• Solr4.8.0源码分析(20)之SolrCloud的Recovery策略(一)




    1. Recovery的起因


    • SolrCloud启动的时候,主要由于在建索引的时候发生意外关闭,导致一些shard的数据与leader不一致,那么在启动的时候刚起的shard就会从leader那里同步数据。
    • SolrCloud在进行leader选举中出现错误,一般出现在leader宕机引起replica进行选举成leader过程中。
    • SolrCloud在进行update时候,由于某种原因leader转发update至replica没有成功,会迫使replica进行recoverying进行数据同步。


        之前在<Solr4.8.0源码分析(15) 之 SolrCloud索引深入(2)>中讲到,不管update请求发送到哪个shard 分片中,最后在solrcloud里面进行分发的顺序都是从Leader发往Replica。Leader接受到update请求后先将document放入自己的索引文件以及update写入ulog中,然后将update同时转发给各个Replica分片。这就流程在就是之前讲到的add的索引链过程。


     1 private void doFinish() {
     2     // TODO: if not a forward and replication req is not specified, we could
     3     // send in a background thread
     5     cmdDistrib.finish();
     6     List<Error> errors = cmdDistrib.getErrors();
     7     // TODO - we may need to tell about more than one error...
     9     // if its a forward, any fail is a problem - 
    10     // otherwise we assume things are fine if we got it locally
    11     // until we start allowing min replication param
    12     if (errors.size() > 0) {
    13       // if one node is a RetryNode, this was a forward request
    14       if (errors.get(0).req.node instanceof RetryNode) {
    15         rsp.setException(errors.get(0).e);
    16       } else {
    17         if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
    18           for (Error error : errors) {
    19             log.warn("Error sending update", error.e);
    20           }
    21         }
    22       }
    23       // else
    24       // for now we don't error - we assume if it was added locally, we
    25       // succeeded 
    26     }
    29     // if it is not a forward request, for each fail, try to tell them to
    30     // recover - the doc was already added locally, so it should have been
    31     // legit
    33     for (final SolrCmdDistributor.Error error : errors) {
    34       if (error.req.node instanceof RetryNode) {
    35         // we don't try to force a leader to recover
    36         // when we cannot forward to it
    37         continue;
    38       }
    39       // TODO: we should force their state to recovering ??
    40       // TODO: do retries??
    41       // TODO: what if its is already recovering? Right now recoveries queue up -
    42       // should they?
    43       final String recoveryUrl = error.req.node.getBaseUrl();
    45       Thread thread = new Thread() {
    46         {
    47           setDaemon(true);
    48         }
    49         @Override
    50         public void run() {
    51           log.info("try and ask " + recoveryUrl + " to recover");
    52           HttpSolrServer server = new HttpSolrServer(recoveryUrl);
    53           try {
    54             server.setSoTimeout(60000);
    55             server.setConnectionTimeout(15000);
    57             RequestRecovery recoverRequestCmd = new RequestRecovery();
    58             recoverRequestCmd.setAction(CoreAdminAction.REQUESTRECOVERY);
    59             recoverRequestCmd.setCoreName(error.req.node.getCoreName());
    60             try {
    61               server.request(recoverRequestCmd);
    62             } catch (Throwable t) {
    63               SolrException.log(log, recoveryUrl
    64                   + ": Could not tell a replica to recover", t);
    65             }
    66           } finally {
    67             server.shutdown();
    68           }
    69         }
    70       };
    71       ExecutorService executor = req.getCore().getCoreDescriptor().getCoreContainer().getUpdateShardHandler().getUpdateExecutor();
    72       executor.execute(thread);
    74     }

    2. Recovery的总体流程


    • 在RequestRecovery请求判断中,我例举了一部分(不是全部)请求命令,这是正常的索引链过程。
    • 如果接受到的是RequestRecovery命令,那么本分片就会启动RecoveryStrategy线程来进行Recovery。
    1       // if true, we are recovering after startup and shouldn't have (or be receiving) additional updates (except for local tlog recovery)
    2       boolean recoveringAfterStartup = recoveryStrat == null;
    4       recoveryStrat = new RecoveryStrategy(cc, cd, this);
    5       recoveryStrat.setRecoveringAfterStartup(recoveringAfterStartup);
    6       recoveryStrat.start();
    7       recoveryRunning = true;
    • 分片会设置分片的状态recoverying。需要指出的是如果一旦检测到本分片成为了leader,那么Recovery过程就会退出。因为Recovery是从leader中同步数据的。
    1         zkController.publish(core.getCoreDescriptor(), ZkStateReader.RECOVERING);
    • 这里要判断下firsttime是否为true(在重启分片的时候会检查之前是否进行replication且没做完就被关闭了),firsttime是控制是否先进入PeerSync Recovery策略的,如果为false则跳过PeerSync进入Replicate。
     1     if (recoveringAfterStartup) {
     2       // if we're recovering after startup (i.e. we have been down), then we need to know what the last versions were
     3       // when we went down.  We may have received updates since then.
     4       recentVersions = startingVersions;
     5       try {
     6         if ((ulog.getStartingOperation() & UpdateLog.FLAG_GAP) != 0) {
     7           // last operation at the time of startup had the GAP flag set...
     8           // this means we were previously doing a full index replication
     9           // that probably didn't complete and buffering updates in the
    10           // meantime.
    11           log.info("Looks like a previous replication recovery did not complete - skipping peer sync. core="
    12               + coreName);
    13           firstTime = false; // skip peersync
    14         }
    15       } catch (Exception e) {
    16         SolrException.log(log, "Error trying to get ulog starting operation. core="
    17             + coreName, e);
    18         firstTime = false; // skip peersync
    19       }
    20     }
    • 最后进行选择进入是PeerSync策略和Replicate策略,在<Solr In Action 笔记(4) 之 SolrCloud分布式索引基础>中简单提到过两者的区别。关于具体的不同将在后面两节详细介绍。
      • Peer sync, 如果中断的时间较短,recovering node只是丢失少量update请求,那么它可以从leader的update log中获取。这个临界值是100个update请求,如果大于100,就会从leader进行完整的索引快照恢复。
      • Replication, 如果节点下线太久以至于不能从leader那进行同步,它就会使用solr的基于http进行索引的快照恢复。
    • 最后设置分片的状态为active。并判断是否是sucessfulrrecovery,如果否则会多出尝试Recovery。



  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rcfeng/p/4145349.html
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