try: import ipdb except: import pdb as ipdb ipdb.set_trace()
# coding=utf-8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.pylab as pylab import requests from io import BytesIO from PIL import Image import numpy as np # this makes our figures bigger pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, 12 from maskrcnn_benchmark.config import cfg from predictor import COCODemo config_file = "../configs/caffe2/e2e_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x_caffe2.yaml" #config_file = "../configs/e2e_mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml" # update the config options with the config file cfg.merge_from_file(config_file) # manual override some options cfg.merge_from_list(["MODEL.DEVICE", "cuda"]) # only "cuda" and "cpu" are valid device types coco_demo = COCODemo( cfg, min_image_size=800, confidence_threshold=0.7, ) def load(url): """ Given an url of an image, downloads the image and returns a PIL image """ response = requests.get(url) pil_image = Image.open(BytesIO(response.content)).convert("RGB") # convert to BGR format image = np.array(pil_image)[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] return image def imshow(img): plt.imshow(img[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]) plt.axis("off") plt.show() # from http://cocodataset.org/#explore?id=345434 image = load("http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2469/3915380994_2e611b1779_z.jpg") # image = Image.open("474797538.jpg").convert("RGB") # image = np.array(image)[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] #imshow(image) # compute predictions predictions = coco_demo.run_on_opencv_image(image) imshow(predictions)
在predictor.py文件中核心函数def compute_prediction(self, original_image):下的变量信息:
然后进入核心函数:predictions = self.model(image_list),跳入generalized_rcnn.py文件,中def forward(self, images, targets=None):函数;
经过features = self.backbone(images.tensors)函数,使用各种基网络(如ResNet-50_FPN)提取各个stage的特征图;然后使用feature map进行RPN及ROI pooling操作;
-> features变量信息,tuple类型,5个特征图的tensor:
ipdb> p features.size() *** AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'size' ipdb> p features.shape() *** AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'shape' ipdb> p features[0].shape() *** TypeError: 'torch.Size' object is not callable ipdb> p features[0].size() torch.Size([1, 256, 200, 272]) ipdb> p features[1].size() torch.Size([1, 256, 100, 136]) ipdb> p features[2].size() torch.Size([1, 256, 50, 68]) ipdb> p features[3].size() torch.Size([1, 256, 25, 34]) ipdb> p features[4].size() torch.Size([1, 256, 13, 17])
->经过rpn网络得到候选框:proposals, proposal_losses = self.rpn(images, features, targets)
ipdb> targets ipdb> p targets None ipdb> p images <maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.image_list.ImageList object at 0x7f5128049f28> ipdb> p proposal_losses {} ipdb> p proposals [BoxList(num_boxes=1000, image_width=1066, image_height=800, mode=xyxy)]
-> 然后经过fast rcnn网络,x, result, detector_losses = self.roi_heads(features, proposals, targets); 这部分有在roi_heads.py文件中,由两分支组成:检测分支和分割分支组成;
->在roi_heads.py文件的forward()中:x, detections, loss_box = self.box(features, proposals, targets)得到检测结果,
def forward(self, features, proposals, targets=None): """ Arguments: features (list[Tensor]): feature-maps from possibly several levels proposals (list[BoxList]): proposal boxes targets (list[BoxList], optional): the ground-truth targets. Returns: x (Tensor): the result of the feature extractor proposals (list[BoxList]): during training, the subsampled proposals are returned. During testing, the predicted boxlists are returned losses (dict[Tensor]): During training, returns the losses for the head. During testing, returns an empty dict. """ if self.training: # Faster R-CNN subsamples during training the proposals with a fixed # positive / negative ratio with torch.no_grad(): proposals = self.loss_evaluator.subsample(proposals, targets) # extract features that will be fed to the final classifier. The # feature_extractor generally corresponds to the pooler + heads x = self.feature_extractor(features, proposals) # final classifier that converts the features into predictions class_logits, box_regression = self.predictor(x) if not self.training: result = self.post_processor((class_logits, box_regression), proposals) return x, result, {} loss_classifier, loss_box_reg = self.loss_evaluator( [class_logits], [box_regression] ) return ( x, proposals, dict(loss_classifier=loss_classifier, loss_box_reg=loss_box_reg), )
->筛选出来的1000个proposals,提取1024维特征; 最终有效box剩88个;
ipdb> x.shape torch.Size([1000, 1024]) ipdb> detections.shape *** AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'shape' ipdb> detections.size() *** AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'size' ipdb> len(detections) 1 ipdb> detections [BoxList(num_boxes=88, image_width=1066, image_height=800, mode=xyxy)]
-> 利用检测的结果,经过mask分支:x, detections, loss_mask = self.mask(mask_features, detections, targets); mask分支:
def forward(self, features, proposals, targets=None): """ Arguments: features (list[Tensor]): feature-maps from possibly several levels proposals (list[BoxList]): proposal boxes targets (list[BoxList], optional): the ground-truth targets. Returns: x (Tensor): the result of the feature extractor proposals (list[BoxList]): during training, the original proposals are returned. During testing, the predicted boxlists are returned with the `mask` field set losses (dict[Tensor]): During training, returns the losses for the head. During testing, returns an empty dict. """ if self.training: # during training, only focus on positive boxes all_proposals = proposals proposals, positive_inds = keep_only_positive_boxes(proposals) if self.training and self.cfg.MODEL.ROI_MASK_HEAD.SHARE_BOX_FEATURE_EXTRACTOR: x = features x = x[torch.cat(positive_inds, dim=0)] else: x = self.feature_extractor(features, proposals) mask_logits = self.predictor(x) if not self.training: result = self.post_processor(mask_logits, proposals) return x, result, {} loss_mask = self.loss_evaluator(proposals, mask_logits, targets) return x, all_proposals, dict(loss_mask=loss_mask)
->x为maks分支特征的tensor,变成[88, 256, 14, 14],返回的detections就是box+mask的内容
ipdb> x.shape torch.Size([88, 256, 14, 14]) ipdb> detections [BoxList(num_boxes=88, image_width=1066, image_height=800, mode=xyxy)] ipdb> loss_mask {}