• Edit Distance

    Given two words word1 and word2, find the minimum number of steps required to convert word1 to word2. (each operation is counted as 1 step.)

    You have the following 3 operations permitted on a word:

    a) Insert a character
    b) Delete a character
    c) Replace a character

     1 public class Solution {
     2     public int minDistance(String word1, String word2) {
     3         int len1 = word1 == null ? 0 : word1.length();
     4         int len2 = word2 == null ? 0 : word2.length();
     5         if(len1 == 0) return len2;
     6         if(len2 == 0) return len1;
     7         int[][] map = new int[len1 + 1][len2 + 1];
     8         for(int i = 0; i <= len1; i ++)
     9             map[i][0] = i;
    10         for(int i = 0; i <= len2; i ++)
    11             map[0][i] = i;
    12         for(int i = 1; i <= len1; i ++){
    13             for(int j = 1; j <= len2; j ++){
    14                 map[i][j] = Math.min(Math.min(map[i - 1][j], map[i][j - 1]) + 1, 
    15                                      map[i - 1][j - 1] + (word1.charAt(i - 1) == word2.charAt(j - 1) ? 0 : 1));
    16             }
    17         }
    18         return map[len1][len2];
    19     }
    20 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/reynold-lei/p/3944221.html
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