect.before = function (method, fn, context) { return aspectTo(this, 'before', method, fn, context); }; /** * after AOP * * @private * @param {string} method 欲AOP的目标方法名 * @param {Function} fn AOP处理函数 * @param {*} context `fn`调用时的上下文 * @return {Object} 目标对象 */ Aspect.after = function (method, fn, context) { return aspectTo(this, 'after', method, fn, context); }; /** * 对`目标对象`的`指定方法`进行`AOP`包装 * * @inner * @param {Object} target 目标对象 * @param {string} type AOP方式,可取值 `before` | `after` * @param {string} method 欲AOP的目标对象的方法名 * @param {Function} fn AOP处理函数 * @param {*} context `fn`调用时的上下文 * @return {Object} 目标对象 */ function aspectTo(target, type, method, fn, context) { var oriMethod = target[method]; if (oriMethod) { if (type === 'before') { target[method] = function () { // abort support if (fn.apply(context || fn, arguments) !== false) { oriMethod.apply(this, arguments); } }; } else if (type === 'after') { target[method] = function () { oriMethod.apply(this, arguments); fn.apply(context || fn, arguments); }; } } return target; } /** * Aspect * * @exports Aspect * @type {Object} */ var exports = {}; /** * 将 `Aspect` 混入到目标对象 * * @public * @param {Object} obj 目标对象 * @return {Object} 混入 `Aspect` 后的目标对象 */ exports.mixin = function (obj) { // 省略了 hasOwnProperty 校验 /* eslint-disable guard-for-in */ for (var method in Aspect) { obj[method] = Aspect[method]; } /* eslint-enable guard-for-in */ return obj; }; window.AOP = exports; })();
/** * 定义一个列表数据结构 * 作用:添加元素、删除元素、清除所有元素,将数据中的元素组装成对象返回一个数据 * 只针对数据处理 * @constructor */ function List() { this.dataStore = new Array(); this.listSize = 0; this.pos = 0; } List.prototype = { constructor: List, append: function(name) { this.dataStore[this.listSize++] = name; }, cusPos: function() { return this.pos; }, front: function() { this.pos = 0; }, end: function() { this.pos = this.listSize - 1; }, length: function() { return this.listSize; }, prev: function() { if (this.pos > 0) { --this.pos; } }, next: function() { if (this.pos < this.listSize) { ++this.pos; } }, find: function(name) { var index = -1; this.dataStore.forEach(function(data, i, array) { if (data == name) { index = i; } }); return index; }, remove: function(name) { var index = this.find(name); if (index > -1) { this.dataStore.splice(index, 1); --this.listSize; return true; } return false; }, getElement: function() { return this.dataStore[this.pos]; }, clear: function() { delete this.dataStore; this.dataStore = []; this.pos = this.listSize = 0; } } /** * 定义一个用来对列表操作的对象 * 对列表的一个包装 * @param options */ var doKeyWord = function(options) { var settings = options; var list = new List(); return AOP.mixin({ init: function(arr) { var that = this; // 初始化 if (typeof arr == "string") { arr = arr == '' ? [] : arr.split(','); } if (typeof arr == 'undefined') { arr = []; } // 清空数据 list.clear(); // 便利添加数据中 arr.forEach(function(data, i, array) { that.add(data); }) }, render: function() { // 渲染效果 var valueArr = [], html = [], name; for (list.front(); list.cusPos() < list.length(); list.next()) { name = list.getElement(); valueArr.push(name); html.push('<div class="tag-checked-name">' + name.substr(0, 10) + '<em data-word-tag-close="' + name + '"></em></div>') } $(settings.panel).html(html.join('')); $(settings.value).val(valueArr.join(',')); }, add: function(name) { name = $.trim(name); if (name == '') { return false; } // 添加数据 if (list.find(name) > -1) { return false; } list.append(name); }, remove: function(name) { list.remove(name); }, clear: function() { list.clear(); }, front: function() { return list.front(); }, end: function() { return list.end() }, getElement: function() { return list.getElement(); }, length: function() { return list.length(); } }); } $(function() { $.fn.keyWord = function(options) { var keyWord = doKeyWord(options); // 对添加的数据进行检查 function doCheck() { if (options.max < keyWord.length() + 1) { alert(options.tips); return false; } return true; } var render = keyWord.render; // 添加前检查 keyWord.before('add', doCheck); // 初始化后渲染效果 keyWord.after('init', render); // 添加后渲染效果 keyWord.after('add', render); // 删除后渲染效果 keyWord.after('remove', render); var that = $(this); // 删除元素 $(document).on('click', '[data-word-tag-close]', function() { var name = $(this).data('word-tag-close'); // 过滤掉不删除的 keyWord.remove(name); }); /** * Backspace删除 对应的键盘编码 * e.keyCode == 8 :Backspace键 */ that.keydown(function(e) { var that = $(this); var val = $.trim(that.val()); if (val == "" && e.keyCode == 8) { keyWord.end(); keyWord.remove(keyWord.getElement()); } }); // 添加数据 function doAdd(name) { name = $.trim(that.val()); that.val(''); if (name == '') { return; } keyWord.add(name); } /** * 判断有输入空格吗 * e.keyCode == 32 空格键 */ that.keyup(function(e) { var that = $(this); var isSpaceKey = /s+$/gi.test(that.val()); // 是空格键输入了一个空格字符 if (e.keyCode == 32 && isSpaceKey) { doAdd(that.val()) } }); // 鼠标失去焦点 that.blur(function(e) { doAdd(that.val()) }); this.init = function(arr) { keyWord.init(arr); } return this; } });