#!/usr/bin/env python """ Function: Create a plugin project based on Win32DllTempl or MFCExtTempl. This script has been tested with ActivePython 2.7. Usage: makeplugin.py projname pkgname basetype projname: name of the new project. pkgname: package name of the new project, the default value is 'pkg_Example'. basetype: 'mfc', 'win32', 'view' or project name in pkg_Example, the default value is 'win32'. Creator: ooyg <rhcad@hotmail.com> Date: 2011.10.9 ChangeList: 1. Implemented the function: multireplace, copyfiles, makeproj 2. Add 'view' for the param of 'basetype'. Skip project files while copying files in pkg_Example. [2011/10/10] """ import os, sys, re def multireplace(text, adict): rx = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, adict))) def xlat(match): return adict[match.group(0)] return rx.sub(xlat, text) def copyfiles(srcdir, destdir, pairs, callback=None): if srcdir.find(".svn") > 0: return if not os.path.exists(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) for fn in os.listdir(srcdir): srcfile = os.path.join(srcdir, fn) destfile = os.path.join(destdir, multireplace(fn, pairs)) if os.path.isdir(srcfile): copyfiles(srcfile, destfile, pairs) if os.path.isfile(srcfile) and not os.path.exists(destfile) \ and (not callback or callback(fn, pairs)): open(destfile, "wb").write(open(srcfile, "rb").read()) text = open(destfile).read() newtext = multireplace(text, pairs) if newtext != text: open(destfile, 'w').write(newtext) print('%s [replaced]' % destfile) else: print(destfile) def makeproj(projname, pkgname, baseproj): codepath = os.path.abspath('../code') basepath = os.path.join(codepath, 'pkg_Example', 'Modules', baseproj) if not os.path.exists(basepath): raise OSError, basepath if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(codepath, pkgname)): raise OSError, os.path.join(codepath, pkgname) if projname == '': raise AttributeError, projname destdir = os.path.join(codepath, pkgname, 'Modules', projname) pairs = {baseproj:projname, 'pkg_Example':pkgname} def matchfile(filename, pairs): if filename.find(".dsp") > 0 or filename.find(".vc") > 0: return False return True copyfiles(basepath, destdir, pairs, matchfile) def matchproj(filename, pairs): for key in pairs.keys(): if filename.startswith(key): return True return False projects = os.path.abspath('../projects/msvc/vcproj') copyfiles(projects, projects, pairs, matchproj) if __name__=="__main__": def inputparam(index, prompt, default=''): if len(sys.argv) > index: ret = sys.argv[index] else: ret = raw_input(prompt) if ret == '': ret = default return ret projname = inputparam(1, 'Project name: ') pkgname = inputparam(2, 'Package name (pkg_Example): ', 'pkg_Example') baseproj = inputparam(3, 'Template project (win32, mfc, view, ' \ 'or project name in pkg_Example): ', 'win32') if baseproj == 'win32': baseproj = 'Win32DllTempl' if baseproj == 'mfc': baseproj = 'MFCExtTempl' if baseproj == 'view': baseproj = 'HelloView' makeproj(projname, pkgname, baseproj)