• ABAP-语法检查



      1 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
      2 *& Report  ZRICO_TEST21
      3 *&
      4 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
      5 *&
      6 *&
      7 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
      8 report zrico_test21.
      9 tables: sscrfields.
     10 data: itab_code    type standard table of char72.
     11 data: v_line    type i.
     12 data: s_message type trmsg.
     13 data: v_word    type char72.
     14 data: v_report type syrepid value 'Z_TEST_REPORT_11'.
     15 data: v_time1   type i.
     16 data: v_time2   type i.
     17 data: v_repid   type sy-repid.
     18 data: x_docking type ref to cl_gui_docking_container,
     19       x_editor  type ref to cl_gui_textedit.
     20 parameters:p_report(72) default 'REPORT zrico_test23.'.
     21 selection-screen skip 1.
     22 selection-screen begin of line.
     23 selection-screen comment 1(60) v_text.
     24 selection-screen end of line.
     25 selection-screen begin of line.
     26 selection-screen comment 1(80) v_text1.
     27 selection-screen end of line.
     28 selection-screen function key 1.
     30 initialization.
     31   v_repid = sy-repid.
     32   v_text = 'Report Z_TEST_REPORT_11 will be generated'.
     33   v_text1 = 'This is a small utility program to get the run time for the given code.'.
     34   sscrfields-functxt_01 = 'Check syntax'.
     36 at selection-screen output.
     37   loop at screen.
     38     if screen-name = 'REPORT'.
     39       screen-input = 0.
     40       modify screen.
     41     endif.
     42   endloop.
     43   if x_docking is initial .
     44     create object x_docking
     45       exporting
     46         repid                       = v_repid
     47         dynnr                       = sy-dynnr
     48         side                        = cl_gui_docking_container=>dock_at_bottom
     49         extension                   = '235'
     50       exceptions
     51         cntl_error                  = 1
     52         cntl_system_error           = 2
     53         create_error                = 3
     54         lifetime_error              = 4
     55         lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5.
     56   endif .
     57   if x_editor is initial.
     58     create object x_editor
     59       exporting
     60         parent            = x_docking
     61         wordwrap_mode     = cl_gui_textedit=>wordwrap_at_fixed_position
     62         wordwrap_position = 72
     63         max_number_chars  = 100000.
     64   endif .
     66 at selection-screen.
     67   check sy-ucomm = 'FC01'.
     68   perform code_and_syntax_check.
     70 start-of-selection.
     71   perform code_and_syntax_check.
     72   insert report 'Z_TEST_REPORT_11' from itab_code.
     73   if sy-subrc <> 0.
     74     message i398(00) with 'Errors in generating'.
     75     leave list-processing.
     76   endif.
     77   generate report 'Z_TEST_REPORT_11'.
     78   if sy-subrc <> 0.
     79     message i398(00) with 'Errors in generating'.
     80     leave list-processing.
     81   else.
     82     message s398(00) with 'Code generated successfully'.
     83   endif.
     84   get run time field v_time1.
     85   submit (v_report) and return.
     86   get run time field v_time2.
     87   v_time2 = v_time2 - v_time1.
     88   write: / 'Run time in micro seconds = ', v_time2.
     89 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
     90 *&      Form code_and_syntax_check
     91 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
     92 form code_and_syntax_check.
     93   refresh: itab_code.
     94   call method x_editor->get_text_as_r3table
     95     importing
     96       table                  = itab_code
     97     exceptions
     98       error_dp               = 1
     99       error_cntl_call_method = 2
    100       error_dp_create        = 3
    101       potential_data_loss    = 4
    102       others                 = 5.
    103   if sy-subrc <> 0.
    104     message i398(00) with 'Error in getting the code'.
    105     leave program.
    106   endif.
    107   insert p_report into itab_code index 1.
    108   syntax-check for itab_code message s_message line v_line word v_word.
    109   if sy-subrc <> 0.
    110     message i398(00) with s_message-msgtext 'Line' v_line.
    111     leave list-processing.
    112   else.
    113     message s398(00) with 'No syntax errors'.
    114   endif.
    115 endform.                    " code_and_syntax_check
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ricoo/p/10184255.html
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