Little Q is fighting against scary monsters in the game ``Monster Hunter''. The battlefield consists of n intersections, labeled by 1,2,...,n, connected by n−1bidirectional roads. Little Q is now at the 1-th intersection, with X units of health point(HP).
There is a monster at each intersection except 1. When Little Q moves to the k-th intersection, he must battle with the monster at the k-th intersection. During the battle, he will lose ai units of HP. And when he finally beats the monster, he will be awarded bi units of HP. Note that when HP becomes negative(<0), the game will over, so never let this happen. There is no need to have a battle at the same intersection twice because monsters do not have extra life.
When all monsters are cleared, Little Q will win the game. Please write a program to compute the minimum initial HP that can lead to victory.
- 如果两只怪物的b都大于a,则优先打击a更小的那个怪物。
- 如果一只怪物a<b,另一只a>b则优先打击a<b的。
- 如果两只怪物的b都小于a,于是有,最小血量的击败方案为min(max(ai,ai+aj-bi),max(aj,aj+ai-bj)),题解提到上述计算式实际上等于比较bi和bj
ak = min(max(ai,ai+aj-ai),max(aj,aj+ai-bj))
bk = ak + bi + bj - ai - aj
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long const ll MAXN=100233; #define veci vector<int> int fa[MAXN]; int cha[MAXN]; class Node { public: ll a,b,num,ver; Node(){} Node(const Node &n) { this->a = n.a; this->b = n.b; this->num = n.num; this->ver = n.ver; } bool operator < (Node const n)const{ ll tmpa = this->b - this->a; ll tmpb = n.b - n.a; if(tmpa >= 0 && tmpb >=0)return this->a > n.a; if(tmpa >=0 && tmpb < 0)return false; if(tmpa < 0 && tmpb >=0)return true; if(tmpa < 0 && tmpb < 0)return this->b < n.b; } }; Node nodes[MAXN]; int n; veci G[MAXN]; void dfs(int now,int father) { fa[now] = father; int len = G[now].size(); for(int i=0;i<len;++i) { int tar = G[now][i]; if(tar == father)continue; dfs(tar,now); } } int find_set(int tar) { if(cha[tar] == tar)return tar; else return cha[tar] = find_set(cha[tar]); } void init() { cin>>n; for(int i=0;i<n+23;++i) { G[i].clear(); cha[i] = i; } priority_queue<Node> pq; for(int i=2;i<=n;++i) { cin>>nodes[i].a>>nodes[i].b; nodes[i].num = i; nodes[i].ver = 1; pq.push(nodes[i]); } for(int i=1;i<n;++i) { int a,b; cin>>a>>b; G[a].push_back(b); G[b].push_back(a); }dfs(1,1); ll ans = 0; ll money = 0; while(!pq.empty()) { Node node = pq.top(); pq.pop(); int now = node.num; if(node.ver != nodes[now].ver)continue; int father = fa[now]; father = find_set(father); nodes[now].ver = -1; cha[now] = cha[father]; if(father == 1) { if(node.a > money) { ans += node.a-money; money = node.b; }else{ money -= node.a; money += node.b; } continue; } nodes[father].ver ++; ll tmp = nodes[father].b +node.b - nodes[father].a-node.a; nodes[father].a = max(nodes[father].a, nodes[father].a + node.a - nodes[father].b); nodes[father].b = nodes[father].a + tmp; Node newNode(nodes[father]); pq.push(newNode); } cout<<ans<<" "; } int main() { cin.sync_with_stdio(false); int t; cin>>t; while(t--)init(); return 0; }