• python 将xmind用例转换为excel用例

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    from xmindparser import xmind_to_dict
    import xlwt
    # 记录列数,全局变量,还原方便
    columnIndex = 0
    # 记录行数
    rowIndex = 1
    # 每个完整用例子主题的个数
    caseCount = 0
    def get_xmind_zen_dict(ws, main_topic):
        # 获取功能模块个数
        feature_topic_count = len(case_topics_count)
        global rowIndex
        global columnIndex
        global caseCount
        title_list = ['用例目录', '用例名称', '前提条件', '操作步骤', '期望结果']
        # 用例标题写入excel首行
        for j in range(0, len(title_list)):
            ws.write(0, j, title_list[j])
            j += 1
        # 比对功能点,并写入固定列
        for index in range(0, feature_topic_count):
            # 当前层级主题的标题
            topic_title = case_topics_count[index]['title']
            # 将已经提取出来的外层主题进行对比,设置为最外层的用例名
            if topic_title in main_topic:
                columnIndex = 1      # 设置功能点key到固定列
            # 将功能点写入固定列
            ws.write(rowIndex, columnIndex, topic_title)
            if 'topics' in case_topics_count[index].keys():
                # 开始读取功能用例,并记录用例个数
                caseCount += 1
                topic_topics = case_topics_count[index]['topics']     # 获取用例步骤
                # 写前提条件
                if 'topics' in topic_topics[0]:
                    qianti_topics = topic_topics[0]['topics']
                    qianti_topics_j = []
                    for title in qianti_topics:
                        qianti_topics = title['title'].encode('utf-8')    # unicode编码转str
                        qianti_topics_j.append(qianti_topics)         # 追加内容
                        qianti = "\n".join([str(e) for e in qianti_topics_j])  # 拼接并换行
                        ws.write(rowIndex, columnIndex + 1, qianti)
                # 写步骤
                step_topics = topic_topics[1]['topics']
                step_topics_j = []
                for title in step_topics:
                    step_topics = title['title'].encode('utf-8')
                    step = "\n".join([str(e) for e in step_topics_j])    # 拼接多个步骤并换行
                    ws.write(rowIndex, columnIndex + 2, step)
                # 写预期结果
                yuqi_topics = topic_topics[2]['topics']
                yuqi_topics_j = []
                for title in yuqi_topics:
                    yuqi_topics = title['title'].encode('utf-8')
                    yuqi = "\n".join([str(e) for e in yuqi_topics_j])
                    ws.write(rowIndex, columnIndex + 3, yuqi)
                rowIndex += 1
        # 写系统版本,功能模块
        system_version = case_title + '-' + case_title_s
        for i in range(0, caseCount):
            ws.write(i+1, 0, system_version)
        print('用例总数%s:' % caseCount)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # 用例地址
        file_path = 'Iot Platform V2.1系统管理优化用例.xmind'
        save_file = 'export.xlsx'
        # 首层画布
        xmind_origin = xmind_to_dict(file_path)
        # 用例标题
        case_title = xmind_origin[0]['topic']['title']
        case_title_s = xmind_origin[0]['topic']['topics'][0]['title']        # 获取功能模块
        # 主用例
        case_topics = xmind_origin[0]['topic']['topics']
        # 取出单个模块的功能用例
        case_topics_count = case_topics[0]['topics']
        # 需要把功能点title记录下来,以便进行匹配
        main_topic = []
        for topic in case_topics_count:
        # 使用xlwt模块
        wb = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Test', cell_overwrite_ok=True)
        # 用例集遍历
        get_xmind_zen_dict(ws, main_topic)
        # 保存Excel文档


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/relustarry/p/15526022.html
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