• Silverlight 2 Beta 2发布

    早就知道Silverlight 2 Beta 2要在本周末发布。昨晚没有等到。今天一早终于等到了。

    Microsoft Silverlight Tools Beta 2 for Visual Studio 2008

    The Microsoft® Silverlight™ 2 SDK Beta 2 Documentation

    Microsoft Silverlight 2 Software Development Kit

    Expression Blend 2.5 June Preview

    Deep Zoom Composer

    另外,很多重要的控件开发商,也在逐步推出Silverlight 2的控件了

    ComponentOne Studio® for Silverlight Pre-release

    AgDataGrid Suite for Silverlight


    • UI Framework: Beta 2 includes improvements in animation support, error handling and reporting, automation and accessibility support, keyboard input support, and general performance. This release also provides more compatibility between Silverlight and WPF.
    • UI框架的加强:Beta 2 包含在动画支持、错误处理和报表,自动化和易访问性方面的支持、键盘输入的支持和常用性能方面都有所提高。这个版本也提供了在Silverlight和WPF之间更好的兼容性。
    • Rich Controls: Beta 2 includes a new templating model called Visual State Manager that allows for easier templating for controls. Other features include the introduction of a TabControl, text wrapping and scrollbars for TextBox.  DataGrid additions include Autosize, Reorder, Sort, performance increases and more. Most controls are now in the runtime instead of packaged with the application.
    • 丰富的控件:Beta 2包含了新的称为视觉状态管理器(Visual State Manager)的模板化模型,允许对控件进行更容易的模板化。也包含了其他的一些控件和特性:如TabControl、TextBox的文本折行和滚动条支持。DataGrid额外添加了Autosize、Reorder、Sort、性能提高等等。很多控件现在已经加入到运行时的程序集了,而不是和应用程序打包在一起了。
    • Networking Support: Beta 2 includes improved Cross Domain support and security enhancements, upload support for WebClient, and duplex communications (“push” from server to Silverlight client).
    • 网络支持:Beta 2包含了对跨域支持的加强和安全方面的加强,WebClient支持上传和双向同学(以及从服务器“推”数据到Silverlight客户端)
    • Rich Base Class Library: Beta 2 includes improved threading abilities, LINQ-to-JSON, ADO.NET Data Services support, better support for SOAP and other improvements to make networking and data handling easier.
    • 丰富的基类库:Beta 2包含了线程功能的增强,LINQ to JSOn、ADO.NET Data Services的支持,对SOAP更好的支持,以及让网络和数据处理更容易的其他增强。
    • Deep Zoom: Beta 2 introduces a new XML-based file format for Deep Zoom image tiles as well as a new MultiScaleTileSource that enables existing tile databases to utilize Deep Zoom. Better, event driven notification for zoom/pan state is another improvement in Silverlight 2 Beta 2.
    • Deep Zoom更好的支持:Beta 2引入了针对Deep Zoom图像块的基于XML的文件格式,以及一个新的MultiScaleTileSource对象来实现把现存的图片块数据库转换为Deep Zoom。针对缩放更好的,事件驱动的提醒是Silvelight 2 Beta 2中的有一个增强。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/redmoon/p/1215508.html
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