• ABAP-数据引用

    *& Report  ZRICO_TEST3
    report zrico_test3.
    data:ztb type string,
         zfd type string.
    data:gt_tab like table of mara with header line.
      ztb = 'MARA'.
      zfd = 'MATNR'.
      field-symbols:<zs> type mara,
                    <zl> type any,
                    <z1> type any.
      data:dref type ref to data.
      create data dref type (ztb).
      assign dref->* to <zs>.
      assign component zfd of structure <zs> to <zl>.
      types:begin of t_struct,            "*定義一個結構*
              col1 type i,
              col2 type i,
            end of t_struct.
      data: dref1 type ref to data,       "*定義兩個數據引用*
            dref2 type ref to data.
      field-symbols: <fs1> type t_struct, "*定義兩個字段符號*
                     <fs2> type i.
      create data dref1 type t_struct.    "*利用數據引用,動態創建對象*
      assign dref1->* to <fs1>.           "*因為數據引用只是地址,不能直接操作使用,需要把它分配給字段符號*
      <fs1>-col1 = 1.                     "*賦值給組件字段*
      <fs1>-col2 = 2.
      dref2 = dref1.                      "*把一個數據引用賦值給另一個數據引用*
      assign dref2->* to <fs1>.           "*爲了要輸出,需要把數據應用分配給字段符號*
      write: / 'DREF2',<fs1>-col1, <fs1>-col2. "*可以直接輸出了*
      assign dref2->* to <fs2> casting.   "*把結構變量分配給整形字段符號,因此要進行隱式數據類型轉換*
      write / <fs2>.                      "*輸出<FS2>字段符號變量內容*
      get reference of <fs1>-col2 into dref2. "*取得變量的數據應用,給DREF2*
      assign dref2->* to <fs2>.           "*分配變量給字段符號<FS2>*
      write / <fs2>.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ricoo/p/10184284.html
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