Alice and Bob are playing a card game. In this card game, a number is written on each face of the playing card. The rule of the game is described as follows:
- Alice arranges the cards in a row, and for each of the cards, she chooses one of its faces to place it up;
- Bob turns over minimum number of cards to make all numbers on the front faces unique.
They play the game some times, and Bob always succeeds making the numbers unique. However, both of them are not sure whether the number of cards flipped is minimum. Moreover, they want to figure out the number of different ways of turning over minimum number of cards to make the numbers unique. Two ways are considered equal if and only if the sets of flipped cards are equal. Please write a program to help them!
考虑子树的定义,如果求出了父节点的DP值,且当前的DP值不包含父节点,则可以发现一个简单的状态转移方程:DP[NOW] = DP[FATHER] - EDGE(FATHER,NOW) - DP[NOW] + DP[CHILD] + EDGE[NOW,CHILD];这样做两遍遍历即可求出来我们要求的,以给定节点为根节点的权重值和,复杂度O(N)。
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long const int MAXN = 300233; const int MOD = 998244353; #define pp pair<int,int> #define veci vector<int> #define vecp vector<pp> int fa[MAXN],vis[MAXN],dp[MAXN]; vecp G[MAXN]; int n; ll ans_cntt,ans_step,minn_cntt,minn_step; int cnt_e,cnt_v; void init_dfs(int now) { vis[now] = 1; int len = G[now].size(); for(int i=0;i<len;++i) { int tar = G[now][i].first; if(!vis[tar])init_dfs(tar); } cnt_v ++; cnt_e += len; } void tree_dp(int now,int father){ fa[now] = father; int len = G[now].size(); dp[now] = 0; for(int i=0;i<len;++i){ int tar = G[now][i].first; int val = G[now][i].second; if(father == tar)continue; tree_dp(tar,now); dp[now] += val + dp[tar]; } } void dp_dfs(int now){ if(fa[now] == 0){ if(minn_step > dp[now]){ minn_step = dp[now]; minn_cntt =1; }else if(minn_step == dp[now])minn_cntt ++; int len = G[now].size(); for(int i=0;i<len;++i){ int tar = G[now][i].first; dp_dfs(tar); } }else{ dp[now] = -dp[now]; int len = G[now].size(); for(int i=0;i<len;++i){ int tar =G[now][i].first; int val = G[now][i].second; dp[now] += dp[tar] + val; if(tar == fa[now])dp[now] -= !val; } if(minn_step > dp[now]){ minn_step = dp[now]; minn_cntt =1; }else if(minn_step == dp[now])minn_cntt ++; for(int i=0;i<len;++i){ int tar =G[now][i].first; if(tar == fa[now])continue; dp_dfs(tar); } } } veci cir_edge; pp cir_vector; int cir_val; bool find_circle(int now,int last){ vis[now] = 2; int len = G[now].size(); int cnt_last = 0; for(int i=0;i<len;++i){ int tar = G[now][i].first; int val = G[now][i].second; if(tar == last && !cnt_last){ cnt_last++; continue; } if(vis[tar] == 2){ cir_vector = make_pair(now,tar); cir_val = !val; return true; } if(find_circle(tar,now))return true; }return false; } bool deal_circle(int now,int last,int target,int last_val){ int len =G[now].size(); int cnt_last = 0; int next = 0; for(int i=0;i<len;++i){ int tar =G[now][i].first; int val = G[now][i].second; if(tar == last && cnt_last == 0 && val == !last_val){ cnt_last++; continue; } if(tar == target){ cir_edge.push_back(val); next = tar; break; } if(deal_circle(tar,now,target,val)){ cir_edge.push_back(val); next = tar; break; } } if(next == 0)return false; for(int i=0;i<len;++i){ int tar = G[now][i].first; int val = G[now][i].second; if(tar == last || tar == next ||tar == now)continue; tree_dp(tar,now); minn_step += dp[tar] + val; } return true; } void init(){ memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); for(int i=0;i<2*n+23;++i)G[i].clear(); int succ = 1; for(int i=0;i<n;++i){ int a,b; cin>>a>>b; G[a].push_back(make_pair(b,1)); G[b].push_back(make_pair(a,0)); } ans_cntt = 1; ans_step = 0; for(int i=1;i<=2*n;++i){ if(G[i].empty())continue; if(vis[i])continue; cnt_e = 0; cnt_v = 0; init_dfs(i); cnt_e/=2; // cout<<"check_cnt: "<<cnt_e<<" "<<cnt_v<<endl; if(cnt_e == cnt_v-1){ minn_step = INT_MAX; minn_cntt = 0; tree_dp(i,0); dp_dfs(i); ans_step += minn_step; ans_cntt *= minn_cntt; ans_cntt %=MOD; continue; } if(cnt_e == cnt_v){ minn_step = 0; cir_edge.clear(); find_circle(i,0); deal_circle(cir_vector.first,cir_vector.second,cir_vector.first,cir_val); int tmp1 = 0,tmp2 = 0; int len = cir_edge.size(); for(int i=0;i<len;++i){ tmp1 += cir_edge[i]; tmp2 += !cir_edge[i]; } // cout<<"check_tmp: "<<tmp1<<" "<<tmp2<<endl; ans_step += minn_step + min(tmp1,tmp2); if(tmp1 == tmp2 )ans_cntt *= 2; ans_cntt %= MOD; continue; } succ = 0; break; } if(succ){ cout<<ans_step<<" "<<ans_cntt<<" "; }else{ cout<<"-1 -1 "; } } int main(){ cin.sync_with_stdio(false); int t; cin>>t; while(cin>>n)init(); return 0; }