• dojo/dom dojo/domConstruct dojo/query


    require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/domReady!"], function(dom) {
    	var one = dom.byId("one");
        function setText(node, text){
            node = dom.byId(node);
            node.innerHTML = text;
        setText(one, "One has been set");
        setText("two", "Two has been set as well");


    • parameters

      • node name,
      • properties of the node(json),
      • parent/sibling node,
      • optional position in ref to the parent/sibling node (last by default)
    • example

    require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/domReady!"], function(dom, domConstruct) {
       var list = dom.byId("swlist");
       domConstruct.create("li", {
           innerHTML: "Seven",
           className: "seven",
           style: {
               fontWeight: "bold"
       }, list);
       // or 
       domConstruct.create("li", {
           innerHTML: "Three and a half"
       }, list, "after");


    • parameters

      • node to place,
      • node as a reference,
      • optional position (last by default)
    • example

    require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/on", "dojo/domReady!"], function(dom, domConstruct, on) {
        function moveFirst(){
            var list = dom.byId("list"),
                three = dom.byId("three");
            domConstruct.place(three, list, "first");
            // 把three place到list的第一个位置
            //  "before", "after", "replace", "only", "first", 以及 "last"
        on(dom.byId("moveFirst"), "click", moveFirst);

    domConstruct.destory domConstruct.empty

    • the same as jQuery
    • domConstruct.destroy which will destroy a node and all of its children
    • domConstruct.empty will only destroy the children of a given node
    • example
    require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/on", "dojo/domReady!"], function(dom, domConstruct, on) {
        function destroyFirst(){
            var list = dom.byId("list"),
                items = list.getElementsByTagName("li");
        on(dom.byId("destroyFirst"), "click", destroyFirst);

    query from dojo/query

    • query returns an array of nodes that match the selector; this array is actually a dojo/NodeList
    require(["dojo/query", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/dom", "dojo/NodeList-dom", "dojo/domReady!"], function (query, domClass, dom) {
        // retrieve an array of nodes with the class name "odd"
        // from the first list using a selector
        var odds1 = query("#list .odd");
        // retrieve an array of nodes with the class name "odd"
        // from the first list using a DOM node
        // same as above
        var odds2 = query(".odd", dom.byId("list"));
        // retrieve an array of nodes with the ID "list"
        var list = query("#list")[0];
        query(".odd").forEach(function(node, index, nodelist){
            // for each node in the array returned by query,
            // execute the following code
            domClass.add(node, "red");
        // `forEach` is a function from `NodeList'
        // `map`, `filter`, `every`, and `some` (also return a NodeList fro easy chaining)
        // `dojo/NodeList-dom` extends `NodeLists`
        query(".even").style("color", "white").addClass("italic");
        // funtions from NodeList-dom `style`, `toggleClass`, `replaceClass`, `place`, and `empty`, `addClass`, `removeClass`
        // a `on` function is provided in `NodeList`
        query(".hookUp").on("click", function(){
            alert("This button is hooked up (via NodeList on method) !");
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/raybiolee/p/5722220.html
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